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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15920233 No.15920233 [Reply] [Original]

I hate ironing my god damn shirt. I hate wearing an uncomfortable collar shirt and tucking it in. I hate wearing uncomfortable dress shoes. Fuck this dumb dress code, and fuck the boomers who low key uphold this dumb idea.

And no I don't want to work at some SJW place where gays and trannies are put on pedestals. Where you have to take a company photo during pride month wearing a company graphic tee with a rainbow on it. You basedboys can take those jobs. ..."but, but we have a foosball table!!!" ..."we get free onions in the company fridge" -dumb brainwashed zoomer

This post if for all the real bizness men who work at traditional firms like in the financial industry.

>> No.15920245

>You basedboys can take those jobs
WTF its supposed to say basedboys

>> No.15920254

>>You basedboys can take those jobs
>WTF its supposed to say basedboys

>> No.15920262

>>>You basedboys can take those jobs
>>WTF its supposed to say basedboys
50Y B0YZ

>> No.15920283


>> No.15920307

>i hate the respectable corporate suit attire
>i also hate numale/cuck ideologies
Pick one

>> No.15920373

Work would be a lot more chill if we could wear tanks and board shorts. Going into an office isn't necessary either when we can just meet up and talk in VR Chat.

>> No.15920430

I choose to wear a dress shirt, tie, and slacks instead of a shitty polo uniform. I work at a university hospital, I gotta look good for all the bitches.

>> No.15920467


Am I being trolled? Why do all these numale /pol/ redditors come here and not know about filters?

Also, wearing business casual is based, you retard. I love looking like I actually give a shit and respect myself while disgusting grungy bearded skinny-fat cuckolds walk around in their beanies and hoodies. Dressing up every single day shows dedication and whether you like it or not, people immediately and automatically form opinions on you based SOLELY on your appearance.

>> No.15920479
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>caring what others think

>> No.15920480

get some non-iron dress shirts from brooks brothers. they look great right out of the dryer. get some slacks that have a little stretch to them and some clarks oxfords.

>> No.15920488

Business casual is fucking gay, you got that right. Either wear business formal or a fucking tshirt and jeans. Pick one.

>> No.15920624

This is the business board you filthy NEET. I know most of the cryptokiddies here LARP as computer programmers and whatnot, but in the real business world, you need people to respect you/like you/etc. There's no way around it, as much as NEETs want to pretend.

>I-I don't care what others think, that's why I haven't showered in two weeks and am 20 lbs overweight

>> No.15920657

The man said he wants to wear a tank top to work. Not much needs to be said after that.

>> No.15920688

Im a large ottormode muscle chad, pal. Its an absolute crime to keep these pythons and deltoid caps hidden.