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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15918640 No.15918640[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15918752

I can't wait to go to the bar and watch the game tonight

>> No.15918959

Reminder that an NPC is someone that doesn't make decisions for themselves. All they can do is react to the stimulus around them. Kind of like yes-men but confirmist-men.

For example: NPC's aren't able to adopt or form their own philosophy or way of life. They adopt what they see and basically become a social mirror.
Hence fads. Non-NPC's can however also just react to whatever they see and play monkey see monkey do, but they unlike NPC's possess the unique ability to think for themselves.
They are more likely to think twice before blindly falling into a honeypot or accepting whatever bullshit the shiniest guy in the room has to say.

The most mindbogling thing about today's western society is that anything that goes on the news, radio , talk show etc is instantly seen as the new norm by 95% of people who are dumb fuck NPCs. The rest 5% just keep quite or complain about it.
You young fucks are getting your world destroyed and instead of doing something about it you sit on facebook , instagram and netflix all day.

>> No.15919047

Thanks for the explanation boomer
now please die

>> No.15919090
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I'd n my p in her c if you know what im saying

>> No.15919110

Hey anon! what did you do this weekend?

>> No.15919129


>> No.15919159
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>> No.15919184


>> No.15919208

Movie coming out called"Free Guy" starring Ryan Reynolds as a man who realizes he is an NPC in a video game. Once again our memes have influenced reality.