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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15915156 No.15915156 [Reply] [Original]

Oh my God, my job is SO BORING. I'm basically a corporate janitor and craftsman but I order the stuff to be done rather than do anything. And I'm a few steps removed from that. And instead of satisfying physical things or elegant software, it's IT legacy shit and internal enterprise software.

Today I arrived in the office. For the first 40 minutes I learned how to use the scanner and scanned a page and applied for some days off to go on mandatory training courses. I then sat in a meeting where I didn't know what was going on. Then my manager arrived and we sat and listened to a remote meeting where I didn't know what was going on. Then I did minor stuff. Now it's the middle of my lunch break, which is only 30 minutes long, so basically nothing. I have to stay until 6 pm today because I didn't arrive until 10 am. It's currently 1:40 pm.

I started really recently so I have no idea how to really contribute but the work seems boring and incremental anyway.

If I had gone to Oxbridge I would be at McKinsey, wiping out and creating entire business units every week

I could ask my boss to give me work but if he has no work then he knows I will be doing nothing. And he sits next to me.

>> No.15915161

No one cares

>> No.15915169
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can't relate, but good luck fren

>> No.15916175


>> No.15916202

Welcome to the fun and exciting world of wageslavery. Just wait a few months and you’ll be so overwhelmed with meaningless bullshit tasks that you’ll start to lose sleep over it.

>> No.15916210


Stay put buddy. Everything's gonna be alright. Be shameless and do what you can. Save money, work at alternative things after work. Educate yourself and keep looking for other jobs.

Stay put. Be tenacious. That's it.

>> No.15916280

>doesn't crave the rush of correcting shitty software written by some retard

>> No.15916365

read an excel book faggot

>> No.15916381

I'm in the same position as you. This sucks but look to move to another company or role.

Being a fuckijg wageslave sucks

>> No.15916464


>> No.15916598

>tfw resigning felt like more of an accomplishment than anything related to the job

>> No.15916817
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Sure, then get some scumbag with no skills steal your project.

I'm also in a dead end job like that. Most of the time I teach another guy with a degree in CS how to do basic things. He doesn't know how to turn off the antivirus, what RX/TX means on HDMI to Ethernet boxes, how to assemble and install Windows on a computer, how to configure a firewall for basic site-to-site VPN...

If not running a side-hustle on Etsy I would go on a killing spree

I'm hired as a software engineer but my boss doesn't want me to develop any only maintain existing systems.

>> No.15916848



>> No.15917209

good thing uni doesn't teach critical thinking skills
sounds like your entire job could be replaced with youtube tutorials

>> No.15917309

It's the greatest scam in history.

>> No.15917565 [DELETED] 

OP here. I had to lead a meeting where I had to BS. It felt so demoralising.

I was the last person in the office so I looked up the other young people (who I had met last week, and who were all disgusted by my ugliness) who worked near me on LinkedIn and they all went to the best universities in Britain. They fit in more and will always be considered smarter than me and they'll get the insider tips on promotions.

And the related LinkedIn profiles were people 4 years younger than me working in investment banks.

>> No.15917790
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>> No.15917925

Stick with it for now anon, learn what useful skills you can at your current job, build rapport with your boss, then start looking for something better after a while. Don't leave your job for no good reason and certaintly not if you don't have another one lined up, your employment history is like your credit score and you want to build it up over time and avoid damaging it. When you do start searching for new jobs in the future, learn as much as you can about the employer, workplace etc... before-hand; it may even be worthwhile to seek out someone who works the same/similiar type of job that you are considering for the same employer and talk to them about their work.

>> No.15917973
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Guy just emailed me BTW, calls a PCI-E SSD a "SATA SSD"...

>> No.15918033
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Run some other gig from out there. Repair consoles or something. They won't tell the difference.

>> No.15918066


oh boy let me guess they get paid much more than you right?

I feel you

>> No.15918125

How did you even get hired? You seem incompetent and have nothing to do. Wtf is your job title?

>> No.15918136

lol are you the mcdonalds binger who gets depressed when he sees pretty ladies?

>> No.15918141


>> No.15918174

Why are you showing me a video of some nigger?

>> No.15918194

Usually it's the management that is incompetent and keeps failing upwards.
I was not long ago taking over a badly managed business, was the I.T. guy there to secure the servers from the owner trying to trash them.
There was a guy with me who was an "IT Forensics Specialist" that didn't know that it will take him all day to copy the transaction data using the black USB port, doesn't understand the bandwidth difference between blue and black (2.0, 3.0)...

>> No.15918211

Just watch it

>> No.15918215

>There was a guy with me who was an "IT Forensics Specialist" that didn't know that it will take him all day to copy the transaction data using the black USB port, doesn't understand the bandwidth difference between blue and black (2.0, 3.0)...

Probably his specialty wasn't in keeping up with trends in consumer gadgets but data forensics. No need to write off his specialization because of one minor mistake.

>> No.15918230

Yeah nah

up yours

>> No.15918231

OP, join this Discord server -bTNQ4px

>> No.15918241

Haha, that's great. It's a basic thing. It's like an accountant not knowing percentages.
specialization my ass

>> No.15918275

Strong agree there lmfao

>> No.15918283

I had to tell that moron by the way to check for back-door access in firewall rules.

>> No.15918403


>Be IT Forensics Specialist
>Called in to take care of some servers from a failed business
>Stuck with some little know it all retard who had to be there to keep the business owner busy so I could get on with the important work
>Know it all retard keeps trying to tell me how to do my job
>Humour him and go along with whatever he says just to make him shut the fuck up so I can concentrate
>Now that little retard thinks he's an expert

>> No.15918503

I didn't say dick, until he asked for help. I try not to tell people how to do their job. I have other shit to do.

>> No.15918515

Actually before the copying *over bottlenecked USB 2.08* started he asked me how to connect a monitor

>> No.15918541
File: 27 KB, 511x428, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK IT mine is suspiciously comfy that it's bizarre
>joined a well-known defense contractor corporation (state-owned) as a junior programmer.
>get picked up by a shuttle every morning, three minutes walk away from where I live.
>Big closed office which I share with another guy who's really nice and pretty much a 27 years old bloomer
>very lenient team leader that's always busy and lets me do the easiest tasks imaginable.
>spent most of my time reading cool articles that exist in the company's internal net.
>go home 16:30 by the same said shuttle.

Honestly, I feel like I'm draining taxpayers money

>> No.15918608
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Sell the database to the Chinese as a side-hustle