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File: 62 KB, 534x564, garden wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15911841 No.15911841 [Reply] [Original]

Codename: "Gardenboy"

/bbg/ is a series of threads for bloomers; generally 20-something anons that have grown past their doomer phase and decided to focus on self-improvement and bettering the world around them. We realize that injustice is a core aspect of our world, and accept that rather than attempting to change it. The ultimate goal of a bloomer is to whitepill themselves and others around them, so that we may all learn to appreciate the beautiful lives we have been given.

MotD: I'm kinda thinking about starting a little garden. Nothing big, probably just a flowerbed. Any thoughts?

>> No.15911844


>> No.15911849

That's not very nice, anon!

>> No.15911850

Ur are going to die without having children nor ever sleeping with a woman who isn’t overweight.

>> No.15911859

Shame, I really wanted to have a kid.

>> No.15911952

still looking for garden advice.

>> No.15911972

See >>15911850 for more pressing advice anon

>> No.15911981

that's not the advice i want. i think i'll ignore it.

>> No.15912023

So this is the group that has been spamming all the gay porn

>> No.15912037

Yeah, it's kinda weird. The ideology splits we have here don't really make a lot of sense.

>> No.15912045
File: 14 KB, 184x184, smokingpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what type of garden you tryna start up Gardenboy, a magic garden ?

>> No.15912059

Oh, nothing that edgy. I'm not looking to get into legal trouble, though I have nothing against the bud. I just wanted to try growing some pretty flowers.

>> No.15912073

So you going to sell the flowers or what? What's /biz/ about this?

>> No.15912088

/biz/ to me is as much about improving one's self as improving one's income

>> No.15912100
File: 1.26 MB, 640x480, 1571013589766.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shadilay, preach Gardenboy.

>> No.15912135

Bud is unbased
Mushrooms based

>> No.15912223
File: 212 KB, 550x608, d43f71304a3218d0d99322a5b8e313c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you just want to grow flowers, then you need to know the following things:
Your climate
Your soil
Your goal

You need to know the zone of your place, so that you can buy appropriate plants that will survive your climate. Go outside and dig up some of your soil. Is it rocky? Is it sandy? Is it clay? Is it just black soil? Red? Learn some basic soil science. Realize that plants are living things that have specific needs. It's very hard to change environment to match plants, but it's not hard to choose plants that match your environment. Lastly, try to have a picture of what you want your garden to be. Work towards to that picture.

>> No.15912246

Thanks, anon! I really appreciate the advice from someone who seems very knowledgeable. I'll make sure to do lots of research so I can have the garden of my dreams!

>> No.15912273

How does one overcome the doomer stage and reject the blackpill? Try as I may nothing ever goes right for me and there are so many external factors out of my control that are keeping me pinned down in a hole of misery.

>> No.15912297

You have to let go of yourself and realize that you are nothing in the mass of everything. Ultimately, we are insignificant, and only once you internalize that can you become bigger than yourself. My whitepill came at rock bottom for me. Maybe it'll take something similar for you, but I couldn't tell you. It all comes down to refusing to be stubborn, and letting it all go.

>> No.15912303
File: 625 KB, 1024x1158, Brilliant-Diy-Cinder-Block-Garden-Design-Ideas-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An herb garden is a good way to start and to improve your food if you do any cooking for yourself at all (10 cent ramen packets included). For most herbs to grow well you will need to be sure it gets at least 3 hours of direct sunlight daily however. Working right now on moving up from plastic pots to cinder block garden like pic. Of course, unless you have a greenhouse or are in the southern hemisphere you probably wont be able to get started until next spring sadly.

If you want to plant something right now, its prime planting season for garlic and onions!

>> No.15912304

I dont know a lot about about flowers, but if you want to grow produce, cucumbers are very easy to grow and they are delicious. On top of this even a single cucumber plant can produce a ton of cucumbers so you can gift them or since this is /biz/ sell them

>> No.15912309

You have the right spirit, though. I can tell that one day you will come to realize the beauty of life and how things simply are. External factors do not control you. You control you, and you can change if you believe in yourself enough.

>> No.15912333

An herb garden sounds really nice, as I want to get into cooking as well. I've always been pretty good with picking out the right seasonings, and fresh garlic sounds like a treat to me!
I think I remember my mother growing peppers, cucumbers, and squash. I might decide to do that if I go down the produce route. They all seem to grow well in the area, if I can recall.

Thanks for the advice, guys!

>> No.15912392
File: 186 KB, 768x540, ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try some garlic so you can get planting right away! I planted some elephant garlic this year. Huge mild cloves. As a bonus, it makes kinda neat flowers that apparently sell well to florists.

>> No.15912428

Those look insanely cool! I might go for that.

>> No.15912431

I've hit rock bottom believe me. I've spent years living in a tent and almost freezing to death in the winter and I've been in and out of jails and rehabs. I got my shit together a couple of years ago and got back into school but my overbearing mother forced me onto antidepressants when I wasn't depressed, I was actually very content. Well they made me crash so hard I didnt get out of bed for 2 months and i failed all my classes. I now owe student aid and the college like 6 grand on top of all my drug addict debt. I've tried getting jobs that are decent, and get hired only to be fired 3 days later when my background check comes back. I've tried to make things better but nothing works. I now work a shitty job making fuck all and live with my parents. I've become so cynical of everything and I know it's just holding me back. I just grew a shitload of mushrooms though and I'm hoping they might give me some insight or a breakthrough. But I don't know.

>> No.15912445

Tell you what, watch this video and tell me what you think.

>> No.15913018

Rebirthing the thread, let's talk about life. How's everyone doing tonight?

>> No.15913028

You’re gay as hell

>> No.15913044

I'm just happy, man

>> No.15913067

Not so good. I'm in a decent unit studying aerospace engineering. Classes are going fine it's just that I haven't been able to make a single friend since I've been here. I have a bunch of friends from high school that I talk to regularly but still. Going on 5 semesters now. I feel bored and apathetic and lonely and anxious all at once. Its torture.

>> No.15913074

Put yourself out there, anon. Don't ever be afraid to try making new friends!

>> No.15913088

I'm doing well. I got my degree and I'm working a job that I like with a clear career progression in mind. Within a year or two I'll be making enough money to have some kids with my wife and finally start my own garden.

I want to have a garden of perennials so that they'll come back every year with minimal effort.

>> No.15913108

That sounds like a nice life to have! I'm happy for you and your wife, and hope things turn out for the best. :)

>> No.15913280

I'm listening to some Stevie Wonder right now. What do you guys listen to casually?

>> No.15913322

Most important ingredient in gardening is time anon. My grandpa who retired at 33 thought me that. Looking forward to havibg my own garden + dog someday

>> No.15913331

Your grandpa sounds like a wise man, anon. If he retired at 33, he must have had plenty of time to refine his gardening skills!

>> No.15913337

I'm gonna call this thread quitters general actually. If your not 100% sure society is a stage for the illuminati that they will crash and burn on purpose, then you were honestly never commited and just a transitory normie going through an edgy phase. You probably unironically even listened to death metal or something and pretended you were depressed. Fucking normie-chan, just go back already you dumb "bloomers". Probably smell like niggers too.

>> No.15913347

You seem kind of like a sour person, so I think I'll ignore you. I think you'd get a better experience in this thread if you weren't so cynical towards life.

>> No.15913381

And you seem like a domesticated cow. Mooooo normie, moo for me. If I poke you in your 401k will you do a little jig for me? It's not cynicism so much as it is realizing most retards are ok giving up their free will so they can blame their problems on someone else. Maybe you bloomers have realized that, but the only conclusion then is you have to do some pretty aweful stuff to protect your herd of normies. I think you "bloomers" are just scared of a little original thinking and would rather follow the path of dead grass behind the older cows who pretend they are happy, if you catch my drift.

>> No.15913390

My problems are my own. I work to better myself every day. I truly am happy, and you are nobody to tell me otherwise. If you want to stay mopey, that's your issue. However, I will politely ask you to not bring your baggage into my thread. You are not welcome here if you attack others.

>> No.15913423

It is in my free will to attack you, and as such I do what I want, because doing what you want and facing your own problems is a great treasure isn't it anon? I just happen to think the problems you perceive are very small, and by extension you give your free will to another man by not grasping the full reality around you. Fortunately those of us who look around can find it very easy to stick you in a box and the onus is on you to escape.

>> No.15913443

Yes, and I have the ability and willpower to stand here all night long and stubbornly deflect all your doomer views, so feel free to keep posting in this thread if you are so inclined. If the people I wish to associate with by making this thread are anything like me, they will stubbornly refuse to accept your doomeristic worldview as well. Living in sadness and pain is no way to live, friend.

>> No.15913470

That is where your misconception is sir. As I said, listening to death metal and being suicidal is not a "doomer", its a poser you continue to confuse me for a mopey poser individual when the opposite is true. No no, it is invigorating, a tapestry of death and emotion and control you can see sprawled out futher then you can comprehend. Knowing that this is truly a once in a lifetime oppurtunity to reach up, maybe unravel the tapestry, maybe tear it all down, maybe make a whole new one, its all very exciting and lively. Yet you choose to sit there and look at the tapestry and hope it doesn't strike you too hard. Truly its pathetic

>> No.15913481

And you definitely can think that, just as I can think you're a bit too edgy.

>> No.15913542

Yes well, thankfully normies self select themselves out of intelligent discussion, so I dont have to pay mind to what they think often. A culture based entirely around mediatory practices meets chaotic conformity is in pretty abundant supply already, and frankly very reddit like.

>> No.15913547

Being edgy isn't the same as being intelligent, and if you're intelligent you should know that.

>> No.15913604

If you noticed I didn't conflate my intelligence with being edgy specifically because of that, my wording was precise, that I think you are intelligent and have not taken heed to being called edgy by others. In truth I do imply you are somewhat normie like for putting what I would conflate to ideological blinders onto yourself, and I probably won't take heed to you either however, more so just that I recognize how you see me.

However you will have to excuse me for ignoring your implications either way, I know how intelligent I am.