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15905303 No.15905303 [Reply] [Original]

>there are kids as young as 12 yo learning to code and build apps and will have 10 years experience by the time they graduate college
>tfw I wasted my teens playing WoW and Runescape
Anyone else born in the /90s/ here? I feel like we’re the only generation that missed out on the learn to code meme, post 2008 crypto and stock market boom, and now we’re in shitty dead end jobs unable to buy a house, car or gf.

>> No.15905310

You get the chance to buy crypto and hire these kids for dirt cheap for your own project since the market is going to be over saturated

>> No.15905315

If you had the time back you would waste it again subhuman.

>> No.15905545

Born in 96, millionaire as of 3 months ago. No excuses faggot

>> No.15905745
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>> No.15905895

I know OP, it hurts. At least we experienced the best years of the internet.

>> No.15905960
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> tfw I wanted to learn to code when I started high school back in 2003 but the teachers were morons and could bearly teach us to use word/excel
> tfw kids today have access to proper coding lessons while I slave away working in construction because that was "a promising career"
anybody else offing themselves on their 30th birthday ?

>> No.15905975

haha these. i mean zoom out OP. look at the market. its already way too saturated.

>> No.15905977

The best time to start was yesterday.
The second best time to start is today, faggot.

And their years dont mean shit if you act smart about it. a single productive hour of coding is better than a year of "coding" where he just watched youtube guides and copypaste tutorials.

>> No.15905982


Thank fuck for this anon, finally someone on this board talking sense.

Heed his advice OP, stop being a whiny little faggot and learn if you want to learn.

>> No.15905994

Started programming 1 year ago. All these young tards are idiots. Production ready apps make money, and that requires time management, dicipline, and meeting deadlines. I grabbed the market by the balls and have made 67 thousand to day this year. Not stupid ammounts but a nice for some passive money im getting on the side from my 9 to 5

>> No.15906018

Born in the 80s.
Was learning coding when I was like 10, in GWBasic, and then in Borland Turbo C. Then DJGPP for protected mode programming.

Got a copy of PCGPE (PC game programmers encyclopedia), learned to do programming and graphics via interrupts, VESA mode, drawing 3D using matrix math and trigonometry, and optimizations like Bresenham's algos or sin/cos lookup tables.

Even made some 3D demos in pure x86 assembly.
All done on my trusty 386DX running at 33MHz and my monochrome monitor (no mouse even).
All self-taught before I was even 16.

Everything you needed was already available then. I'd argue I'd never have learned all of that stuff if social media already existed back then, like now, I'm a Java senior software architect, having several corporate projects under my belt, with tons of certifications.

But all I do is shitpost all day or watch Twitch.

>> No.15906101

It doesn't matter. They still won't get jobs. Their only hope of making it with those skills will be to have connections to get their foot in the door or meet some wealthy investor that will bankroll their project and marketing costs.

>> No.15906200


pretty much, 6 months left

>> No.15906348

dont get caught up in this shit.
beta dads pressuring their kids to learn to code at age 8 doesnt seem the healthiest thing to me either. good way to fuck your kid up
also not everyone is the same. some people enjoy coding/programming full time others dont. programmers have a distinct personality and traits. to be honest the whole community and tech culture & lifestyle can be cringe a lot of time. majority of lefties and SJWs.

and also coding itself really seems not the same like it was years ago (financially) expect some special cases. yes it is a high paying skill that potentially could make you wealthy in the longterm. but you are still a wagecuck doing 9-5. so financial independency and passive income is a whole another thing....

>> No.15906360

Learn something else?

>> No.15906399

I was born in 2000, so not the 90's but I will say that most of my generation is retarded and don't know anything beyond installing an app on their mobile, I would say older generations are better off in coding because they at least know how a computer works, most of my friends only use mobile devices and have no idea what a fucking hard drive is.

>> No.15906469

>born in 2000s
Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.15906491

I'm 19, work in IT and am investing in crypto, what's so surprising about it?

>> No.15906499

damn runescape was great

>> No.15906505
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Zoomers are all fucking braindead from just staring at screens all day, they don't absorb anything

>investing in crypto

>> No.15906506

its 2020 in 3 months boomer

>> No.15906514

just create porn games with gamemaker: it's easy peasy and you take the money away from the degenerates to put it to better use

>> No.15907190


>> No.15907534

>Everything you needed was already available then.
not if you would have grown up during the 90s in a former soviet country
learning to code was a luxury we counldn't afford

>> No.15907815

he seems smarter than a nocoiner bear like you

>> No.15907840
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>> No.15907873
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You can literally become proficient in python in a few months. After that it might take you up to a year to git gud at whatever thing you want to code in whatever language. That is taking into account that you will study coding 2-3 hours a day which isn't a lot if you're really into it.
I mean I know most people are retards but even a retard can get a coding job after a year of studying if he applies himself.

>> No.15907876

>there are kids getting 10million USD trust funds at 18 and even if you’re the world best doctor you’ll still be a wageslave

>> No.15908487

what kind of apps do you build? asking for a friend

>> No.15908544

Hey, snap, same plan.

>> No.15908556

1997 here and im positive the kids these days waste their time just like us.

>> No.15908688
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Prodigies and accelerated students are abused and silenced by common core education at every turn. The competition you fear has been crippled significantly by burnout and demoralization tactics engineered by textbook companies and universities. The playing field is level, you are just deathly afraid of failure like these zoomers have been trained to be.
Assuming at least average intelligence, trying your best will get you where you are going 90% of the time. This is the big secret nobody is allowed to teach students anymore.

>> No.15908766

That pic rings too close to home delet now

>> No.15908912

I posted it ironically. It is a cop out to blame any of these consequential traits on a lack of accomplishment, but understand that it would improve your life to be able to cope without these substances & thought patterns. Bond with alike minds over acknowledgement that your time on earth has not been forsaken as long as you are still breathing, not over wasted opportunity.

>> No.15909349

won't mean shit a couple of decades from now, we will end up working for these kids

>> No.15909458

How much do you typically make

>> No.15909484
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>> No.15909495

I still play. Can't wait for new skill in 2020.

>> No.15909498

>not realizing kids "learning to code" are just doing retarded shit in python or doing braindead html/css shit
Most "programmers" are just retarded pajeets or whites/asians waiting until university to actually learn to code

t. 24 in college for CS and have the most experience and actual projects despite only doing it for 1 year before school

>> No.15909499

Zoomers I work with seem fairly intelligent but the problem is their attention span has been absolutely nuked by digital media. They need to be stimulated at all times, listening to shows on netflix while they work spreadsheets. They use their phones even during meetings but no one gets upset because they can still get the work done.

>> No.15909548
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I feel so far away from pic related

>> No.15909569

Yeah, for me it's even worse. Greedy kike pharma companies and doctors got me hooked on opioids in high school then cut me off. Luckily there is an open air heroin market 20 min away allowed to operate in the middle of downtown across from a major mall. Spent my early 20s homeless broke, and in and out of jail. Spent mid 20s between rehabs and relapses, and now I'm in my late 20s with absolutely nothing to show for my life. I live in my parents basement and work a shitty job with no chance for a decent living. I had full ride scholarship offers before I got kicked out of high school because my act scores were in the 99.x percentile. I'll forever be haunted by the time that was taken from me and the life I could have had.

>> No.15909574
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>> No.15909577

It doesn't matter when you start coding. The only think that matters is your inteligence. Coding jobs are already oversaturated with low IQ coding monkeys. Right now only geniuses are needed, and it doesn't matter if you're 12 or 30, as the technology is changing so rapidly, that you have to learn new thinks constantly anyway.

>> No.15909587

Honestly this one rings closer to home than the first one.

>> No.15909612

>wasted playing runescape

2006 runescape was literally the pinnacle of humanity

>> No.15909652
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>> No.15909672

Wow Ur so dark and edgy. Not like every Stacey and normalfags wouldn't tick that list


>> No.15909677

Why in the fuck would you even want to code? I knew as a teen that I just wanted to play video games and not waste time coding them, which is a different activity entirely. I had other, vastly more important academic interests.

>> No.15909678
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>> No.15909683

I am a normalfag

>> No.15909705

I’d honestly take the marijuana over any ((prescription))

>> No.15909810

Nicely accurate. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.15909820

you could of made it off wow and runescape too youre just lazy

>> No.15910126

With what? chainlink?

>> No.15910263

programming is just like writing except you get paid a lot more to understand grammar and have good prose

knowing how to write simply takes time and effort but knowing what to write is the real filter

>> No.15910269


>there are kids as young as 12 yo learning to code and build apps and will have 10 years experience by the time they graduate college

There aren't that many anon. Plus, they get help from their parents. So they aren't self-reliant.

>> No.15910300
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>> No.15910327
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>Single mother upbringing

It was over before it even began

>> No.15910339

>learning to code
The shit they are doing isn’t really coding anymore than building legos is engineering. A lot of it is pretty easy to do and made simple for kids to understand. Anyone can learn to code as long as they have at least a 3 digit IQ

>> No.15910380

you and me bro

>> No.15910390

Do you at least have siblings?

>> No.15910401

i mean that was me. and then a few years ago i just decided fuck it and learned to code. hoping to time things so by the time the zoomers flood the marketplace i'll already be in a comfy leadership position and just delegate tasks rather than code.

>> No.15910438

Wtf you talking about anon, I found C incredibly chill to learn, most coding languages use similar syntax, I don't see any issues learning such things, I missed out on the BTC meme, was too busy buying drugs and whatnot I guess, but still pretty sorted for the future x

>> No.15910441

I, too, learned some basic c++ when I was 14, but dropped it, because my family always either discouraged and mocked everything or didn't care at all. So I just played vidya all day.
Not that Anon, but yes, a sister. And it was horrible. Her moving out was the best day of my life...

>> No.15910456

it is the attitude and outlook demonstrated in your post that makes you a looser.

keep looking back and you’ll never move forward.

>> No.15910473

this. the market may be saturated but the demand for GOOD programmers is nowhere near being met

>> No.15910488

maybe it’s morn comfortable professionally, but it’s a comfy and handy hobby to have. honestly ur dumb if you don’t at least know a little bit of js/css/html and bash or powershell

>> No.15910490

not our fault. We were told by society "just go to school and do well and everything will work out like magic". We were brainwashed in order to fail. This was done on purpose. I can legit make an essay describing how shitmerica is garbage that creates cattle. Worse even as it struggles with even that due to app the BULLSHIT general education classes

>> No.15910502

I'm 22 and that's my plan. Don't know if I'll last even that long

>> No.15910506

yes. also, even though college is a load of bullshit and so is their rest of school really besides maybe elementary, I wanted to do the 1st 2 yrs of college before turning 18 but no fucker wanted to help me. Had no rides. Counselor was a retard that didnt want to help either. I also did construction for a bit. Total shitshow. This country can go eat my shit. If I make it with crypto, im not cashing it out in the u.s. THhis motherfucker country doesnt DESERVE to tax me

>> No.15910638

Dude, you can barely even put a sentence together, let alone code.

>> No.15910676

This picture pisses me off every time I see it, the only thing I don't tick off is weed

>> No.15911136 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 400x400, 1507433036092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw kids today have access to proper coding lessons

You could've gone to your local library.

>> No.15911157 [DELETED] 

When was the last time you've coded professionally?

>> No.15911198

brah python is a fuarking useless meme language, only reason its still used is because they use it to teach basic concepts at school and the kids are too scared to learn anything remotely harder. CSS/HTML isnt coding.. even fuarking monkeys can do that shit. Only languages that matter are c++ for gaming and java for anything else, also database tech(MongoDB, DynamoDB, even fuarking MySQL) is very in demand

>> No.15911199

coding for work fucking sucks. you never get to work on anything interesting. companies work you to the bone and you have to compete with 9,000,000,000 H1B pajeets and chinamen who'll do your job for half the pay. I wish I was working with my hands every day. Coding is Wageslave: the job.

>> No.15911283

The kids learning to code today are the kids that learned math/coding 10 years ago
The kids that played wow 10 years ago are the kids playing Fortnite now
Don't blame your circumstances. The reason you missed out on early crypto is because you didn't go out looking for an opportunity like crypto then, much the same way you're not going out looking for an opportunity like crypto right now. Stay poor.

>> No.15911332
File: 159 KB, 1080x1920, 712C479C-D6CD-466A-B1F7-9C818C60546E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t remind me, I told my self in 2012 I’d make it or be on my way there by 2020....

>> No.15911337

In highschool I psyched myself out of learning to code because I'd have to catch up with my friends that started in middleschool. It's a logical fallacy and counterproductive to think in this comparative way.

>> No.15911344

You’re a fucking turd.

>> No.15911365

waiting till I'm 36
that way I've at least lived two lifetimes
9 years to go

>> No.15911636


>> No.15911702

Based, im stuck in this shitty job, but I dont view it at the end, I dont know how but I will find a way out

>> No.15911877
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When the shit hits the fan, nothing of it will mater.

>> No.15912034

Nobody viewed bitcoin as an "opportunity" ten years ago. It was literally just internet meme money. The only people who made money off of it were people who bought it for shits and giggles and forgot about it until 5 years later.

>> No.15912069
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Fucking this. I live next to Microsoft and everyone living in the local cities looks like pic related.

>> No.15912075

Read a book nigger.