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15905235 No.15905235 [Reply] [Original]

I’m an IT consultant making around 10k gross a month in north Europe. Taxation is fucked up so the net is less than half.
I was thinking Romania cause it has the lowest taxation, but micro companies there are not allowed to do consulting services (no more than 20% of the income, while mine it’s 100%). Is it different for regular LLC?
Also, I want to declare my rent as a business expenses, but the rent is with a private owner not a professional company billing me with invoices, is there any country in Eu that allows to declare it as business expenses? I know for sure that in UK it’s perfectly fine, but UK is about to pull the Brexit and I will get cucked if that happens

>> No.15905435


>> No.15905465

it's not tax evasion you retard
it's perfectly legal to open an LLC for IT consulting
what a fucking faggot

>> No.15905953

ukraine or russia, this monkeys never pay tax

>> No.15905958

no, outside eu is a mess with vat

>> No.15905978

eu for gays, ukraine is fine.
cheap restaurants ,beatiful yummy food plus hot girls.
romania is gypsies land

>> No.15906012

I agree. I am from Romania and Ukranian girls are based

>> No.15906016
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Fuck off we're full
We don't need any Swedish faggots here

>> No.15906037

i need a foreign company faggot
i will literally pay corporate tax to fund your welfare while not even working or living there

>> No.15906130

Romanian here. Also own a business. Let me explain some shit.
LLCs are called SRL here. It's bascially the same shit. We also have II (Intreprindere Individuala which can be translated as Individual Enterprise) and PFA (Persoana Fizica Autorizata which can be translated as...actually I don't know a proper translation). These 2 are similar and they are both shit when it comes to taxes. What you need is a SRL which is the equivalent of an LLC.

You don't need to declare your rent as expense because SRLs in Romania can opt to pay tax on revenue instead of profit. It's 1% if you have an employee and 3% if you have 0 employees. Unfortunately you can't do that as a foreigner and you are forced to pay taxes on your profit. BUT, here's how you do it. You find a hobo or a gypsy. You pay them like 30-50 euros and you create an LLC in his name. There are companies that do that for you, you just have to get the hobo to sign and you pay the company. Those companies also "host" you. You pay them like 250-300 euros per year and their register your company at their address. After you do that, you immediately hire yourself as an administrator. From this point on, you don't need the hobo. He's just the owner of the company, but legally you can do anything. Next you pay yourself the minimum wage so that you can pay 1% profit tax.

Now you start doing some business. The tricky part is getting the money out of the company. Ideally you'd want to get them out as dividends. Unfortunately the dividend tax keeps jumping around. It used to be 16%, then it was 5% to stimulate the economy, then 10%, etc. Now I believe it's 10%, but it might also be 5%. Ideally you'll wait until it's 5% and then withdraw the money.

Let me know if you have any questions.

>> No.15906131


>> No.15906156

I remembered something. Some of these companies that host your SRL are also well connected politically. They are used by corrupt politicians and other shady individuals. This means that they almost NEVER get investigated by the IRS. You can do some really shady and illegal shit and I doubt you'd be bothered. It's up to you if you want to be 100% legal or not, but if you go into a grey area, there's little risk for you.

>> No.15906168

Literally the same south of the Danube.

>> No.15906177

great infos, thx fren
my only concern is that i m a full time consultant in an other country, and i read somewhere that for the srl only 20% is allowed as income coming from consultancy, 80% should be from something happening there in romania, but clearly i will have zero income coming directly from romania
i only need a company to park some retained earnings
basically the setup is this one (and it's very common): a multinational, paying a consulting company, paying a payroll/consulting company, paying my company (and i'm self employed where i actually work, paying me a small part of the total income of the company).
dividend tax i don't care since i will move in a tax paradise for 7 months at some point, i also need to cashout a decent amount of crypto gains

>> No.15906191

>and i read somewhere that for the srl only 20% is allowed as income coming from consultancy
unless the law changed, I highly doubt that. My company is literally 100% consultancy and there's no problem. I'll google it now to see what I can find out.

>> No.15906303

Great info, about this part:
>SRLs in Romania CAN opt to pay tax on revenue instead of profit.
I thought foreigners were forced to pay taxes on REVENUE since that was the only way to justify the 3% taxation.
Anyway Romania in great if you're selling infobusiness product such as online programs, courses, both digital and in-person but BE CAREFUL when you do consulting or "mastermind sessions" cause of the 20% clause.

>> No.15906330

tried to do some research on that topic, but it's complicated as fuck. Didn't find anything about the 20% and 80% part though. I believe they updated the law now and they added a bit of fuckery in there in the sense that you might have to pay 16% tax on REVENUE for consulting services performed outside the country. I'm still not sure about it though cause the law is overly complicated. The thing is, if you use my hobo solution you might be ok. You should talk to a good accountant that understand english. Most of the accountants I know are dumb as shit, so I don't know where you could find an actual smart one that also speaks english.

>> No.15906337
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>dividend tax i don't care since i will move in a tax paradise for 7 months at some point
Check if there's a DTA between Romania and such country (there probably isn't)... PIC RELATED prepare for that 50% haircut swedcuck

>> No.15906341

You might be right. Read my earlier post. But if the goes with the hobo solution, he should be ok.

>> No.15906353
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>> No.15906369

>but BE CAREFUL when you do consulting or "mastermind sessions" cause of the 20% clause
this sucks

>> No.15906387

the real blackpill is in your first pic/post. Read it more thoroughly now and from what I gather even if he goes with my hobo scenario, when he wants to withdraw the money as dividends, he's fucked.

>> No.15906432

this. Romania, just like Bulgaria and ESPECIALLY Estonia is a tax trap for dumb people; move your ass to a territorial tax country (read, the new offshore) and/or malta,cyprus and open an holding company.
non-dom + no tax on divs

>> No.15906844


>> No.15906869

you can definitely do that in bulgaria, tax is non-existant there and such laws apply to any business. I'm not sure about being able to declare your rent as a business expense and getting away with it but you could always find a way around paying tax because I sure as hell do

>> No.15907558

Shut up, you piece of shit.
>income tax 10%
>capital gains 10%
>dividends taxed at 5%
>"muh muh high taxes"

>> No.15907652
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Daca tot esti aici ai vreo idee cum se procedeaza la crypto cash outs in Romania? Trebuie sa declari ceva la ANAF prima data, se impoziteaza macar profiturile din investitii? Ce se intampla daca pur si simplu imi trimit 20 de mii de euro din Kraken direct pe cont si dupa ii extrag sa imi cumpar o masina or smth?

Daca este taxa, cat % din castiguri si cum e procesul mai exact?

>> No.15907854

avem legislatie care zice ca e 10% impozitul pe profit. Deci din punctul asta suntem ok. Problema e ca nu mai exista nici o banca in Romania care sa te lase sa-ti transferi crypto direct in cont. Mema ca nu poti sa faci cash out e reala. Daca reusesti cumva sa scoti banii fara sa treci prin banca si declari la ANAF, esti ok. Doar ca nu exista prea multe solutii sa-i scoti fara banca inafara de Localbitcoins si ATM-ruile de la Bitmahavi.

>> No.15907859

Because of new EU CFC regulations introduced in January if you make more than I think it's 15% in tax savings by registering your company abroad you must pay all the taxes as if you set up the company in the country you reside. Rip ur plans

>> No.15907889

corectie: nu exista banca care sa te lase sa transferi Euro/USD/RON in cont daca vin de pe un exchange. Cam la toate bancile sunt blocate IBAN-urile care vin de pe exchange-uri. Daca ii intrebi de ce, iti baga un bullshit cu anti money laundering sau ca vor sa te protejeze pe tine si alte mizerii. La toate bancile la care am intrebat e acelasi cacat. Mai grav e ca sunt atat de mizerabili incat blocheaza si IBAN-uri de la platforme de brokeraj. Eu a trebuit sa-mi mut contul de la ING la Banca Transilvania ca sa pot sa trimite bani la Drivewealth si sa cumpar Vanguard. ING bloca tot, iar cand ii intrebai care-i faza, mancau un cacat similar cu ala pe care il mananca cand e vorba de crypto. Deci solutia cam asta e:
- cash out prin LocalBitcoins sau Bitmahavi, declarat tot la ANAF ca sa nu mai aiba ce sa comenteze
- bagat banii inapoi in banca ori putin cate putin, ori toti deodata. Daca fac figuri, dormi linistit ca ai rezolvat deja cu ANAF si chiar daca se activeaza vreo alarma prin sistemul lor, n-au ce sa faca.

>> No.15907940


Ce plm, am trimis pana acum de mai multe ori bani direct de pe Kraken la mine in cont fara probleme. Sunt la Banca Transilvania si sumele nu au depasit 1000 de euro, este vreun treshold implicat aici sau e BT unicorn?

>> No.15907982

gipies girls aka romanian are ugly. they have ugly gipsy dark non white

>> No.15907999

BT are politica directa ca "nu suporta crypto". Nu stiu cum ai scapat fara sa te prinda. Treshold exista la sume de 10k sau 15k, nu mai stiu cat e plafonul acum. Atunci se raporteaza automat la ANAF. Se raporteaza si daca e cumulat, apropo. Adica daca intr-un interval X (nu stiu daca e 1 an sau mai mult) ai depasit plafonul, te toarna la ANAF automat.

Eu sunt la BT de relativ putin timp si n-am incercat nici o miscare cu crypto sa vad daca o detecteaza sau nu fiindca am niste sume mai mari in cont si nu vreau sa ma trezesc cu toti banii blocati.
La ei probabil inca n-au ajuns IBAN-urile de la exchange-uri intr-un blacklist, deci mulge-o cat mai poti dar nu uita sa declari la ANAF ca abia atunci se impute cacatul.
Protip: nu-i suna sa-i intrebi daca e ok sa transferi din Kraken in cont, ca poate le dai idei. Las-o sa mearga asa cat inca se mai poate.

>> No.15908003

not tax evasion you bootlicking /pol/cuck

>> No.15908080
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Ok multumesc de avertisment, partea misto e ca nu am raportat nimic nici macar la ANAF pana acum, nu stiam ca avem legi si ma gandeam ca si daca avem sumele au fost prea mici ca sa apara pe radar.

In schimb e posibil ca totusi BT sa faca exceptie cand vine vorba de Kraken pentru ca ei au introdus recent KYC pentru orice cash-out in FIAT indiferent de suma, inainte puteai fara pana la o anumita suma (2BTC parca) dar acum ai nevoie de buletin si dovada de cetatenie si inclusiv destinatia trebuie sa fie un cont bancar cu numele tau (eg inainte putea fi orice cont) deci totusi ma gandesc (sper) ca Kraken-ul sa fie exceptie pentru ca sunt tot mai law-compliant pe zi ce trece, facand imposibila spalarea de bani anonima prin intermediul lor.

Inca ceva, ce se intampla daca fac cash-out doar la investitia initiala? Daca ofer dovezi prin miscari bancare cat a fost influxul intiail ma scutesc de taxe sau platesc pentru orice? Adica plm daca am fost ceva gigel prostan care si-a dat cu FOMO in 2017 si a cumparat XRP la 3$ si acuma isi vrea banii inapoi, plateste taxe indiferent ca scoate inapoi in pierdere?

>> No.15908280

Eu personal as plati acel 10% fara s-o mai bag pe asta cu investitia initiala si m-as ruga sa ia ANAF banii si sa taca. Daca ii starnesti si incep sa se cace pe ei, apoi ti-o baga pe aia cu "sursa fondurilor". Adica nu e destul sa le arati ca la data cutare tu ai transferat bani din cont in exchange si ai luat crypto, ci trebuie sa si demonstrezi de unde ai avut tu banii aia si incep sa te caute in cur. E un cosmar birocratic. Acum daca investitia initiala a fost mare, are sens sa faci tot posibilul sa nu mai platesti impozit si pe aia, dar daca a fost mica si a moonat un shitcoin 1000x, atunci nu prea mai are rost. Le platesti tributul si speri sa te lase in pace.

>> No.15908829

Taci in plm de retardat. Din cauza astora ca tine cacati la cur avem atatea restrictii in lume. Vezi-ti de srl-ul matii si nu mai da sfaturi de cacat cu raportat sume de nimic.

>> No.15909419

hopa, a intrat pielea pulii pe fir sa-si dea cu parerea :))
mars la cacat