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15905091 No.15905091 [Reply] [Original]

How can you maximise yourself at work?

I want to start an experiment where I see how far I can push my body. My boss HAS to buy that Yacht next year or I'll cry myself to sleep.

>What's the best daily routine? I want to work from 9am to 9pm
>What's the best diet to achieve maximum focus and efficiency?
>I have a free gym opposite my workplace, how often should I utilise this to work into my routine?
>should I meditate at times?

>> No.15905139

Just be the first person in the office and the last person to leave, easiest way to get a promotion in next years biannual pay review

>> No.15905203

I work in telemarketing sales and I've tried this. Since I get paid commission and there is no upper limit, it seems to make sense. I get exhausted after about 6 or 7 hours of intense calling though, the quality of work just goes down and there simply doesn't seen to be a point to grinding any longer. I've tried things like Phenibut which is indeed super effective, too effective in fact to be using it every day. Other then that and getting a good nights sleep I am not sure what else to do to stay productive for more then 8 hours.

>> No.15905226

I have no life outside of work so it's already very easy to do this. I got a 30% pay increase last year and always maximise the bonus (which is up to 4 months salary a year and based on line manager review/opinion rather than actual sales performance which is just one factor).

I am in sales too, no cold calling though. All established accounts. I have 7 different accounts though as I look after small ones. That's 7 different CEO/CTO/CCO to deal with day to day. I sleep at 11pm and wake up at 7:30am every weekday and 11pm to 8:30am on weekends.

no drugs/vitamins/etc have made any noticeable difference, coffee is hit and miss.

>> No.15905233

If that's what you wanna do go for it. Most people will probably need to move into a more passive role eventually. Wageslaving kills your soul.

>> No.15905263

We don't cold call either, but it's still b2c to existing customers. It's a massive Telecom, one of the biggest in the country (EU)
Can you elaborate a bit what your day to day is like managing these accounts? sounds interesting

>> No.15905283

I think the key to pulling insane wageslave hours is to have a very clear objective. I'm talking like some key personal metrics that are trackable day to day. Whether you are trying to reach an X amount of money, pay off some debt, or whatever, get a promotion or whatever. For me it's the debt, but it could be anything. Fact is that I am prone to just fill an otherwise kinda meaningless existence with work too, and if you're doing it to fill the void that way, and you're not keeping track of whatever your original plans were, you run the risk of starting to procrastinate and falling behind, then you get depressed. I've tried this insanity. Clear goals are a must for any plan.

>> No.15905298

we have a very inefficient internal process so I spend far too much time driving sales order booking, even for piddly amounts to ensure it was done correctly. I have many ongoing projects so I need regular reviews with the project manager I assigned to see how the ongoing delivery is and see if the account team can support. An example was some cabinets we delivered were lacking metal plinths so I had to spend a little while aligning everyone to order 4 fucking pieces of metal and find the way to fudge the system to send it to the customer free of charge as it was our fuckup. I take customers to multiple events in the telecom industry, this takes planning and organisation to ensure no fuckups. I am the key point of contact for CXO level into our company so it all falls on my shoulders and I have to prevent the customer raising an issue to our CXO level or I get the slap on the wrist.

I have to develop strategy for all my accounts and ensure our strategy aligns with the customer's targets. Hilariously two of my customers are direct competitors (unheard of in this company) so I developed a "triangle pressure" sort of strategy where I sell shit to one customer to increase their competitiveness and this in turn scares the shit out of their competition who then buys the same shit from us in a panic.

I could write for days about my job but this is just some mundane day to day stuff I guess. Nothing is every "difficult". It's just time consuming and frustrating. I still enjoy it though

>> No.15905317

you can save time by sleeping just 7.5 hours instead of 8.5
Lifting is fine 3 times a week, but do cardio 5 times
>What's the best diet to achieve maximum focus and efficiency?
I have to find out this yet, but doing long hours without eating is better than eating every 3 hours. If anything, eat apples and cut fats. Unless you wanna try keto, but this on is risky

>> No.15905325

Sounds a bit beyond my level at this current time, but thanks for sharing. My own goal is to move from b2c into b2b in some capacity, whether in this Telecom company or maybe a SaaS company.

I will say this: my company is over 100 years old so its run pretty tightly, so far its good as far as getting paid is concerned, but I'm not sure what it might be like for somebody in middle or upper management

how to increase your earnings in sales without becoming a manager of people?

>> No.15905330

Gym b4 work, take a 10 min nap during lunch break.
I find this works for me

>> No.15905343

Problem is I don't fall asleep when hitting the pillow. 8.5 on paper but really if it takes me sometimes 45 mins to finally drop off...

>Lifting is fine 3 times a week, but do cardio 5 times

Not a big fan of running. My colleague does this thing called "spinning" every morning which seems to be some sort of bike machine high intensity workout.

>I have to find out this yet, but doing long hours without eating is better than eating every 3 hours. If anything, eat apples and cut fats. Unless you wanna try keto, but this on is risky

I read a book called "Tools of titans" and so many of them recommended Keto but I don't think I could run on it. Seems abnormal and dangerous....

>how to increase your earnings in sales without becoming a manager of people?
Are you on OTE? I increased my earnings the scumbag way. I never waste time with HR, they are useless. I was once earning 24k and got an offer from another company for 60k. I took that 60k offer to my senior management and told them I was going to take it. They increased my salary to 45k and gave me lots of other perks (car allowance, higher bonuses, etc). There is also the option just to keep moving company every 2 years to increase your salary 20-30% a time. I am sort of a loyal idiot though as I like my company

>> No.15905385

I'm on OTE. I've not yet secured any offers from competing companies though. In a way I am not very well tuned to what others may be willing to pay for me. I'll be asking for a 15% raise at my next review though regardless because i'm an above average earner and i think that's good enough given that we lose people left and right every few months (high turnover) So you're saying you've doubled your income just by making them aware of a competing offer? was this once or have you done this multiple times?

>> No.15905400

I have done it twice. Be prepared to follow through (if you cry wolf you'll be fucked) with it in case they say no. Make sure your performance is good enough they want to keep you. Remember it would take them at least 6 months to find, hire, onboard, train and get someone to your level which will cost them a lot more than giving you a 10-20% increase if you're a high performer.

>> No.15905521

Were you headhunted or did you go out and apply on your own? I don't use things like LinkedIn, but maybe I should, so I'd be visible for recruiters?

>> No.15905587

I don't have a LinkedIn profile as well, it has been taken over by women now who use it like facebook.

I used REED to apply for jobs, get calls and emails on the regular. If you see one with a high offer, go for it to the offer stage then throw it on the desk of your boss and dab on him as you ask for the matching offer.

>> No.15905687

lol ok. i will update my CV and upload it on our local sites. the situation for me is that i am disconnected from the people with the decision power to get me a raise, so i will be going though my manager, who has to sell me to them, on my behalf. i think we get along enough so that she might do it, but i have no idea.