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15904069 No.15904069[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I make sure my sons aren't gay? I don't want my bloodline to go extinct because of fags

>> No.15904083

you cant
the jews won

>> No.15904086

that's a gay ass question so probably you are done for this life

>> No.15904129

You can't, BUT for the best possible outcome, go FULL MK Ultra on them, get a few split personalities, then you can pick the least gay one!

>> No.15904136

they can be gay and still inseminate roasties
make sure they have what is needed for a family
if they have no hope of having a family they won\t have one

>> No.15904151

No cats around your pregnant wife. Not a joke.

>> No.15904217

If your bloodline fails because of gay then it's weak and doomed to fail. Perhaps this is nature's way of keeping your weak ass family line from holding back the future of our species.

>> No.15904229

Have as many children as you can. There's no known cure for The Gay, but you can try to make them highly functional. Useful. Teach them that learning is the best thing you can do, that if you aren't learning then you're dying. That the only thing truly with worth is the outcome of their own creations.
If you make them men, it should all follow suit, gay or not.

>> No.15904239

Fuck them in the asshole. They will forever associate the experience with faggotry and will be guaranteed to be straight and normal.

>> No.15904245

This was actually my first thought also!

>> No.15904269

you fuck them both in the ass on the day of their 8th birthday at midnight for half an hour, no lube, then they wont be gay

>> No.15904278

Ask them if they hold chainlink or if they are even curious about it

>> No.15904294

For a non-joke, that's quite amusing. Tell me more, anon.

>> No.15904296
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This is what happens when you let gays have complete control of your genes. You get weak, unfit people who will outbreed you and outbreed your progenitor. You keep the weak ones in society, and you keep the strong ones off the streets.

So, the idea of having gay blood in a family is a very interesting one, maybe it's time to reconsider the use. Even though it's a bit of a stretch, the idea can be very interesting.

The idea of not giving gays complete control over your genes could also lead to some interesting results. For example, having a child with an opposite-sex, healthy brother and sister could have some interesting results depending on the genes involved. In other words, if your genes are normal, the results could be similar to having a healthy twin. But if one of your genes is a homosexual gene, you'd be expecting a different outcome for the child.

>> No.15904301

kill them

>> No.15904401
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If you ever had blood analysis it's now in the secret global DNA database in binary to be used as they find fit. Nobody owns their progeny since sheep and cattle were successfully cloned in 1997.
Maybe the next stocks will be genes.
With GM food we may be shortening those.

>> No.15904411

On the contrary if I ever have a daughter I am going to brainwash her in being a lesbian.

>> No.15904420

Inject a tiny bomb in their necks with an AI that detonates it the moment it detects sounds corresponding to gay anal sex.

>> No.15904439

Insert in a bomb in their colon triggered by cum.

>> No.15904442

Being gay is caused by a special bacteria. You can either be infected by it or not. Your best bet is literally to just stay away from gay people.

>> No.15904447

Citation needed. I want to avoid the gay at all costs. Also big if true.

>> No.15904449

that means probably kill your son

>> No.15904456

what is holding chainlink caused by ?

>> No.15904479

high iQ and memes

>> No.15904482
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sometimes I wonder how it feels to be small and have a nice pair of tits sitting on my chest. boy would it be great to be a girl just literally fucking do whatever the fuck you want sail through life selling your piss and bath water for thousands doing shitty cosplay.

>> No.15904485

how do we vaccinate against this then?

>> No.15904493

bacteria cannot transfer DNA material like viruses
also vaccines could prep the immune system only against viruses
bacteria of all kinds will be killed by while blood cells, and will cause infection symptoms
bacteria is a organism while a virus is a parasitic DNA package
bacteria can do shit, it could kill you but no way it can mutate you

>> No.15904574
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i think the "gay acceptance" bubble will pop eventually. what, 0.001% of the world has the gay fetish? yes it is a fetish, they don't know why they are attracted to penor just like everybody else don't fucking pick their fetish.

if nothing else good comes out of companies bending the knee to china it keeps the gay out of movies.

such a pathetically small part of the world is accepting towards gays and not even those places are 100% accepting, most that don't like it just bite their lips

>> No.15904651

Its call GRIDs, Its legit

>> No.15904666
File: 487 KB, 972x807, my boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only cuckold abrahamic religions care about fags.

Based Romans and Ancient greeks loved to fuck other men in the ass.

In Rome the most based thing you could do was rape a mans ass to show dominance while the most bluepilled thing you could do was preform cunnilingus

>> No.15904670

When I fuck a traps cute butt my ancestors are smiling upon me. Can you say the same?

>> No.15904696

don't believe mainstream media too much, it was 0.001% back then as well

we are lejon

>> No.15904707

Do they sell those in Aliexpress?

>> No.15904747


Basic things:
>have an emotional bond with your son
>teach him things
>do manly stuff together
>feed him properly, no onions ridden high carb junk foods

Oh and don't let him get rapes by the gays

>> No.15904753

Impregnate a considerable amount of roasties
Probability is your best fren

>> No.15904759

You forgot
estrogens are not a joke

>> No.15904768


I typed s o y but I forgot the jewish word filters, actual onions are great.

Israel doesn't exist