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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15901163 No.15901163[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The other boards are filled with tranny jannies who don't take jokes. I tried giving a gamers rise up announcement on /v/ and they nuked my thread and /pol/ is full of CIA niggers. Is /biz/ full of special meme magic that creates a invisible barrier because this board actually takes a joke while still discussing main topical issues of business.

I guess I'll I'm saying is that I love biz.

>> No.15901169
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truly is the best board, fren

>> No.15901176

This isn't on topic, go fuck yourself back to /r9k/

>> No.15901185
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I think the jannies and mods feel bad for us that we lost all of our money and so they let us have our fun. Perhaps they fear we'd kill ourselves otherwise.

>> No.15901189

Fuck off cross boarding scum


>> No.15901191

We don’t tolerate your alt right racism here

Go back to /pol/ clown boy

Grow up

>> No.15901202
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/biz/ also has a small subculture of Orthodox posters which is great

>> No.15901203

Best board and highest IQ to boot.

>> No.15901212


>> No.15901226

biz is mostly normies and pajeet shills
linkies keep this board afloat

>> No.15901252

Normals forget /biz/ is also a cunny approved board unlike say /pol/, /b/ or /v/