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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15894396 No.15894396 [Reply] [Original]

We are at complacency

>> No.15894521


>> No.15894538

You are retarded

>> No.15894554

For the stock market? Possibly. I hope so cause I bought put options but it seems the government and fed keep trying to prop up the market.

>> No.15894559

Open your eyes

No, crypto.

>> No.15894575

no. we are at euphoria. all the idiots on /biz/ claiming BTC will hit 1MM and they're going to be ultra rich despite their tiny 5000 LINK stacks and shit - it's euphoria.

>> No.15895021

last year i was literally at 98% loss kek you telling me im going to lose that last 2% holyshit how am i going to cope topkek get fucked crypto just die

>> No.15895079

> everyone in this thread is signaling IDEX season is coming

Yeah I'm thinking i'll buy some RSR and PNK

>> No.15895092

Rsr is a scam

>> No.15895103

Dilate faggot

>> No.15895477

>this is a sucker's rally