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File: 150 KB, 1800x1050, Coinmetro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15894298 No.15894298 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15894472

No, and you are an idiot.

>> No.15894584

Take this little questionnaire today to find out if your crypto is a scam!

Question: is your crypto either BTC, ETH, or LINK?

If so, congratulations! It's not a scam!

If not, uh oh! it's a scam!

>> No.15894619

It's probably going to be the next big exchange. More because of how shit it's competitors are than by its own virtue.

>> No.15894638

>Makes high tech exchange
>Weekly AMAs
>It's a scam

Fucking kys you literal retard

>> No.15894674

You mean BTC or ETH

>> No.15894694

Seems like they're putting in too much effort for it to be a scam. I mean why bother doing things by the book like running every new coin listing through LHV bank, or getting various licenses just to operate in the EU. I'm not saying it's impossible for them to scam but they're investing a lot of time money and effort if they are scamming, I mean they could have just took the ICO money and said it wasn't enough to create the exchange and left everyone high and dry, or just made the most basic exchange and leave it there with no development.

>> No.15894758

You either have absolutely no idea what you're talking about or are fudding weakly.

>> No.15894778

Yes, they plan on selling unregister securities to the Mutts who HAVE to KYC! It will be an easy case for the US Justice Dept. Shame Anons don't understand how 'Merica rules the world.

ex. https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/31/515.329

>> No.15895348


>> No.15895510

It's probably not a scam but they are definitely managed by incompetents with inflated egos. They love throwing shade on competitors while defending their idiotic design decisions with whataboutisms and the good old regulation boogeyman.

>> No.15895558

>he doesn't know
>the complete lack of understanding what's happing with cm and securities
>the weakest fud
most of their smaller competitors are incompetent. just look at coss, nash or next. or bankrupt. just look at nauticus or blockport. in contrast, kevin murcko even says that cb or binance are doing a good job, while he does not agree on what they are doing. and calling regulations a boogeyman only shows that you are wilful ignorant.

>> No.15895579

This really is the weak shit man, put some effort in.

>> No.15895587

its kyc is way too stringent to make it really popular. bitpanda will easily out-compete it in the long-run.

kevin even took a question on one of his recent video AMA's on the topic of kyc, and his answer was pretty underwhelming.

>> No.15895592

>most of their smaller competitors are incompetent.
they only need to be bettered by one, and for my money bitpanda will wipe the floor with them, at least in the eurozone.

>> No.15895593

i dont care about this shit coin but this anon >>15895510 gave some remarks about the project and you both were quick to reply with ad hominem and muh fud instead of giving anythign substantial

>> No.15895600

>bitpanda will easily out-compete it in the long-run.
Even though its fees are 15x higher?
There is a market for what CoinMetro are doing and it isn't the retail market.

>> No.15895603

actually, it's the other way around

>> No.15895612

I invested in the ico and in my opinion it's 95% a scam. Constant delays and fuck ups. And if you aren't convinced this is a scam, just check out this shill thread

>> No.15895640

CM has definitely had a bunch of fuck ups during its existence but I'd say there's no regulations boogeyman, it's a very real threat. You have IDEX having to add KYC, binance having to split into binance and binance.us, coinbase losing barclays as a bank because of privacy coins and bitfinex being nailed to the cross, all these things are happening because of regulations. It's possible CM could fuck up too because regulations are constantly changing but it's impossible to ignore the threat of regulations now.

>> No.15895673

Watch the forehead polishers defend this

multi colored trade history
>was it a sequence of buys? sells? who cares

funky chart that redraws candles?
>muh midmarket pricing, forex does it so fuck you crypto

hasty mash up of trade and margin into a frankenstein interface?
>muh code reuse from fxpig, fx trumps cryptos again bitch

only accept mobile photos of documents because geolocation and metadata?
>what is gps off and non exif camera

LOI signed with the favela anons?
>repeat the soon mantra

>hello it's 2008 again: mailers to old ICO participants, SEO dickery, banner ads and fagbook posts to followers

>> No.15895742

These are your arguments?

>> No.15895918

Big funding coming in. Can smell it!

>> No.15896520

Hmm, sweety. Murcko gives invited talks in front of hundreds of international lawyers to teach them about crypto regulations.

>> No.15896594

source on this claim pls

>> No.15896617

>Makes a lot of promises in the ico
>Delivers on pretty much none of them
Daily reminder Kevin is a weasel, don't give your money to him

>> No.15896627

>>15895510 This as well, it honestly sad

>> No.15896661

While many got invited to be speakers on the crypto shit done on korea kevin got invited to be a speaker on IBA about crypto.
Biz does not deserve coinmetro desu.

>> No.15896724

Go ahead, explain, I'm confident I can shoot you down. If CM lets Mutts on to the platfom its under US regulations. Hence the link to the regulation used.
>Believing someone with something to gain.
Ok Bucko
There isn't one! The exchanges that let Mutts use their platform are inviting US regulators into there company no matter where they are in the world. Odd Binance & similar have banned Mutts but some guy in Estonia that had multiple ICOs to get funding knows what he's talking about.
Just by the fact the tard CEO used .com means its under US jurisdiction, as Calvins former gambling biz went to court for breaking US law simply cause of .com.

Its only arrogant Zoomers & shills that think this has ANY promise.

>> No.15896732

not really. but they are shit and nobody will use it

>> No.15896735

>IBA Annual Conference / September 26th 2019 / Seoul, South Korea / "Capital Market Opportunities and Regulatory Challenges“
Look it up fucking retard

>> No.15896776
File: 205 KB, 610x422, cm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15896778
File: 82 KB, 437x668, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15896829

why do you linkies come into every thread to complain about your stupid fucking coin? It took you 2 years and all you have right now is a 10x. Woopity fucking doo

>> No.15896868

>Look it up fucking retard
You just took that off his personal page, can't find info you cunt shill! You got that from https://kevinmurcko.me.. You have ZERO idea of what he actually said! Provide an actual link to the presentation! Stop projecting!
Is that all you have? The link shows the same as your pic. Still not evidence CM can sell unregistered securities to Mutts! For all you know he was brought along as he has 'the most compliant crypto exchange', He could have PAID to speak. I don't see an answer to my point.
Sorry buddy, CM is under US Jurisdiction. The .com is all that is really needed. As I said check out Calvins (yes, Calvin Ayre) case for using .com for his online casino. 'Bodog' casino

>> No.15896875

what fucking unregistered securities you cuck?

>> No.15896922

You're starting to sound unhinged. You asked for proof of him being at the IBA conference in seoul and I showed you proof.

>> No.15897001

Take your meds.

>> No.15897426

>what fucking unregistered securities you cuck?
ICOs Such as CM its self. You know what unregistered securities are right? Crypto that isn't PoW is the simplest answer.
Sorry dude, Where did I ask for proof he was at a conference? I didn't. Thanks for the link though, Shows he was there, sadly doesn't show he spoke about! Just shows a general topic. Which is actually important.
Great ignorant responce
Why deny reality CM is under US Jurisdiction. sorry shill

My post have been about 1 thing, How CM is under US Jurisdiction...Cause it is!

>> No.15897476

Go back to pol dude your trump writing style is showing glownigger.

>> No.15897512
File: 366 KB, 696x720, 1514331992993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I don't consider all non PoW crypto securities I should use CoinMetro? Got it, Thanks.

>> No.15897537

>1 post by this ID
OK Shill, sorry you don't like reality
>So if I don't consider all non PoW crypto securities I should use CoinMetro?
For you, It doesn't matter, you are not a 'money transmitter' its CM that has to worry, you, you are fine!

>> No.15897725

Fuck bitpanda and their 10% fees

>> No.15897750

>moving goal posts - the ID
you are clearly ignoring facts and are here for the lulz. anyway, there are two videos of Murcko talking in front of the IBA, he talked about his Korea visit and implications two times in the last AMA, and he got invited because muh he knows what he is talking about. now, go look up the annual IBA conference and try to understand what he is building since > 2 years.

>> No.15897837

>there are two videos of Murcko talking in front of the IBA
I did a search (again), can you please provide a link? You guys got me interested now. As I keep saying CM is under US jurisdiction, I want to know how he plans on selling unregistered securities. I don't see how I've moved any goal posts. My posts are about 1 thing, How CM are under US jurisdiction.

Please provide links I've wasted more time looking for something, I can't find again. Thanks

>> No.15898109

No one considers non-PoW as securities

>> No.15898195

You are plain dumb, look what the sandbox in montenegro is trying to achieve and where are they. Hint: they are in.
They could sell your tokenized family if they wanted to.

>> No.15898353

What edge does it have over Binance really? The exchange competition is so fierce right now.
Being a good project simply doesn't mean it's going to be adopted and come out on top at the end.

>> No.15898376

what? are you new?
Don't call ppl Cucks if you have no idea what the fuck your talking about Zoomer.
>You are plain dumb
Why all the projection?
>They could sell your tokenized family if they wanted to.
Of course, tmy family is not a security...people are real & commodities. do you know anything about securities?
So how is he planning on getting around US securities regulations? You know the EU & US are quite different right? I am not concerned with EU, I've never brought that up.
Hope you understand that BTC was given a commodity status in '15 & the SEC agrees that all PoW coins are NOT securities.

Still waiting on this video with Kevin & his crypo reg talk...I fear it may never materialise.

>> No.15898492 [DELETED] 

Exposed slut here



>> No.15898612

You're really just grasping aren't you?
Sad amerifag or reverse FUD

>> No.15898721

For starters binance might not be around long term considering they've been running from country to country trying to escape regulations.
CM has lower fees than most exchanges and margin trading for a couple pairs, fast deposits due to SEPA and margin trading.The CSD might be big but because there's nothing like it it's hard to know if people will even use it if they pull it off.

>> No.15898880

>You're really just grasping aren't you?
Nope, This a 18+ board Anon.
>Sad amerifag or reverse FUD

>> No.15899268

Several anons are going to contemplate suicide when this moons
They're gonna spend the rest of their lives asking themselves why they let the KYC bookeyman keep them from getting a suicide stack

>> No.15900294

Ok guys, is 50k xcm enough?