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File: 2.29 MB, 335x463, 36CDDCA0-4EE2-434A-B22C-FB57AF6EC726.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15891467 No.15891467 [Reply] [Original]

>dating in other parts of the world
>constant hot body 10/10 matching me all day and night
>500 matches in 1 week all so sexy
>back to America
>0 matches
>girls in America who do match are fat disgusting pigs mother of 2 ugly as hell demanding as shit
Fuck America and fuck American women.
>but muh race purity
I rather have mutt kids and a sexy wife than a white demanding fat pig bitch
Wtf happened to white women???

>> No.15891471

Back to r9k ya faggit

>> No.15891480

unironically this, social media has ruined the dream of the subservient american wife. only every find disgusting women on dating apps.

>> No.15891481
File: 382 KB, 1337x1337, 54C2BF8D-687E-4A62-BC1F-1B2F888A3798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is op

>> No.15891483

Enjoy those fat entitled mother of 2-3 nigger kids

>> No.15891485

The reason hot foreign women go for western manlets all day is to get a ride out of their shit hole, third world countries. Literally know a guy who is a 4/10 manlet who makes decent money as a chem engineer. Went to Russia for a few weeks and fucked like 5 10/10 model quality women, and ended up doing a long distance relationship with him. They ended up getting married like a year later, moved to the states, got her knocked up, and now they don't even talk to each other, and I'm 90% sure she is cucking him. Have fun with that anon.

>> No.15891486

Now that's an ass.

>> No.15891487

wrong board nigger

>> No.15891490

I agree. American women are fat whores now and there’s nothing else on the market

>> No.15891499

Hey retard that’s a real simple fix
>never bring her to the USA EVER
fucking tard
Sorry your friend is a cuck I bet your a cuck also with friends as such

>> No.15891508

This board is shit anyway faggot this is the best thread current

>> No.15891537

Other anon is arguing that she would date you for the prospect of going to the states. And if you don't bring her, it's implied she'd leave you once she realizes you won't take her.

I've got no experience with foreign women, but at least read into what he's saying.

>> No.15891544
File: 308 KB, 1021x1021, 138272DE-D485-40FE-B12E-63BD60451B83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which countries did you travel so far, op?!

>> No.15891553

fucking go for it, it's your cock and your life. Just a cautionary tale. If she ever divorces you she gets half your shit too.

>> No.15891570

Are you in the South? Women are conservative here. No hookups.

>> No.15891585

>oh no she left
>498 matches to go
Fucking incels are tards who value women

>> No.15891594

Too many to count
>divorces me
>not married in the USA
She gets nothing retarded fuck
Is biz always this fucking tard?

>> No.15891603

Midwest. I’ve dated girls in the south, some are conservative but their still alcoholic whores their only conservative when sober