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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15890227 No.15890227 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else had a dark realization that they've wasted the past 2 years of their precious late 20's/early 30's posting fucking memes on this board while shilling useless garbage coins and laughing at poor people??

I turned 30k into over 750k of withdraws in the 2017 bullrun. Took home over 500k after tax. Fantastic, life changing, bought me a lot of peace and serenity and the time to fix my fucked up life. Also allowed me to travel in ways I never could before. For example, I could just go somewhere and enjoy it without the pressure of knowing I had to go back to wage cucking in a week or whatever (quit my job, told my boss I was going back to get a masters but never did).

So a lot of good things happened, but WHAT THE FUCK. I've literally done nothing for two years in terms of my career or in terms of meaningful steps forward in life.

How do I get my life back on track?

>> No.15890254

Pee pee poo poo

>> No.15890265

Yes and then I told my normie friends which coins to buy while they’ve been out traveling and having a balanced life. Hopefully they don’t take my recommendations too seriously. This shit isn’t fair

>> No.15890284

get back into crypto, you do still have money left, right?

>> No.15890296

>done at least a 10x on their nw
pick one

>> No.15890298
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>wasted the past 2 years of their precious late 20's/early 30's
Fuck off with this dumbass mentality. You don't waste time doing something you enjoy instead of wageslaving away.

You can literally make any life-altering change in the span of 1-2 years. You can lose 100+ lbs, you can go from being a kissless virgin to having sex with dozens of women, you can go from depressed NEET to having a job and a two year degree/trade school/certification, you can set up your own online business, you can travel to dozens of countries and see cultures all across the globe, you can learn a hobby in-depth and become top of the field in it, etc.

All of these can be done in six months to a couple years, and many of them you can do simultaneously. You just need to take the first step. And if you don't, well then that's fine too; some people dream big and want to change the world, and some people just want to live simple lives and enjoy what they have. Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.15890312

Wtf kind of pancakes are these?

>> No.15890324

i don't say this often, but, based

>> No.15890325

Right, but the irony is that the money allowed me to have a bigger perspective on life which made me realize how much I currently suck lol

>> No.15890375

Well sure, you wasted some of your best years, but that's just your nature. Would they have been any less wasted if you never had them and slaved for your boss?
You need to find a calling of a sort, but you are not worse off than people who had neither that nor money.

>> No.15890764
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Are you me? Sometimes it feels like we are all the same person here. The same crypto neet from 2017.

Well, I got bored playing Vidya and shiposting. So here's what I'm doing.
Getting fit. Diet. Trying to pick up a normie hobby. Trying to find normie friends. Getting a 'part time' job but not a wagie one, a prestigious one, one I can basically use as an alibi.

>> No.15890852

No lmao stupid faggot

>> No.15890872

I say this often, based.

>> No.15890888
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So you found out that while NO money is guaranteed misery then happiness does not increase either past a certain (and relatively low) amount of annual income? We know this from research

What's more: once you make it you run the risk of becoming bored, decadent and miserable since there is no struggle. You're like the Russian aristocrats: nothing left to do but to play roulette with the revolver.

Solution: find a challange.

>> No.15890930

>dark realization i've wasted my life
got news for you young grasshopper.
how do you think that 51 y/o banker feels? think he feels "complete"? think the future he imagined for himself when he was 20 was that he would spend his life sitting in a dumpy office chair working out loan repayment formulas so a local boomer could buy an rv by mortgaging their house for the 3rd time? think he feels like he's done something 'meaningful' and 'fulfilling'?

>how do i get my life back on track
there is no track, this is it. you've been "on track" this whole time. This is why ppl start families and find god, because it provides a modicum of meaning amid the otherwise wash of day to day existence.

>> No.15890966

You literally get to do whatever you want with your time while people have to waste their youth wageslaving and you are complaining?
Go start a business if you long for career development.

>> No.15891063

No, because I was already making $$$ easily before bullrun and already wasting years before cashing in on 2017 bullrun, fgt.

>> No.15891156

500k is not making it, you'll still have to wagecuk at some point

>> No.15891166

Japanese pancakes. They’re like desserts though.

>> No.15891215

Oh I have, but it's comfy and I want to continue wasting my life

>> No.15891302

If you want a real answer,
Set some long-term goals for things you think are out of your reach and pursue them. Human beings are hardwired for struggle

>> No.15891318

>How do I get my life back on track?

all in chainlink.

>> No.15891326
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>> No.15891332

I made bank from here and I’m basically retired. Fuck niggers and jews.

>> No.15891351

based and positivepilled

>> No.15891356

500k you dont need a career. buy an expensive 400k house and rent it while you live in a cheaper house. after cucking someone for enough time the house is yours

>> No.15891363


>> No.15891364

This, excellent articulation of the subverted millionaire tragedy.

>> No.15891377

I really really hope so.

>> No.15891438
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I've metaphorically been throwing money at the wall to see what will stick.

Got fucked by solar and pharma penny stocks. Weed stocks are in the gutter right now.

Only thing looking good right now seems to be my link stack.

I got two degrees and want to work in the US foreign service or something similar but I'm a dual citizen and have been working in Canada since 2013, so that probably burns my chances at a security clearance... If I get enough money I can have the freedom to just pursue whatever interests me.

>> No.15891456


>> No.15892250
File: 78 KB, 780x585, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you people think Link is going to explode? Have you just been here so long that you've totally bought into the propaganda surrounding this pyramid scheme? Or are you thinking you can strike gold again? What if you're still here 5 years from now and Link remains hovering at $2?

>> No.15892272

is this the same fucking poster every day? im sick of it, pure autism

>> No.15892278

Dude Im at work shitposting the last decade. Nothing wasted.

>> No.15892295

i say this oven, baste

>> No.15892296

Have you been here a month?

>> No.15892299

I would learn how to hunt and grow food and how to prep and store food long term. People think gold and silver would be the best thing to own in a SHTF type scenario but food and water will be worth more than anything. It will give you a sense of accomplishment even if shit doesnt hit the fan and you know what you're eating if you catch and grow all your own food.

>> No.15892885


based and link pilled

>> No.15892911

What if I just want to play games and fuck chicks in my moms basement until I'm 35?

>> No.15892993

As a two-week-old newfag I'm beginning to pick up things on this site. faggets like this aren't actually rich and didn't make any money otherwise they would have posted what they made their money on

>> No.15893006


>> No.15893007

>2 years
you haven't seen anything yet

>> No.15893034
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>it's another thinly veiled bragging thread

>> No.15893066


>> No.15893077

>look ma, i posted the larp again!

>> No.15893101

>So a lot of good things happened, but WHAT THE FUCK. I've literally done nothing for two years in terms of my career or in terms of meaningful steps forward in life.
just invest in real estate for passive income. Why the fuck would you work when youve made it?

Careers are for losers (yes, im a loser).

>> No.15893193
File: 100 KB, 512x505, [Clio Team] 1905 Picasso Au lapin agile, Arlequin au verre, With nimble rabbit, Harlequin with glass Huile sur Toile 99x100 cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is the same doofus that makes larp/bragging/demoralization threads every day for some reason, trying to make anons feel bad about their own situation because they don't have as much money as his fake, larp story. Why does he do this? What is his purpose?

>> No.15894376

thanks for this man