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15887298 No.15887298 [Reply] [Original]

>was depressed when I was a good for nothing NEET
>still depressed now that I have a job
How do NEETs and wagies do it /biz/. What is the secret to happiness?

>> No.15887335

No one is happy, everyone is either faking it or depressed.

>> No.15887361

My kids make me happy
most days anyway

>> No.15887624

>everyone’s faking it

>> No.15887641

I’m happy when I’m building on BSV.

>> No.15887655

I was happy when I was in Afghanistan

>> No.15887716

Lawl depressed people tell themselves this. Shits not true. You’ll never get better with that mindset, gl.

>> No.15887798

I'm happy, three years ago I was depressed as fuck and had been for most of my adult life. This was mainly due to negative self talk and not living up to my own personal standards. In the most cliche way possible I learnt to love myself and pushed and achieved my own goals, started exercising regularly and spent more time with friends. Currently this is the longest period of my life I've ever been happy and not thinking about offing myself. I can't give you some whimsical phrases that will turn things around for you but I'll try, "No ones coming to save you or hand you an opportunity" it's up to you alone to dig yourself out. Your present situation is the product of your choices. Take responsibility for your life. Forgive your past self they did the best they could all factors considered. GL anon life's not meant to be easy find joy in the struggle because one day you will die and there will be nothing

>> No.15888739
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>What is the secret to happiness?
Big imprecise question in order to form better questions learn how your brain actually works.
Memory Reconsolidation in a Nutshell

Mark Solms, PhD: The Animal Within Us

If your not a brainlet read this

Allowing chemical pathways in your brain to fire is the secret to happiness obviously...how?
Heal prediction errors/trauma responses
Be physically healthy
Do enough new things to keep brain growing.

You got any specific questions?

>> No.15888854
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>Currently this is the longest period of my life I've ever been happy and not thinking about offing myself.
I had this for about 20 years it's finally gone though.

You ever got your Adverse Childhood Experiences score?


If you score above 0 you could have some trauma responses in your brain you need to update to get rid of the source of your bad feelings.

You ever tried any therapy techniques?

>> No.15888957
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>What’s the secret
Convert your shittiest shitcoins to monero and buy LSD on the darknet.
If you’re too puss to do that than just get an Adderall perscrition.