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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1588703 No.1588703 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be 19
>no debt
>going to cc for free but failing and don't want to continue with it.
>fuck going to uni and paying a shit load
What can I start doing right now that I can build into a profitable business? I have a job and make around 1300-1500 a month. Are there any viable options besides college this day and age? Am I just completely fucked if I don't go? How do you go about just starting a business? I have some ideas that have will be profitable if I only knew how to start.

>> No.1588825

If you can't hack it in CC how do you expect to make it starting a business? It's about 100x more work roughly. Your competitors graduated top of their class from top universities with rigorous majors. If you don't at least have a degree, people will not take you seriously, investors included.

>> No.1588853
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Some people might have the degree and the book knowledge might lack that drive/killer instinct/hunger.

Others might not be college material but they can sell, network and get shit done; all they needed was an good idea and financing.

>> No.1588860

>Don't have the discipline to do well and finish community college
>Thinks he has the discipline to be self-employed and is going to build a profitable business

You want my legitimate advice? Enlist in the military and let them impose discipline on you that you might learn to impose it on yourself.

>> No.1588865

Niggers all you need is experience, work for a small business see ins and outs. Start your own and avoid getting fucked by rookie mistakes

>> No.1588871
File: 330 KB, 621x1466, Free money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is very true but what about all the free money and college pussy?

THEN, I'll have a degree, get the experience, blah blah blah.

>> No.1589014

That may or may not be the case but it doesn't change the fact that you need a degree for any amount of credibility today. Would I invest in someone who couldn't even survive CC? Fuck no, not when there is a graduate ready to do the same job.

>inb4 muh bill gates and zuckerberg!!

Obviously there are exceptions. What I'm saying doesn't apply to tech moguls and innovators.

>> No.1589020


Bill Gates had rich parents who set him up. Don't know about Zuckerberg, but it's the same story with Elizabeth Holmes. Most "rags to riches" stories ignore the fact that the person was already rich because of their parents.

>> No.1589032


It'd have to be on a case by case basis.

You work for me for a entire week, unpaid; if you stick it out and can deliver then I'll give you a chance with or without a degree.

Depending on the business, of course.