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15882317 No.15882317 [Reply] [Original]

Surround your self with good. But not so much that you are blind.

Get rid of masturbation, eating sugar only eat healthy.

-Fast everyday for 16 hours (including sleep)
-take cold showers/baths when you wake up
-realise that doing uncomfortable shit is the only way to become comfortable in life
- have discipline in life

- Take away alot of dopamine sources so that your receptors become so sensitive that even drinking a glass of water gives you abit of dopamine (Am not saying you should totally not do anything that has releases dopamine just have a good relationship with such things not to indulge too much)


>> No.15882341

You know those are fake articles paid for by banks to make people think they can get rich trading forex?
all fake. Usually some college kid, dropout or general loser. Makes a lot of money, fast, and usually in the most peculiar way such as trading on his lunchbreak.

>> No.15882353

I'm going to say that a majority of his money comes from scamming people with fake tips as a trading guru.

>> No.15882368

Took more time to actually read this shit and it sounds so fucking fake. But surley its possible as fuck isnt it?

>> No.15882382

No it isn't. The point is that middle class averages read this and think if that kid can do it so can I. They want you to believe you can get rich quick trading so you give them your money.

>> No.15882395

It could be possible if you devote your time to learning how to trade first. Reading a ton of trading books helps immensely from zero knowledge at all.
Personally I think that if you want to keep up with the current markets, you gotta keep learning because it'll keep changing on you. TA is not a meme and is easier to understand than grilling your mind on fundamentals.

>> No.15882400

This. Always ask who's on the other side of the trade.

>> No.15882404

The get rich quick scheme is a meme in itself. Consistency is key even if it's low gains at first. Also keep a trading journal.

>> No.15882417

if you're waiting around for a big winner, you'll always be a loser up until that point until (more likely if) it happens.
Better to be a winner of small gains that adds up into a big gain.

>> No.15882446

yes, you can get rich trading but it won't be quick (or easy).
They pop up every year a few articles about some teenagers who made a fortune in the market, particularly forex. It's always the same. They started with little, and made a ton, in a very short period of time. Plenty of stupid people out there, a market that's never saturated.

>> No.15882452

I've recently taken the fasting pill and my minds never been clearer.

>> No.15882454

slow and steady anon, failure is a learning experience especially with low amounts.

>> No.15882481

How long do you fast for and what's your diet?

>> No.15882521

gonna speak for him and just say 16 hours. That includes your sleep. Basically if you go to sleep at 9 or 10 you should just finish your fast at around 1-2-3

>> No.15882536

Statistically wise it's possible, just know that you don't see the cases where they go bankrupt.

>> No.15882547

I ubered two people that were rich off forex, kids. I had a luxury uber car. There's a way.

>> No.15882548

well that kid wasnt a pessimist like you, it can happen It just takes an amount of effort people are not able to give

>> No.15882555


>> No.15882557

I just can't do it. Am I a basic bitch? If I skip breakfast, I start spiraling into this pit of acute gnawing hunger and tremulous hypoglemia and it literally makes me unable to focus or do anything at work. Am I just supposed to power through that shit? I can't overstate how overwhelming it is, like I'm being possessed by a demon. Can't ever pull longer than 12 hours fasting before it feels like I just get taken over by my stomach which marches me into the kitchen and rams food down my throat before my brain can wrest control back.

>> No.15882559

damn thats true. But honestly his right i think he was just talking about average people. That wont really be willing to sacrafice anything for being sucsessfull. and just want an easy get rich scheme. Basically dumb people

>> No.15882560

Forex trading is a known scam and has been for decades. Those that get rich off it are those at the top of the pyramid, scamming anyone below then.
I'm not saying don't do it; just don't be the one getting scammed

>> No.15882562

Use caffeine

>> No.15882569

lol humans evolved to do this. Stop your fucking food addiction

Thats not even really possible tho. like literally. How is that possible?

>> No.15882585

not sure if bait or you're serious. But against the odds of it not being bait. Yes it can happen but the chances you're among the lucky ones are slim to nothing. But by all means, don't let anything stop you if you think it is possible.

>> No.15882591

Yeah well those people wont burn the boats commit 12 hours a day to execution cutting out bs busywork. Ive been trying this with a busines(not forex) everyone thinks they can do it but your brain is the biggest bitch and will come up with any excuse to go back to eating shit and playing video games.

>> No.15882608

Bro I've eaten like 2 potnoodles this whole week not that hard

>> No.15882635

thats why you fight your brain so that you feel better in the future? in the future meaning couple of days or week

>> No.15882649


Jesus why does everyone think this dumb shit. Was Soros lucky when he shorted the pound? No he knew what he was doing built a skill to see trends in the market.
Okay Soros is like the Lebron James of trading but if you could get the fraction of the ability of your talent(which most people dont even last long enough hit the upper limits of anyway) you can make some money. Though Soros and people like him are hyperfocused and wouldnt be caught dead on an internet forum.

>> No.15882676

Studies have shown that the longer a child can delay gratification the more successful he would be in the future, or something along those lines


>> No.15882694

same with masturbation. Just you cannot masturbate at all and only have sex

>> No.15882714
File: 74 KB, 742x745, blender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a recent paper that found 97% of traders lose more money than they put in.

This article is sponsored by banks or a retail investor services to encourage more dumb money to enter the market and get fleeced.

>> No.15882831

I fucking hate you nofap weirdos like wtf is wrong with jerking it

>> No.15882840

But dude, if you can tell where that 97% is gonna go, you're gonna be fuckin rich. We did that with link.

>> No.15882860

You’re gonna KILL YOURSELF when link hits 1k per. I guess our initial fud operation really worked

>> No.15882873

Then it’s not fasting

>> No.15882912

Serious question: what's the best way to improve my discipline? I know that the lack of it is pretty much one of the root causes of my problems. Fix that, and the rest will fall in line easily.

>> No.15882931

Of course /biz/ retard schizo's would believe the blatant Forex scam bullshit. /biz/ is full of idiots looking to make a quick buck, willing to fall for MLM obvious garbage.

That's literally why LINK is so popular here. Nobody wants to hear the truth, nobody wants the painful honesty they need to confront to ACTUALLY work hard an become rich. It's simply "NUH HUUH I HEARD DIS GUY ONLINE SAY HE OWN 100,000K LINK WE GOING TO MOON" while they read articles on CretinousMongrel.Co.UK about 12 year old Forex traders making millions.

Don't worry guys, we're all gonna be rich! It's inevitable! You found the secret, you're special! Congrats on $100K!

>> No.15882938

easy... to explain hard to do.

Adopt good habbits like

going sleep at the same time
waking up at the same time
taking cold showers baths
working out

and the way you do these things.
you want to make a routine and never stray of it. When you do cold showers or baths you want to do them at the same time every single fucking day and jump in straight away.

When you fast you finish at the same time every day.

>> No.15882941

Actually another broker study shows that that same 97%, in this brokers case it was more like 87%, has over a 50% accuracy on its trades over a long period of time. Might be different for other brokers, just one particular brokers case. The reason why so many people lose money is because of leverage and emotions. It isn't necessarily that they're constantly on the losing side. It's that they lose big and win small.
It can happen, though Soros could have gone bust and you'd never even heard about him. How many people can you count that are Soros-tier stories? Now compare that to the amount of people you'll never even hear about cause they're bust. Yes sure what Soros did was clever, but I think you're purposefully being naive here. If you think you can be the next Soros, then go ahead, it can happen, but statistically speaking you're just another pleb that'll get rekt.

>> No.15883086

Here's how to trade forex.

2 period RSI
multiple scaled limit orders of various stop losses and take profits
mini lots

Trend trading and buying at the market on single, large orders is for dumb idiots that listen to guru scammers. You cannot reliably enter or exit a trend on a single order. You cannot see a trending market or a ranging market until it's already well underway.

>> No.15883115


Yep that's how you do it. Scale into winning positions and able to cut losses while they are small.

>> No.15883129

what time periods do you recommend for rsi?

>> No.15883130

Very large survivorship bias in this area.

>> No.15883136


>> No.15883477
File: 750 KB, 919x657, program.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody runs a program as tight as mine

>> No.15883666

Thats why i compared him to lebron james he got just as lucky to be born near 7 feet tall of fast twitch muscle fiber with an insane vertical jump. Who else has genes like that? Thats his luck and thats why his ceiling in the sport is over a billion plus- record breaking number just like Soros who made a billion in a day but can everyone else expect similar results? No, he has an obvious knack for these things BUT you can do things daily and get to 10000 hours to become good at something. If he can make a billion in a day you can make 1 million if you put the same time in as him. Its 1/1000th the result it is possible (Also, people take calculated risks Soros didnt bet the house. He makes it so his upside massively outweighs his downside)