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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15879152 No.15879152 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good ways to get multiple incomes alongside a full-time job? I was thinking strongly about investing, stocks or maybe starting a small business from home.

Where is a good place to get started on this and find good information and resources on any of these topics? I'm not looking to get rich but just something to make extra money on the side for emergencies, vacations etc.

>> No.15879172

Get a blackbelt in a martial art and open an academy.

>> No.15879267

run errands for old or not mobile people. you can do it while you do your errands. Get paid for driving places are already going.

>> No.15879926

hello fagtards, I'm also always on the lookout for this kind of stuff, especially stuff that isn't so service orientated or charges for an hourly rate.

>> No.15879960

Get a cow, sell dairy products.

>> No.15879974


>> No.15880006

coaching / teaching in anything you are good in.
You areg ood in something right anon?
Don't tell me you have nothing to show for yourself except sitting at home all day in front of the pc... anon?

>> No.15880050

Easy. Try things out and don't do anything that doesn't pay you triple the minimum salary (22$/hour). Otherwise you will compete with human ants in a field where only way to win is to sacrifice more time and money.

>> No.15880094

I do residential furnace and AC installs on the side and my name has finally started to get around and I’ve got a bunch of random jobs from it making insane cash.

>> No.15880105

How did you go about that? Just go to a trade school for a year and now your self employed and do jobs for people under the table?

>> No.15880234

where do I stake and where are some good resources to learn about it?

>> No.15880252

why the fuck is this vaginanigger so happy about a banana?

>> No.15880258

how do you get into owning/leasing atm's? can anyone do it? or vending machines. seems like a nice way to make some cash

>> No.15880280

depends on the country you are on if you need a banking license for that.

otherwise, find a nice spot where you can set it up with a lot of people around who need money and there you go.

>> No.15880323

She cute

>> No.15880344

Join this Discord server, it has got some business ideas rolling- FpU7Hr

>> No.15880671

Escape #nodev

>> No.15880692

I used to sell cheap shit bought in bulk from Aliexpress for 500% profit on ebay.

>> No.15880727

Stegos' bounty program is super easy and the tasks can give you great rewards. A total of 150k up for grabs.

>> No.15880741

agdg is that you?

>> No.15880750

why don't you do it anymore?

>> No.15880776

It's my only hope. Pls no bully

>> No.15880794

tell me about your game
what is your plan to make it popular?

>> No.15880822
File: 301 KB, 2066x1426, welcome_to_Portland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was chink Benz center caps so Daimler whinged to eBay about it and my account got suspended lmao.
Now the market has been destroyed by people who got the same idea, 100 center caps would cost me around 80 quid, I was selling a set of 4 for £25.
Nowadays there's plenty of listings selling a set for like a fiver.

Need to find myself a new niche but it's hard.

Thought about getting into Etsy.

>> No.15880824

Rimworld clone with z levels and built in multiplayer/modding support backed by a very memory efficient ECS.
Since I'm doing it solo I wouldn't need to have as many sales to be be successful.

>> No.15880832

*wouldn't need as many sales as other indie games that are considered failures

>> No.15880837

I love passive income. For the last 10 years I've been building sources of passive income while working full time. 3 months ago I quit - I'm full passive bitches.

Websites. All kinds. I've made landing pages that direct to amazon and bought cheap traffic. I've done affiliate links on forums and shit all over. I have a few garbage "blog" sites for niche topics with ads. You can make money with almost any kind of website if you create and market it right. Change small things every time, maybe replace the art if you're feeling ambitions with photoshop (its not even that hard really).

Microstock images. iStockPhoto (Adobe iStock now?), ShutterStock, Fotolia, etc. Make shitty images with blender or take shit with your new phone. Trees, people, apples, fucking anything. Better quality and more generic generally make more money. You improve as you do it, so you start with garbage but eventually get good.

Asset flips. Welcome to the future. Download Unreal Engine or Unity and start flipping today! It costs $100 to submit a flip o Steam. You only need to make that $100 back then you're iiinn the greeeeen! Bonus points if you did microstock first because HEY now you know blender and photoshop too! Then put your flip on Google Market whatever and Apple App Store or what have you. I think Unreal engine can submit to the Epic store for free so there ya go ez pz.

Trade bot; Buy low, sell high. There are a few digital assets (not just crypto) and in some cases you can find low risk great opportunities. You can also make auto arbitrage trading bots. This is more difficult than the others and I suspect most of the brainlets on this board would only lose money if they tried that.

>> No.15880844

how many sales do you expect to get?
how many sales do you need to make it?

>> No.15880845

now is your chance to pitch/shill your game
tell me more

>> No.15880851

What are you using to make it? How far along are you? What have you done to market it so far?

>> No.15880861

they say millionaires have on average 7 sources of income. That's my eventual goal along withe earning more from each income source every year. Currently have - my full time wagecuckings, my side hustle, dividends from boomer stocks (getting about 4.5% /yr) and interest from savings account. I'm also working on 2 websites with the hope of monetizing via affiliate links and google ads. Would like to some day get into rental properties

>> No.15880958
File: 763 KB, 787x830, anime_computer_blue_programming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My reaching goal is to end up with a steam game with at least 1000 reviews. That would put me at about a minimum of 30,000 sales (rule of 30). I base it off of reviews because it's the easiest steam metric to find and the rule of 30-50 is pretty constant.

Just some number crunching would show that if the game sells at $20 and I net half of that after Steam fee/taxes I could net 6 figures at about a game with 300 reviews. If you look at many colony sim games on steam that is definitely doable if it isn't trash.

I've spent most of my time laying the groundwork to support such a game. All the things like lighting, pathfinding, networking, modding, and art pipeline are all there but I haven't started the actual game outside of testing. My overarching goal for this is to actually make 3 games in the span of about a year based on this system:
>Ant colony simulator (maybe with aliens instead of ants that can get mutated to get different abilities/castes
>Rimworld style game
>Liberal Crime Squad remake

>> No.15880971

you probably need to the drop the studio/publisher name for us to support it in the future.

>> No.15881060
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, anime_programming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a reason why multi-z level tile based games are so infrequent by the way. It's mostly just do to physical constraints.
Imagine 400*400*100 = 16,000,000 tiles/entities. At one byte per tile that would be 15 MB already.
Now consider what happens when a single object reference in c# is 12 bytes minimum and a single entity will need dozens of references to represent health, color, sprite image, lighting, whatever and that's hundreds of bytes that simply will not fit in memory.

I created a template system that allows for entities to use up a minimum of about 25 bytes total in memory (that includes their reference) if they aren't edited, and if they are edited once then about 70 plus however many bytes that were changed on the object.

So you can imagine a world full of various kinds of tiles that could even be modded in and each one would only take up 25 bytes until it is damaged from mining for example and that would make one about 80 bytes in size.

This is for all entities. A tile entity could be given a component that lets it damage people who pass by, emit radiation and temperature, do anything and STILL stay at 25 bytes.
Entities are represented as json templates with components that represent a subscription to a system. You can mod your own custom components as well.

>> No.15881068

Thanks, I will when I have more together.

>> No.15881405

>for a year
Minimum 4 years

>> No.15881726


I buy t-shirts from thrift stores for a couple bucks & flip them. Sometimes they only sell for $5-$10 and i double/triple my money, other times you get that crazy bidding war, most i sold one for was around $150. I buy other gems in the rough while at the thrift stores too

Also alibaba. Find a symbol/something that isn't trademarked & have shirts, hats, accessories custom made in bulk for cheap. Or find something that is trademarked and only sell a few with a fake return address...

>> No.15881734

It’s not available yet. But soon. Soon

>> No.15881746

I am really good at tennis and teach during summers. Is there a way to market make this full time ? Any idea about resort and spa that hire at least part time ?

>> No.15881804

it's a dumb meme perpetuated by the haves to goad the have-nots into believing they can make it.
Most income is not passive. Only if you are already rich can you make enough off of being a landlord to sustain yourself.
This guy is the perfect example. Your Affiliate Marketing sites will not get any hits without massive work and it'll just be a drain on hosting resources. And you barely get paid on any sales you get, basically minimum wage tier work. Trading bots don't work.
anyone selling you passive income is trying to make scam you.

>> No.15881850

well yes no shit but I can see the borderline in her eyes

>> No.15882015

>$150 for a t-shirt

>> No.15882068

Rare band shirt

>> No.15882164

Anyone in real estate?

>> No.15882187

Kek that shit's about to crash again

>> No.15882215

think so?

>> No.15882328

I'm making it work though. Many of my websites are old enough and have enough links / mentions that it's all hands off. Once you get a game on Steam you can basically forget about it. It's a lot of work to get going but what it is it's truely passive.