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15870341 No.15870341 [Reply] [Original]

jack edition

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>> No.15870357


Thank me later.

>> No.15870388
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pls gib a more significant drop this time, i want to buy tim apple under 210

>> No.15870435

What's the situation with their Malaysia plant? What happens if they can't fulfill Malaysia's demands during the 6 month reprieve? My understanding is that that is their main site where they process their mined ore, so they will lose all revenues if the plant is shut down?

>> No.15870436

You think rare earths will moon?

>> No.15870446

what should i do if i went all in monday?

>> No.15870455

watch the sunset

>> No.15870466


>> No.15870480

So the economy is completely fucked then?

>> No.15870487

Why do they have two tickets?
I think they're opening another plant in the western US. No idea on a timeline though.

>> No.15870488

I wish I was joking but I'm not. I put in almost 16k. 85% is in AMRN (800 shares). My Target Fund took 1000.00. DIS took $700+. The remainder was split between GE,T-babies, S&P 500 fund, and Comcast. I'm down over 2000.00 as of now. Nov 14 can't get here quick enough.

>> No.15870509

Why stop there? Imagine if 230 was the double top and 142 the neckline, breaking the neckline would make the new target around 100 kek'd. I mean.. why not right?

Fed decisions and China talks were one of the main reasons we saw the massive decline in late 2018. Seeing such a decline again would be juicy as fuck

>> No.15870514
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lol who cares. Markets don't care about fundamentals, they'll trade the stock as a result of the Chinese cutting off supply to America.


Let's put it this way: in 2010 China reduced rare earth exports by 40%. Lynas went to $25 in 2011.

A few years later the WTO ruled against China and they had to eliminate the export restriction, hence the collapse in price.

>> No.15870518

>Fed decisions and China talks were one of the main reasons we saw the massive decline in late 2018. Seeing such a decline again would be juicy as fuck
What does juicy mean? So we are literally repeating 2018 again? Will 2020 go the same way?

>> No.15870528
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Not sure why I would buy on the ASX, means I'd have to apply to be a Schwab global trader, and then pay exchange fees, and then pay aussie comissions.

I'm not sure why there are both OTC ADR's and then a seperate OTC though. This confuses and alarms me.

>> No.15870531

someone knows something about tomorrows deal

>> No.15870537

Yeah I know I should've balanced it out more but it was a Profit to risk scale thing. AMRN will deliver the massive cash influx I need. So that I can properly seed my other positions and stick a nice wad back into the bank. Just gotta ride it out till 11/14

>> No.15870539

Maybe, maybe not. Who knows

>> No.15870544

Bulls showed up in futures trading. Perhaps tomorrow won't be quite as bad as it looked 90 minutes ago.

>> No.15870546

What do you think happens over the next two years.

>> No.15870561
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>Let's put it this way: in 2010 China reduced rare earth exports by 40%. Lynas went to $25 in 2011.
sound logic fren
I hope it moons for you.

I'm gonna keep playing with my options though.

>> No.15870592

It's literally impossible to say. But I do believe we're in it for another 6+ years bullrun if the trade deal is a success

>> No.15870604

positive or negative? They just jumped.

>> No.15870608

It would cost me $50 to buy this, a pretty steep fee.

What if they don't cut the supply this time?

>> No.15870613

Do you think these Chinese reports are posturing?

>> No.15870676

So the report about the Chinese leaving tomorrow was faked

>> No.15870692

I mean, China are obviously pissed off at Trump for banning chinese people after new trade talks were planned between the two.. or announcing more tariffs when things seemed to be going good again, etc etc.
No clue though, the chinese are sneaky and smart.

>> No.15870731


>> No.15870772

I just checked, it still seems true.

>> No.15870792

I just checked, you're a faggot

>> No.15870806


Wait... what the fuck is happening?

>> No.15870837

Someone is holding a lot of puts it seems

>> No.15870903

Fox now reporting the opposite of the WH. So chinese delegation probably said they were leaving early. Wonder if it is mind games.

>> No.15870937
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>> No.15870960

>Wonder if it is mind games
The WHITE HOUSE claims it's fake news that they will leave early, but why would SCMP lie? They wouldn't. This is just Trump and his admin claiming something is fake news until it gets proven. This is not the first time they do shit like this, I think it's true now that I have read a few tweets from reporters.
BUT things might change if Trump begs them to stay tomorrow, so don't trade the news.

>> No.15870979

Yeah, I've been looking into it. Seems like they are leaving early but could possibly be a negotiation tactic.

>> No.15871010


He said she said. Both reports could be right. Maybe the Chinese side HAS decided to leave early but haven't told the US side yet.

The source for leaving early on Thursday was from the SCMP (aka, Alibaba, aka, the Chinese Government) and the source for them staying until Friday night was from an anonymous source within the White House.

We'll soon see who was right on Thursday/Friday.

>> No.15871036

Economy is going to crash isnt it?

>> No.15871047

The Chinese seem to be punking Trump.

I always knew that the Chinks are fucking DEADLY negotiators. Read some recounts from the negotiations to end the Korean War, or China's negotiations with Thatcher in the early 1980s to hand over Hong Kong.

The gooks were putting invasion on the table for Hong Kong. Not joking.

>> No.15871065

Dow down 1000 tomorrow? Shit man.

>> No.15871077

Just made £84.10 dividend :D

>> No.15871086

Last minute negotiation tactic. These chinks man.

>> No.15871110


you'll lose it though

>> No.15871114


Key variables in the economy;

1. Macro outlook.

2. Fed ability to ease (rate cuts are factored in now, also QE is starting to be factored in BUT TOTALLY DON'T CALL IT QE GUISE)

3. US-China trade talks.

4. To a lesser extent; Brexit.

5. Unnamed black swan event.

>> No.15871119

No because that would mean the 2nd term of Trump would go down the tubes.

>> No.15871120

So we fucked next year it seems?

>> No.15871126
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I wonder where we are.

>> No.15871129

What? The tariffs will come into effect. We have weak services data already.

>> No.15871138
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-27% ah
PCG cheapies!

>> No.15871139

Nothing major will happen. settle down.

>> No.15871146


Trump could run the election as a referendum on China.

Not even joking. All of those post-industrial heartland states would lap it up.

>> No.15871155

How do you know? China will retaliate with more shit and send the consumer sector of our economy down the shitter.

>> No.15871157 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15871170

A little late there. We know.

>> No.15871177

>How do you know
Because I'm in the know.

>> No.15871182


Jack Ma is a stooge for the Chinese government. The nigga has an IQ of 95, guaranteed. Elon Musk wiped the floor with him as if he was a retard.

>> No.15871188
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>> No.15871193

Just doing it back at them. They shouldn’t have started this shir with a crumbling economy.

>> No.15871201

reinvest my dude, wealth builds wealth

>> No.15871209

Yes!. Buying Spree time! oh yeah..

>> No.15871225

damn straight

you need money to make money

>> No.15871258


Remember when the Gooks retaliated with their own tariffs back in early August to coincide with the US market open?

They are sneaky and they know exactly what they are doing, and they have contingency plans with what to do if something happens.

Make no mistake.

>> No.15871303

fuck this clown market, every day is a coin toss

>> No.15871354

Man futures do not know how to parse this information. They're leaning red but there is vicious back and forth over how far to go before bulls want a taste of those cheapies.

>> No.15871364

As an ausfag here i put some calls on Lycas since minimal fees. Did i make a good decision frens?

>> No.15871432

I have a decent amount in BBBY. Today was a good day.

>> No.15871448


>> No.15871480
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scream if you wanna go faster

>> No.15871502
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>why would SCMP lie? They wouldn't.
...what in the fuck am I reading??

>> No.15871520

They joined the chinese delegates, if they say they are leaving early then fucking obviously they have heard it from them. They have better access to that information than american media for obvious reasons.
The chance of it being Trump lying in hope of correcting the issue by tomorrow makes way more sense

>> No.15871533


>> No.15871541

Their reason to lie is they wanna further demolish investor confidence so that China has more leverage during the negotiations.

>> No.15871545
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Lol fake news

>> No.15871583

why shouldn't the chinese monetize their influence? like tesla puts + ignite a tesla
what would the sec do?

>> No.15871630

Yep, the SCMP will say whatever the CCP tells them to say. Deception, Art of war, etc.

RIP me
Here lies anon:
He traded headlines using leverage.

You mean practically? Or morally? Or something about journalism or integrity?

Clem was really, really hot for some reason. Would let domme.

>> No.15871680
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China's will pull some chinky shit last minute and Trump will tell them to fuck off and add another 20% in tarriffs, effectively starving the Chinese nation forcing them to eat eachother again.

>> No.15871708

They have no contingency better than licking our boots. They have no choice but to crumble or make a full deal

>> No.15871728
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right now with this "news"

>> No.15871743

But the asian markets slipped aswell... and CLEARLY Trump doesn't give a shit if the NQ dumps 150 points. If he did he would have agreed to a trade agreement a hundred times over already. Remember the drops in 2018? Remember the drop in May earlier this year? Remember the 10% drop just two months ago? So this shit giving them a "leverage" doesn't make sense.
This is just China refusing an agreement, telling the US that if nothing happens we'll leave, the chink media that followed the chink delegates were told they're going home early (because they travel together) and now Trump wants to calm them down.

>and now Trump wants to calm them down.
Just when I typed this I read that: "U.S. is considering a currency pact as part of an early deal with China"
See? Easy peasy.

>> No.15871748

Buy KHC.

>> No.15871775

>a currency pact

>> No.15872193
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China cannot hold itself to be held accountable and will never sign any "pact". JUST like last time Trump will tell them to fuck off,Showing the world they are a currency manipulators and effectively wiping out thier food and oil reserves,starving the nation and allowing Honk KongJapan,Taiwan,and Korea to invade the mainland.

When the pendulum cracks to the right,it's going to come hard and fast.

Fuck China.

>> No.15872201

What should my investment portfolio look like if I'm trying to take a mid 20s retirement

>> No.15872220

3 million in a dividend portfolio

>> No.15872229

I make $40,000/year

>> No.15872237
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80% silver
20% oil once it hits $40 a barrel

>> No.15872268

another century of humiliation

>> No.15872298

absolutely impossible, delusional

I believe it though

>> No.15872340


Just starting out. I moved my 401k to 95% cash and think I'll stick there until about 2021.

>> No.15872378

but our market will also tank

>> No.15872405
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You better screenshot that shit when you read the newspaper in the morn.
Spy is literally teetering on a perfect Head and shoulders pattern.

This is it boys I hope you have some cash ready for this big ass dip to 250,followed by the goldenest, big dicked bull you've ever seen.

All other countries are lost,America is the only way

>> No.15872769

even - green tomorrow
odd - red tomorrow

>> No.15872785


>> No.15872851

>Asia desperate for anything will hurt our market

>> No.15872929

i think part of the reason our markets are where they are is because of cheap chinese slave labor so an end to that arrangement should see us go down a bit but in the long run its the right thing to do

>> No.15873033

I meant to report this morning
>09:12 AM EDT, 10/09/2019 (MT Newswires) -- Bilibili (BILI) received a buy investment rating from Nomura as the firm said it sees the online entertainment company as "China's YouTube for Gen Z users."
>Nomura set its price target on Bilibili's stock at $18 per share, above the stock's Tuesday closing price of $13.44.

And right now...
>NYT says Trump to concede on Huawei
no. way.
Please be fake news!

> Washington will soon issue licenses allowing some U.S. firms to supply non-sensitive goods to China's Huawei Technologies
oh... I guess that's fine...

In other news:
>Are Millennials Killing the Tiny Plastic Bottles Industry?

>> No.15873102

Theta burn is going from 1st degree to 2nd degree. It hurts. I don’t know if I can hold in this inferno until 3rd degree theta burn starts to develop. FUCK. Am I going to be Standard or Poor coming out of this 500?

>> No.15873194

>Markets don't care about fundamentals
Are you implying that news that Malaysia kicks their white asses out of their country won't tank the share price? They literally have most of their capital in that plant and the US one is at least a few years away.

>> No.15873429

So Mexico government is set to reach a decision on whether to legalize weed or not. If I read the news right, it seems they are bound by some court order to do the vote before end of October. As far as stocks go, the only company that may immediately benefit from this is ACB, as they have an LOI to buy a Mexican pharmaceutical operation, Farmacias Magistrales S.A., with a license to import THC.

>> No.15873490

is the chartist's work legit?

>> No.15873543


>> No.15873614

you know, one reason for the Chinese to leave a day early is if they'd already decided on the deal...

Unfortunately I think this is quite likely:

>> No.15873927

BofA called the top already to weeks ago, their sp 500 target for eoy is 2866.

>> No.15873936


>> No.15873989

You can find the original too if you search

>> No.15873994

cheers anon

>> No.15874064

Even Obrador said it will pass because of its importance in their crime fighting strategy. Bbbut that’s known for a year already, why the fuck acb is still clapping the bottom? Hmm, maybe that the dudeweed has created so many bagholders, who sell everytime it hits a higher price? And maybe just maybe that the shares are worth a lot less than currently they’re going for?

>> No.15874192

I think there’s extra FUD from the the CDC emphasizing the role of thc vapes in the vapedemic.

And weed is still so speculative.

>> No.15874626
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>> No.15874762

btw, the revolut anon who bought PCG, you still here/alive?

>> No.15874780

PCG is a buy under $9 right?

>> No.15874824

I think there isn’t nuch upside to owning it. There’s a reason the never recovered after last season, but haven’t paid any attention to it, only shorted them a year ago.

>> No.15874828
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Post realistic videos like this


>> No.15875342


>> No.15875369
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>> No.15875454

Abandon all hope ye who enter here

>> No.15875476

Fresh ADXS news. Time for me to make even more money. https://newsfilter.io/articles/advaxis-and-ucla-enter-collaboration-for-glioblastoma-immunotherapy-discovery-research-a6007f4e0dd05ca1db57607271c0a562

>> No.15875641

this has been one of my sole bright spots, how high can it go?

>> No.15875656

This. Don’t buy unless you are bag holding for 5 yrs minimum

>> No.15875663

We getting that rate cut? I need to refinance student loans

>> No.15875689
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>go to bed rekt
>this morning everything is fine


>> No.15875694

My price target is $1

>> No.15875734


>> No.15875760

Futures look pretty crab today.

>> No.15875777

What mutual funds to ride out the trade war? I'm bored of this shit. I'll take a break for a few years then come back to trading

>> No.15875792

Good, we need the cleanse

>> No.15875831

Man I hope we crash. What would you do with $100k in a crash situation?

>> No.15875856

Two chicks at the same time, man.

>> No.15875871

Yea but you could pay them in canned food or bottle caps

>> No.15875872

All in tqqq calls

>> No.15875925

Some canned clams, parmesan, and my honeys. Why not?

>> No.15875937

Is the market overpunishing PCG right now?

>> No.15875957

was just gonna ask that. Last time this happened it bounced back quick.

>> No.15876003

>last time
you talking bout the drop from 45ish to 27ish, yeah sure it bounced back real good, but pennywise yeah its bouncing already

>> No.15876086

China was here for 30 seconds before promising to buy a bunch of pork, kek

>> No.15876114
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Thread slow. Everybody still in bed or what?

>> No.15876119

how can I turn these 28 JNJ calls into $10000 today? I need to get 10 grand by next friday so that I can spend it on shit that I don't need.

>> No.15876130

took a chance on a PCG call, already regret it kek

>> No.15876157

Bro they went bankrupt and shut power off for millions of people to prevent "wild fires" and you bought calls?

>> No.15876170

I do the opposite of what my instinct tells me common sense dictates the reaction to news should be. usually it gives me a better than 50% success rate.

>> No.15876189
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Good morning /biz/niggers.

Redpill me on Phillip Morris stock. US smokers will keep smoking as they can afford it and as the third world gets richer they will start smoking even more than white people ever did meaning there is market growth potential in India, Africa, etc

>> No.15876198

Im at work, reading and going over notes. Stonks are crabbing.
Dumbshit who made the thread didn’t include interesting news. So nothing to talk about.

>> No.15876201

Anyone looking at Hexo? How low can it really go?

>> No.15876203

Just follow zerohedge like everyone else

>> No.15876204
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>> No.15876208
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>> No.15876210

Turkey in Syria is pretty interesting and it could be significant, Trump talking about destroying economies and all that.

>> No.15876214
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>> No.15876217

>im retarded so if i do the opposite of what i think ill win
ive seen worse strategies

>> No.15876220

>canned clams and parmesan
is this the joke?

>> No.15876226
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Ah yes ADXS dip down to .25 again so I can buy even more

>> No.15876239

Ahh i shouldve waited to buy puts. What happened?

>> No.15876241

>just follow zero hedge
Retard what news sites I follow is different from a shitbird not including it in the op. Learn to read properly.

>> No.15876247

REFR bottomed

>> No.15876248

>Turkey in Syria is pretty interesting and it could be significant, Trump talking about destroying economies and all that.
/pol/ has good threads when an international happening like this happens. It was great during the Ukrainian happening, for example. It was pretty busy yesterday when the Turks started their attack.

>> No.15876256
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>> No.15876259

LOL AMRN would shoot up in value the day after I sold covered calls. Just to make it look like I am losing money when I'm gaining money.

>> No.15876266
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fucking kek trump

>> No.15876268

>destabilizing countries so they can be made into proxy states
I want more news on Equador and Iraq. Both are going through martial law and possibly changes in the government.

>> No.15876269
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>he fell for the trade war recession impeachment meme

>> No.15876285

There was a cool clip of some Ecuador army + police that were supposed to cut off a highway to the capital but ended up surrounded.

>> No.15876299

Trump is sucking off the chinks isnt he

>> No.15876302

Thanks for propping up the market with a tweet.
>tfw up .6 this morning and finally out of the hole
If this mad man actually managed to make a decent trade deal with China before the election there's no way he loses a second term.

>> No.15876303
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>> No.15876311

It's looking good right now, but we have seen this before. All of the sudden Trump disagrees with the chinks and it's downwards again.
We'll see though, we're in it for a real fucking bullrun if they make actual progress

>> No.15876313
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That's no what the candles say.

>> No.15876318
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Are people still getting baited by this?

Either one of the two bails at the last minute for bullshit reasons or they have "constructive talks" that lead nowhere, except Trump raging sooner or later on Twittter, threatening further tariffs.

>> No.15876332

If only I was in business of selling weapons, want to become a illegal arms smugglers anon?
No he’s sucking off the jews

>> No.15876342

If trump sucked jew cock we would have america blood flowing through Syria today

>> No.15876343


>> No.15876352

Why didn't any of you faggots shill Ra Pharma

>> No.15876371

marines have already died in Syria dumbfuck. He sucks off the Saudi’s and Jews. Not completely but enough to satisfy them.

>> No.15876382
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>> No.15876408
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The state of MMEN bag holders. If you go on r/weedstocks there is an army of idiots actually defending this stock that the CEOs treat like a personal bank account.

>> No.15876416
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I shouldve bought calls and puts at least I'd be up. Have realized I bought too many options that expire rather soon, again.

>> No.15876421

The street really believes this shit? Am I getting vaporized by algos or what?

Jesus this is a huge hit. Can this move really sustain itself? What the fuck man!

Liquor, ladies, and LEVERAGE.

>> No.15876434 [DELETED] 

The stocks on my watchlist most are going down now. One of the few stocks I have puts on? Ehh it's refusing to go down as hard as the others. Ahhhhhhhhh

>> No.15876437

Reminder that the Chinese need us more than we need them. The dynamics of our relationship are a rich shopper and a store that's only benefit is low costs due to slave labor. The minute China gets uppity we can just move shop to India or Africa or some other developing nations. Our markets are hurting from uncertainty. Theirs are hurting because regardless of how things go, they're fucked. They played their cards way too early thinking every president would be Obama and just let it slide.


>> No.15876453

We just gonna forget about Epstein?

>> No.15876461

China, from some of the stuff I've seen, is attempting to set up shop in Africa already.

>> No.15876462

ADXS....you were doing so well.

>One of the few stocks I have puts on? Ehh it's refusing to go down as hard as the others

Story of my life.

>> No.15876484


>> No.15876492

If he doesn’t get voter ID through its over. Many states have joined the popular vote coalition. Theres simply too many illegals in Commiefornia voting for gibs.

>> No.15876494

>have already
That’s why we are fucking out
Look how hard it is to do anything as president. Dems do opposite of everything he wants. They are pro war now. How do you deal with these flipflopping brainwashed Americans? It’s a miracle we are getting out at all

>> No.15876511
File: 54 KB, 720x537, 1563160939208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got it on good authority that the Africans are starting to get tired of the Chinese and their bullshit. Everyone talks about white people and racism but those people don't know enough Asians. And of all the Asian ethnicities, the Chinese are the rudest of all. There's only so much taunting and disrespect that Okonkwo will take before Chang finds a spear going from point A to point Z.
Basically the Africans aren't afraid to burn shit down in their own back yard which is a miscalculation by the Chinese that love to abuse their work force.

>> No.15876544

The states that joined that already voted blue consistently and they only said they would do so once they collectively have 270. He should get voter ID but elections are a state matter. So he would be leverage on each state before he could. I say he does a national """"refugee"""" red resettlement program where we round up all illegals and send them to one blue state. Once they decide it's too much for them we say we'll go somewhere else if they instate voter ID laws. Continue until all 50 require it. I don't understand what it's even controversial. I live in a state with voter ID. It's literally free. Constitutionally it has to be otherwise it would be seen as a poll tax. Literally just identification only good for voting.

>> No.15876564
File: 62 KB, 960x652, A5699C81-C303-4C0C-B28C-CFD9EDC9EE4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes because our fellow citizens with their smooth brains can only manage one issue at a time and forget everything else.
What is developing in India? Their industry is advancing at the pace of a sloth.

Africa especially Northern African countries are having their infrastructure being built by the Chinese.

The idea you can just divert a product to a state that does not have a demand for such good is incorrect and just plain retarded.

>> No.15876566

Are you sure its when they reached 270? I thought with that they were implying that when a majority of states join then the election will be fully determined by the popular vote. What I saw is it was a bunch of crucial swing states like colorado.

>> No.15876573

>we are out
>marines dying
Fuck you’re retarded. Also nice goal post moving boomer. Don’t reply to me with such low IQ posts.

>> No.15876601

Does it effect ballot-by-mail stuff?

>> No.15876611

APPL props the market up with its all time highs for now...

>> No.15876626

Yeah that's what they meant by majority of states. In essence the electoral college itself is a federal matter. The president MUST be selected by the electoral college. However the way that those delegates vote is a state matter. So if California decided that they wanted to give their electoral votes to the person that won the popular vote nationally, there wouldn't be much stopping them. They would forever bitch and moan the minute a republican wins the popular vote though. It's unconstitutional though. So it's a literal nothing for asshurt kids that didn't pay attention in civics.
*No State shall, without the Consent of Congress ... enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State

>> No.15876642

You're not diverting the product, your diverting the production. America is still the consumer. We're just gonna find a less Chinese maker. The product for them is paid labor. No shortage for demand in that.

>> No.15876646

It'll go back up. News today was good. There really isn't a good reason for it to be going down, probably a short attack or stop loss raid

>> No.15876650

VIX you fucking stubborn donkey move the fuck off 18

>> No.15876671

Only in the sense of the popular vote nation wide. As in if there's a national tie they would start looking to mail in ballots to break it.

>> No.15876689
File: 154 KB, 1077x1222, Screenshot_20191010-105605_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parabolic he says

>> No.15876704


>> No.15876705

Fidelity $0 trades start today, what do I buy biz? Long term only

>> No.15876706

>time is a goalpost
Yup, all trumps fault for decisions made by previous presidents.
Americans are dying from a previous wars started, trump is removing them from said wars. Fucking Christ you shills are useless now. You don’t even try.

>> No.15876713

you're a dumb fuck

>> No.15876727


>> No.15876768

>rally picking up steam
I just sold my tivx for a massive loss that will surely be the bottom.

I’ve had enough of being a dumb fuck degenerate gambler.

I meant do voter id laws effect mail in ballots. I don’t need ID to mail in my ballot, so I’m not sure why it’s so different.

>> No.15876790

Fidelity is following in chuck's move? When did they announce this?

>> No.15876794

Just bought 100 calls VIX to 19 ending oct 16th.


>> No.15876809

Oh. I think mail in ballots are something you need to apply for ahead of time and they check the voter logs to see that you're registered then send a ballot to your address or wherever. Whatever the process is, we have mail in ballots in states that have voter ID. It's really just a process to make sure the people voting are who they say they are and aren't able to vote twice or in districts they don't even live in.

>> No.15876842

That’s true, you do need to request it ahead of time. That could change the ability to dupe it.

>> No.15876876

You misunderstand. The point I am making is that China is the US’s main buyer of the agricultural and capital products. Yes we can just find another dealer of some commodities but we cannot find another buyer of ours.

>> No.15876880
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Based trump tweets don't disappoint.
What a rally.

>> No.15876881


It'll be down soon enough. Shits gonna be a rollercoaster until FDA approval

>> No.15876895
File: 39 KB, 480x439, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t read past that.
Cry me a river bitch

>> No.15876905

Literally this morning

>> No.15876912

WEEDBRO TLRY heading down to its lowest point, might be a good buy SHORT term

>> No.15876933

This CGC ceo good news or what?

>> No.15876944

That's completely false. I think you're misunderstanding the statistic. China buys a lot of onions beans from the US and we provide 50% of their imported supply. However Canada is actually our number one export target for agriculture.
Unless you're making a thinly veiled "Canadians are all Chinese now" joke, in which case well done. Fuck the leafs. The Chinese constantly promise to buy us agriculture which boosts the commodities markets, then they renig on that agreement which crashes the maker. Then suddenly an (((anonymous))) vendor totally not associated with the communist party of China buys out the cheap supply.

>> No.15876962

Well hot damn, time to buy buy buy

>> No.15876975

went and checked, it's true.


>> No.15876992
File: 27 KB, 508x399, F3D15F31-3238-4B1C-BEAD-CED016181919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leddit is just around the corner

>> No.15877002

If they're so fucking sure why don't they show us their short on the market. If the market is going down, surely they won't get liquidated. Bears are getting fucked today and if the trade deal happens they'll have no choice but to Sudoku.

>> No.15877005

Sold my SPY 294Cs, sold my 11/18 300Cs, added 11/18 305Cs and opened VIAB. Feeling good.

>> No.15877011

LCI what happen? Is it just going to decay until earnings like it did last quarter?

>> No.15877039


>> No.15877066
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>> No.15877068

>stocks go up stocks go down
What a surprise. I don't think it will go down to base level again. Volume was much higher this time but if you want to buy cheapies you might have to wait a little bit.

>> No.15877079

Viacom? Why the hell would you invest in television in the year of our Lord 2019? Television is dead and replaced by YouTube and streaming services that are equally determined to die.

>> No.15877097

#ImWithTrey&Matt #Fuckthechinese

>> No.15877159

All in lci puts,
Sick of losing money on this now

>> No.15877180

Why is LCI dropping? Theres like no volume? Everyone just selling off?

>> No.15877193

It's like max oversold. No buyers

>> No.15877211

Seriously what the fuck everything is green except LCI which is just freefalling

>> No.15877214

Bull me up

>> No.15877268

Ok, I never bought in, but got curious - why AMRN shills think it will get bought out soon? They sell fish oil ‘derivative’ in a saturated market segment and already have a 5B mkt cap. I sure would short the geniuses that would spend 5B for something like that, or am I wrong?

>> No.15877275

It failed to push the 12.66 resistance which is a bearish signal for traders.. it will test the 10.60 lows again, if that doesn't hold then 9.50. Let's hope it makes a higher low or 9.50 seems very likely to happen soon.
I didn't catch the short on LCI so I hope it recovers, because I want to short this

>> No.15877277

The spread on those puts looks pretty horrendous. Good luck with the revenge gains though

>> No.15877289

Why so bearish?

>> No.15877300

Your TA doesnt matter on such a fucked up stock
>98% tute owned
>57% short interest
For all you know this could be a whole shit ton of new shorts selling off borrowed shares

>> No.15877315
File: 1.19 MB, 1242x2013, C85F0491-EE5A-4F83-B063-AC9EFC120F1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is this?

>> No.15877316


>> No.15877321

And dont forget the stupid low volume because its held so tightly by tutes and so oversold. The spreads I've seen today are retarded, with no movement because the bid/asks are over .10c apart. A market buy of 1000 can launch this thing at least 20c

>> No.15877324

They really only have that fishoil extract and other companies picked up on that already and are trying to make more potent fishoil derivatives. Studies are already running afaik. I really wouldn't want to buy this right now.

>> No.15877325

What's the take on CRON?

>> No.15877329

That is the reason for no volume. Bulls and bears at odds.

>> No.15877337

Valuation and brand holdings.

>> No.15877345

Has potential long term as legalization spreads. Altria owns a stake too.

>> No.15877355

Shift CGC bags to cron

>> No.15877419

Buy both

>> No.15877448

Long term either could be a good play, but might be quite a while

>> No.15877467

It'll probably keep slowly bleeding until big legalization news right?

>> No.15877539

Most likely. Even legalization news might not fully drive it up, until sales turn positive at least

>> No.15877542

It does though, I was the one that called the 11.90 "bottom" when the retracement from 15.50 happened. TA works as long as there's not massive events that triggers selling/buying because price has to move somewhere and it will obviously be towards large support/resistance areas.
This is why you saw a bounce off the feb 2019 top, resistance turns support. So yes, it does work. Pretty perfectly aswell if you look on the weekly.

>> No.15877592

Yep. That was the bottom.

Brb may as well kms

>> No.15877605

Boring fucking day.
My european stuff is green but market is closed already. Us stuff is red but low volume.

>> No.15877616

Amarin calls just mentioned on the options action CNBC segment. Wast really paying attention though.

>> No.15877617
File: 1.93 MB, 244x201, 1568680754644.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double down on Hexo
>it immediately loses over 20% of its value

>> No.15877639

Sounds like a good time to triple down

>> No.15877643

>that HUGE green dildo in ghe GBP/USD
I didn't expect the topic of Northern Ireland would be this big. Good thing it went in my favor.

>> No.15877656
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I'm out of money.

>> No.15877662
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>> No.15877675
File: 59 KB, 761x761, 67E2BCAF-9267-4AB5-AEBD-FC25FFF2A75E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe a China trade deal will happen. My stock is up about $800. Should I just sell it all?

>> No.15877680

I like T for mid term, but what about short term? I think cost averaging in is the better option

>> No.15877685

It’s a solid non-performer.

>> No.15877688

Gratz. But it's a big overreaction if you ask me, shorting here seems pretty damn tasty to me.

>> No.15877699

Amzn is such a piece of shit. I half believe the chinese are targeting certain US stocks to sway public opinion.

>> No.15877701

And r/TheDonald is calling your name brainlet
>greatest buyer of onions, chicken and corn
>tech, automation, automobiles, and steel
>the top agricultural product in the US
Value of a partnership is not the variety of the products they buy but the overall price at which they purchase from you.
To say that a relationship with Canucks is more profitable than Chinks is a lie. Being the main agricultural importer of US products does not translate to diversification of product. But the value at which the product is transfered. The fact does not change that the Chinese purchase of onions, corn, pork and poultry is more valuable than the combined value of what the Canucks buy with milk and other products.

>> No.15877739

would mexico's decision have an impact on the whole weed sector? they're going to vote/finalize by the end of OCT

>> No.15877787

Shit. May b u rite. Fuk

>> No.15877791

Yeah I'm gonna short this bad boy for some easy profits.

>> No.15877806
File: 175 KB, 270x243, 1555961301786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold

>> No.15877810

Possibly. What are the export policies for ca and us?

>> No.15877826

all of your LCI?

>> No.15877857

... but why?

>> No.15877868
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>> No.15877884
File: 46 KB, 1569x753, amaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I have no clue, I never trade weedbro stocks. But I can't miss these kind of opportunities, great entries with tight stop losses under the ATL is too good not to trade.

Had this chart since Oct 2018 kek'd. 1590-1560 is the buy area if the neckline gets smashed

>> No.15877890
File: 72 KB, 920x790, 8DFA72A4-BC66-4A56-9909-813D42C5DF08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering chinese is negative...
Why are you even here?

>> No.15877903

I sold too

>> No.15877904

That’s pretty dumb

>> No.15877908

Fake LCIguy

>> No.15877917

>I need attention

Here's your (You) faggot.

>> No.15877934

>no trade is better than trading for monetary gain
This is your mind on r/donladcock

>> No.15877946

No clue about that but I am doing a bit of digging. What about tickers like KHRNF

I've never touched weedbro stocks but I watched friends invest in them a few years ago and I'm sure all of them have done very well for it. I am considering dabbling in it.

>> No.15877963

Do you know what trading at a negative means? Its not what you think it does.
Also change your name to punished LCIguy

>> No.15877976
File: 18 KB, 474x266, 1566578852069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful about knife catching. Especially so in the dude weed when the entire sector is in a bear market. I posted just yesterday about a few tickers that were showing some mild technical strength. All four of them lost it and plowed down to fresh lows today. Not good.

I suggest waiting until you see a bounce day followed by bullish volume the day after. At least there you have some kind of idea where to put a stop loss.

>> No.15877984

>doesnt know what profit is
>Saying “the donald” to attack conservative
You are on the wrong website

>> No.15878001

Not immediately. Like i wrote last night, ACB might pop on that news due to their pending Mexico acquisition.

>> No.15878060

>S&P hitting hard resistance multiple times at 2930
Get ready for a rocket ship before close.

>> No.15878124

AMRN is going to $15 boyos. Soon to be $17. Hop in while you can.

>> No.15878133

>economics and geo politics are like abstract concepts to him
Boomer please trip fag

>> No.15878166
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>> No.15878192

Was expecting more red, but instead I woke up to a 50% increase in my call option value. This is a blessed day.

>> No.15878209

Load up my truck with SGMO and CGC, please

>> No.15878213
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>> No.15878224

Best divi stocks?

>> No.15878241

are you literally or rhetorically asking?

>> No.15878252

Have faith in Lord Shkreli

>> No.15878272

Why haven't you shorted ATVI yet?

>> No.15878276

Why not EDIT?

>> No.15878285


>> No.15878310
File: 63 KB, 540x587, 1520654518279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were prepared to short anything at all, it would be that. But I'm not. Blizzcon will be a legit disaster though. And that company is not only converged with idiotic, parasitic progressives but its upper management is dead set on the Chinese market and mobile.

>> No.15878330
File: 324 KB, 368x483, 9xssx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today we win the war on trade

>> No.15878343

Holy shit my CGC bags...

>> No.15878379

Starbucks potentially entering buy territory. Price action has squeezed down tight.

>> No.15878387

Why is spy tanking

>> No.15878388

If no deal is reached are things going to go down tomorrow?

>> No.15878395

An official report from Zhejiang province of China on industrial comlany profitability in 2019 Jan to August
>In the period of Jan to August, profit of Zhejiang industrial companies with scale increased 2.8% YoY. It is 4.5% higher than the national average of -1.7%. Among all Eastern provinces, Zhejiang's increase was only less than Hainan (12.9%) and Fujian (10.4%), and is better than Beijing (-14.4%), Tianjin (-5.8%), Hebei (-11.2%), Shanghai (-19.6%), Jiangsu (-3.5%), Shandong (-13.0%) and Guangdong (-0.4%).

>> No.15878401

>that tvix spike
Why did I lose faith?
No one has any real reason to kiss and makeup. Agriculture purchases don’t mean shit...

>> No.15878434

We won the war on trade along time ago :)

Buy more
Quitters never win

>> No.15878463
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Hmm. Hrmmm.... okay. Okay. I'm going to place a small wager on Air Canada to beat earnings.

>> No.15878485

I don't see how they weather this storm without either getting employee strikes or pissing off the Chinese. It's a lose/lose situation for them

>> No.15878492



>> No.15878500

Is fine. Chill out ya.

>> No.15878599

ppl realize blormpf is gonna fuck up the trade deal.

>> No.15878805

Based retard