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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15869088 No.15869088 [Reply] [Original]

Anons used to be able to find decent crypto news and charts in here, even if lost in a sea of cringeposting and shitcoin shilling. Now it's literally 110% cringeposting and shitcoin shilling. Get it together losers and give me some better content.

>> No.15869126

not your personal army you old fucking boomer
"back in my days kids were diffrent...said boomer after destroying whole economy"

>> No.15869159

No boomer would display such entitlement.. OP therefor must be a millennial, and if i know my OP right, which i pride my self thinking i do, he is also homosexual.

>> No.15869187

I agree this place is cringe. Plus the chainlink cult... I'm surprised they aren't practicing child sacrifice yet.

>> No.15869202

>No boomer would display such entitlement..
Even has the standard ellipsis that boomers fucking type all the time for no reason. Hurry up and die you boomer cunt

>> No.15869209


>> No.15869235

Imagine being so bluepilled and cringe that you defend yourself against an insult that was true.

>> No.15869543
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who remembers old /biz/ ?

