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15867475 No.15867475 [Reply] [Original]

Stupid question. Let's say BTC is at 8k and you are only investing 8k USD to play around with in day trading. You make profits, so on and so forth.

Now lets say you got into the day trading game when the price is 16k instead of 8k. So 1 BTC is 16k, and you're only investing 8k to day trade with, so now you can only buy .50 BTC instead of 1.

The question is, are you making more profit/loss in example 1 versus example 2?

>> No.15867521

profit/loss is measured in percent and depends on your ability to consitently make profitable trades, the market value of the asset traded is irrelevant.

>> No.15867531

you're right, this is a stupid question

>> No.15867592

No, as the other guy said it's only the % that matters. This confuses a surprising amount of shitcoiners I've talked to. They think having 1000 coins makes more money than having .1 bitcoin or whatever. But shitcoins make bigger gains because they're illiquid and can have greater % moves.

>> No.15867679

>No, as the other guy said it's only the % that matters.
Cool punctuation. Try not being an obese neet one day.

>> No.15867684

Can't believe I'm actually answering this stupid question. No matter where the price is, you gonna make profits and your only objective is to stack sats before the global economic collapses.

>> No.15867719

>No matter where the price is, you gonna make profits and your only objective is to stack sats before the global economic collapses.
That wasn't the question. You better save face and leave the thread like a good little beta rat.

>> No.15867733

money in bitcoin is in long term hold, not day trading. anyway you have to think in %. Today was a 6% pump. some stocks did better than that.

>> No.15867778

Try not being a retard and doing your own research you stupid lazy faggot cunt.

>> No.15867795

Pop your zits.

>> No.15867813

Anyways, you're better off margin trading with a vpn. Bitmex is alright but bybit has lower fees though idk if bybit lets you take stuff out if youre found out. Bitmex does.

>> No.15867839

why you need vpn to margin trade?

>> No.15867847

No. Its percentage game. The price is uninportant.

Also google this «daytrading statistics from brazil show that only 3% are in profit after 300 days of trading and only make as much as a cashier.»

>> No.15867848

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what the fuck you're asking but all that matters is that you get a percent increase. The price you buy has no bearing over the roi.

If you buy 1btc at 8k and it goes up by 5%, that's a 5% increase of the 8k you invested.

If it is 16k and you bought 8k, if btc goes up 5%, you get a 5% increase on the 8k you invested.

>> No.15867860

Since u.s. people aren't allowed to margin trade except on kraken (only place u.s. citizens can margin trade normally) which only offers 5x and I'm interested in 10-25x.

>> No.15867888
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>He thinks you can't margin trade in the US and that you need a VPN to cover it up.

>> No.15867981
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Kek look at this fucking newfag.

Okay. Go to literally any exchange other than kraken that offers margin trading and see for yourself, brainlet.

>> No.15867993 [DELETED] 

Op, looking at your question and your responses, I can tell you're a newfag way over their head.

>> No.15868006

Op, looking at your question and your responses, I can tell you're a newfag in way over their head.

>> No.15868191
File: 84 KB, 1200x1090, 1538870012816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's illegal in the USA
>BuT oN kRaKeN iT's OkAy.

>> No.15868205

>I can tell you're a newfag
Not an insult.