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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 800x451, gilbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15862406 No.15862406 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not betting on a project where the CEO has just been on a WCIT panel alongside IBM, BNP Paribas and American Express.

>> No.15862505


i'd rather buy LINK that is actually used by those companies, instead of 'betting' on a pajeet scam coin with a CEO that pays to speak at panels.

>> No.15862570


Imagine seriously thinking that it's a possible or even logical suggestion that Gil could or would pay to speak on a panel alongside IBM, BNP Paribas and Amex at an event like this.

You are an anon though who is about to receive a second chance at cashing out link at an ATH and miss it yet again by holding on as it inevitably dumps soon as all projects do, so perhaps you just aren't that smart.

>> No.15862791

>Imagine seriously thinking that it's a possible or even logical suggestion that Gil could or would pay to speak on a panel alongside IBM, BNP Paribas and Amex at an event like this.

Listen up you retail trader schmuck. You clearly don't have a fucking clue about how crypto marketing works or how shady and scammy it is. Try working in the industry and you'll understand.

>You are an anon though who is about to receive a second chance at cashing out link at an ATH and miss it yet again by holding on as it inevitably dumps soon as all projects do, so perhaps you just aren't that smart.

fuck off back to your containment telegram.

>> No.15862979

that's a big screen. just bought 100k

>> No.15863003

who is this guy and which crypto is he the CEO of?

>> No.15863015

Give me names you fucking dipshit.

>> No.15863038

>the feed cuts out
>4 ushers rush on stage
>"sir excuse me a moment"
>the 4 panelists are dragged roughly, while still seated, to leave an enormous gap right in the centre of the stage
>Giles groans, he knows what's comming
>blue and white flashes on the screens
>a voice booms out over the pa
>"uh, hello, uh yeah. Fundamentally..."
>Sergey is lowered from the ceiling astride a beautiful golden throne
>The audience goes wild
>link hits 1k in one enormous candle
>iExec is delisted from all exchanges simultaneously

>> No.15863076
File: 65 KB, 630x630, 2659420_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15863161

Quant Network. QNT

>> No.15863170

Moderator: Neil Bansal - Head of Digital Transformation Americas, BNP Paribas

Hans Fleming - Vice President, Amex Ventures
Jules Miller - Partner, IBM Blockchain Ventures & CoFounder/Partner, Prose Ventures
Gilbert Verdian - CEO and Founder, Quant Network

>> No.15863183

You go quantys
Least retarded non-linky shitcoin holders on /biz/

>> No.15863577
File: 23 KB, 657x777, 1555614269149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
