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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1585839 No.1585839 [Reply] [Original]

Who's sick and tired of all these nocoiners who keep pretending their index funds will ever give them 100% gains a day? Stock trading sucks faggot cocks, go with crypto or go poor.

>> No.1586076

Who says i'm in shitcoins OR index funds faggot. I have 2 business, 3 rental houses, and currently shopping for a cheap oil lease with a good friend of mine who i used to work for in the oilfield.

Buy and build investments that work. Pumpanddumping shitcoins with spare change might be cool but you arent investing u stupid fuck u are gambling...

Do me a favor and read 1 single personal finance book before u make useless faggot shitposts like this and breed more lazzy shillcoiners...



>> No.1586098

>Hide Thread

>> No.1586403

>trades crypto
>makes thread about being broke

>> No.1586513

>le crypto

bullshit, why do the big smart rich jews not trade with memecoins l wonder

>> No.1586526

Just stopped by to sage and add to the bumplimit. Nice to see there arent pumpandump fags flooding /biz. Good luck to ya anons

>> No.1586531

Honestly just buy BTC, Monero, and Eth. They all have there own advantages and disadvantages.

>> No.1586630

Why? Honestly? You might as well go to a casino. Barring BTC, you're at the mercy of any wealthy individual who decides to manipulate the market of these tiny coins and walk away with a fortune. If you haven't lost big yet, it's only a matter of time if you keep playing that game.

>> No.1586637

These coins have long term value. Look at bitcoin, it just keeps going up and up. I really believe they are good long term investments.

>> No.1586639

buy waves dude.

>> No.1586644

>go with crypto or go poor.
it's usually both

>> No.1586790

"The code contains malicious functions that allow the Waves developers to execute arbitrary commands. Additionally, we have discovered that the code sends statistics to the Russian government."

>> No.1586831
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>just keeps going up and up

meh. lies. it's all lies.

>> No.1586845

that chart shows a 60,000%+ increase in almost 4 years time...

>> No.1587801
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>> No.1587807

It's not because index funds outperform most actively managed portfolios out there...which incidentally they do. It's because coins, due to being a relatively niche market without an actual economy supporting it, is subject to manipulation and pump and dump schemes (likely by the owner). So overall you're participating in a novel type of pyramid scheme, rather than anything sensible. I don't doubt you can make money, but chances are that with enough time, you'll just go broke as you're pretty much gambling rather than investing on some intrinsic value.

>> No.1587818

>Comparing cryptoshit to index trackers

wew lad the shills are out in force today

>> No.1587848

I started with 20K (was 30k but I needed 10) that I inherited from my moms 401K (she died right when the economy went to shit under Bush). That was in 2009. Right now it's grown to just slightly over 100k. I have an excellent financial advisor handling it for me.

I'm not greedy. People who look to get rich quick rarely ever do. As long as I can live comfortably (I'm a machinist and make a decent living at it), and have a decent amount to retire on someday, I'm happy.

>> No.1587849

so from 2009 to now which is 7, nearly 8 years, you have turned 20,000 in to 100,000.

I'm about to turn 20,000 in to 100,000 in a few weeks

>> No.1587872

Good for you. You could also lose your ass. You're not turning that kind of profit without significant risk involved. If you pull it off that's great though.

>> No.1587887

this is the easy part. the hard part was turning 1k in to 20k

>> No.1587987

There isnt much of a difference. Its mostly a free market where mass panic can fuck shit up.

The second u gamble with stocks or shitcoins u have lost control.

When i buy a lease i can frac or drill wells or chemical or etc...

When i get a house i can paint a soruce up and add rooms and landscape and forca oreciation and sell or rent or rent to own etc...
Anon, u HAVE to have control of your fucking invesrment. And the only control u have in funds and stocks and shitcoins is to cash out.

Risky/10 m8

I will admit i am not rich, but once i starded to study i went from poor in 2 years to having a lease and shoping for another with a friend, 2 houses and currently dealing for 2 more. One is ify but if it fails we get the other and if they both fail well, there are plenty more on our list. And i am starting my second business in 2 months.

Anon i am well on my way to being rich. I was lucky. My wife and i grew up poor so living like mole people isnt to bad. We make sure and go out once a week to reduce the stress of this frugal bullshit. But the rest of our income hand over fist is going into this.

I was fortunate enough to grow up on a drilling rig and pull wells so i know the oilfield and everyone in it here like the back of my hand. My dad drilled half of them and by memory i have a good guess of how wells will perform even though it is still a gamble. Last year my buddy drilled 2 dry hokes in a row. Heartbreaking to watch. But he took out loans to drill. Fuck that. Buying a lease is based on finances. Drilling a well is a cointoss and a prayer.

And my grandparents and parents had tons of rentals growing up so i know it pretty well. And i grew up here so i have an idea of who has lived where and what shape the house is in.

Once i learned personal finance i attacked both at the same time with all i had.

It's not easy, and u will fail. A lot. But when u do see orogress and u learn how not to fuck up it is the best feeling.