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15855891 No.15855891 [Reply] [Original]

Honest question.. how comes the US considers Freedom to be such a high good yet has some of the biggest restrictions when it comes to Crypto. I would hate to live in a nanny state country that dictates what and how to spent my money. Not trying to bash the US just wondering if fellow biztards are upset about this.

>> No.15855899

>not trying to bash the US
Fuck the kikes who run this place, and fuck uncle sam

>> No.15855906

>such a high good

>> No.15855914
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Fuck off commie

>> No.15855919

>how comes the US considers Freedom to be such a high good
It doesn't. not economically unless you play ball with (((them)))

>> No.15855950


I am well aware of that. Yet I find it crazy .. Germany locks people up for asking questions about the holocaust so it surprises me to see that they are way more tolerant when it comes to crypto then the US is.

>> No.15856001

>Germany locks people up for asking questions about the holocaust
No it doesn't dumbfuck

>> No.15856280

> I would hate to live in a nanny state country that dictates what and how to spent my money
Too late
And wait till one of the Demshoviks gets elected to president.
US been fucked over by 100 years of traplyfe government

>> No.15856296

It's getting better. State laws come first, the fed will have to follow.

>> No.15856354
File: 161 KB, 1080x811, Screenshot_20191008-191231_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2018/05/08/nazi-grandma-ursula-haverbeck-who-denies-holocaust-taken-jail/589613002/ ????? do you even 4chan?

>> No.15856409
