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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 353x532, rich-dad-poor-dad-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15852322 No.15852322 [Reply] [Original]

>have friend in europe
>gift him 10 million USD in bitcoin
>he cashes out in a 0% Capital Gains tax country
>He gets United States Citizenship, brings the money
>He writes me a check for 10 million, taking 9,985,000 from his lifetime gift tax exemption
This is completely hypothetically legal right?
Pic unrelated

>> No.15852472

bump faggots answer me

>> No.15852684

i could be your friend

>> No.15852698

When you send it to him youd owe taxes on your gains and gift taxes.

>> No.15852701

citizenship takes forever, timeline is not practical at all

>> No.15852738

what you need to do actually is set up a shell corp in a tax haven, pay that corp for some service in bitcoin (tax free) and use the corporation to cash out the btc and use the companies balance and assets to your convenience.

>> No.15852815

have the book but haven't read it yet. should I?

>> No.15852827

not really it's crap

>> No.15852834

>He gets United States Citizenship, brings the money

>> No.15852847

Your reply is crap, the book is kino. >>15852815 read it.

>> No.15852850

He's coming to the states for christmas. I'm planning on putting it on a ledger and "losing" it hypothetically

>> No.15852896

it's pure undiluted bullshit, shitty fiction and a cynical laugh in your face. but if you enjoy that sort of thing... you may also enjoy receiving bukakke.

>> No.15853131

If someone asks say he changed his mind and gave it to you as a gift. Hypothetically ofcourse.

>> No.15853566

this is the only way. that or buy several transactions of physical gold. sell it to your local pawn shop that doesn't report. win win

>> No.15853653

>I'm planning on putting it on a ledger and "losing" it hypothetically
well that part is fraud.

>> No.15853693
File: 665 KB, 482x866, 1564469144061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like one of em communist professors

>> No.15853774

so you didn't read anything but felt the need to chime in?
sounds like something a cum guzzling faggot would do.

>> No.15853815

My dad gave me this book like 15years ago and i read it
Its ok
I dont think much of it is revolutionary or anything

>> No.15853823

>lifetime gift tax exemption
What kind of Jewish bullshit is this?

>> No.15853859

well it's shitty fiction and completely butchers basic concepts like assets liabilities equity and cash flow. for the sole retarded reason that you pay this mongrel conman $20.

if you feel the undying urge to read it please just fucking torrent it! you will feel disgusted and ashamed for the wasted time by the end of it unless you are a total brainlet.

>> No.15853879

bump. more book discussion, please.

>> No.15854222

in the US, an individual can gift/pass on at death ~$11 million tax free (except for state gift/estate taxes). federal income taxes kick in above that threshold and are very steep.

>> No.15854320

Give your friend your bitcoin private keys, then "borrow" the Bitcoin and immediately sell it. Your cost basis is the amount you owe to your friend, so you have no capital gains and owe no tax. Then have your friend write off the loan and they get a massive tax break for losses.

>> No.15854331

It's a quick read. And if you found yourself onto this board, you'll already have some of his habits. The main point of his book is how to think to learn to invest. This sounds stupid, but trust me, you need a certain open mindset to get into investing and to stop making excuses as to why you can't do such and such. I'm sure half of us have shilled /our/ ERC-20 Token to our friends at 30 cents and got brushed off only to have them shocked that the price is where it is now. This is the difference of the winning and losing mindset that Kiyosaki talks about.

>> No.15854335

that's actually amazing...
are you one of (((them)))?

>> No.15854360

This ignores the fact that you're gifting the bitcoin to your friend first without reporting it.

>> No.15854361

based. will read.

>> No.15854371

When traveling you need to declare if you have assets worth over $10'000 with you. Is his plan to hide the cheque? I'm also not sure how international cheques work. Pretty sure you get flagged if you try and withdraw 10mil.

>> No.15854374

Its not crap. I have tonnes of thise self help books and they are pretty good. Yes, we know the author is a criminal, but shit so am I.

>> No.15854389

>He gets United States Citizenship, brings the money
Why the fuck would he have to do that? Also, why would anyone what to be citizen of the most evil tax nation on earth?
>Doesn't understand CFC regs

>> No.15854420

He will write the check when he's a United States citizen, in the US, completely regularly. Hypothetically

>> No.15854425

Nobody in europe has checks, how would he even write one??

>> No.15854471

How big are the transfer fees from his euro to US bank? How long will it take him to become a citizen?

>> No.15854486

>I have tonnes of thise self help books and they are pretty good.
i have no further questions or comments sir

>> No.15854504
File: 44 KB, 399x385, 1ewdzs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did Jackie Chan start writing books?

>> No.15854514

Most fees are 30-45 for international wiring, and can cost 2-5 business days hypothetically

>> No.15854853

Just move to Puerto Rico...? No capital gains and you don't need to do trust your friend and worry about the IRS.

Enjoy your crypto gains anon.

>> No.15854948

I have reasons to stay in the united states. I like it here also

>> No.15854994
File: 7 KB, 248x204, 1566829274829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realize your gains...then come back?
Puerto Rico is in the United States...?
But whatever

>> No.15855143

Then I have to live there for a year (or minimum 183 days of permanent residency) also, it doesn't count for gains before becoming a resident in Puerto Rico, only after. It isn't as smooth as you neets think it is.

>> No.15855190

When he tries to cash out, his bank will inform the prosecutor and shit due to suspicion of money laundering or terror support.

>> No.15855235

He already has substantial amounts of the said crypto himself hypothetically. It also comes with a staking program that produces passive income hypothetically.

>> No.15855342

Yeah, if he's a citizen I think it'd work. But then again, the tax jew will find a way to fuck you somehow

>> No.15855382
File: 955 KB, 1345x1450, 31d994394ba067a4d6a5fc1e78f2872d9d4971e26a9939bc8ba1d42418fc7cf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, skip to the good stuff

>> No.15855732

Had to read The Goal for business class. Skip it, same fiction as Rich Dad Poor Dad. Unless you are planning to work with lots of inventory or in production. Skip it.

>> No.15856605

well lets see, i dont think its legal because you gave him a million and then he moved to the usa, we all know that people with actually money arent going to give it away so either A you sell drugs and traffic them or B you are abiding in illegal immigration. either way your fucked and this wouldn>>15852684
t hold in court

>> No.15857072

Canyou actually buy shit like property with this method? Or does it fall apart under scrutiny of an audit?

>> No.15857109
File: 1.46 MB, 1916x852, 91704957-21B6-4614-9574-CAF0F097FF0C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about gains that are still unrealized at the time before you become a resident. If you haven’t cashed out or traded at all and you move there, stay up to the designated amount of time and cash out, would that work? Assume to u can see via public address that everything has been sitting for years in a wallet and did not move the entire time before or during your stay

>> No.15857110

>boomer stocks
>self help books
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.15857115

Explain please, everyone is using shell companies?

>> No.15857131

>owe taxes on your gains
not if its a gift