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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 619 KB, 783x731, sco23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15852248 No.15852248 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that the true reason why you can't afford a house is becuse you're an entitled little snowflake

>> No.15852537


>work 3 jobs

How would you even physically do that

>> No.15852576

By not being a faggot

>> No.15852590

by pulling yourself up from your bootstrings

>> No.15852619


It's called a "worth ethic," snowflake

>> No.15852645
File: 538 KB, 590x546, obesity beauty standards prediction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europoor here, my country never had a true middle class in its entire history, so I'm looking at this from an outside perspective.
Baby boomers were handed the best performing economy in a true free republic. They didn't create it, they didn't work for it, it was created by their parents through hard work and determination and then handed to them. Nearly everyone, no matter how dumb, incapable or low class they were could afford to own a house with a 9 to 5 job. Everyone could keep the money that they've earned and didn't spend, everyone could save up, own property, go on at least one holiday a year, get the weekends off, get public holidays off, live in nice safe communities, have the right to paid leave, have the right to sue their employer if they were mistreated, have the right to sue them if they didn't get paid for their work, have the right to clock off at 5pm and not be forced to do unpaid overtime, and have the right to defend their property and their family with deadly force. All they had to do was be willing to do a simple job for 40 hours a week. If they were smart or hard working they could rise up the ranks and secure a luxurious lifestyle.
Throughout their lives, baby boomers have somehow turned this utopia into a borderline third world country where people eat literal poison (glyphosate, various other pesticides, BPA, high sugar corn syrup, estrogenated tap water, etc.), the men all have gyno, nearly one in five women are on antidepressants, you have to work 3 jobs to pay off a mortgage on a likely small house in a cheap area, your rights don't mean shit because your employer can enforce arbitrary policies, and those unfortunate enough not to be smart or beautiful are expected to just suck it up and get used to barely scraping by for the rest of their lives.
Other countries have had this for centuries and it really doesn't affect me whether american millenials can afford their own houses or not, but how do you fuck up this badly?

>> No.15852646

i have a house.

>> No.15852649

wagies throwing around buzzwords to cope
have fun working tmrw for your overlords

>> No.15852668

sleep only 2-3 hours, few people can live like this

>> No.15852708
File: 299 KB, 3744x2808, a-ceo-shares-the-3-hour-morning-routine-that-sets-him-up-for-success.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right all you need to do is, work 8 jobs.

Working 24 hours a day 365 days a year is completely normal.

All you need to do is inject 25g of epinephrine every hour on the hour.

> No need for an apartment
> No need for food (Obviously water is still required)
> Lie to the Red Cross and get blood extracted every afternoon (Cycle through 14 Places a month or use fake ids)
> Sell your cum by the drum
> On the third year sell one kidney

You'll have 1m at the end of the 3rd year.

This is what every rich person has to do, the following people have done this successfully:

Bill Gates
Gary Vanyerchuk
Paris Hilton
El Chapo
Robert Downey Jr
Megan Fox
George Soros
Tom Hanks
Donald Trump
Kevin Rudd
Evil Kenevil
Female Boston Fire Fighters
Donald Tusk
Elon Musk
Jack Ma

>> No.15852717

Honestly sounds a bit like the woman in the Soviet Union who milked 10,000 cows in a day. Or that guy who mined 200 barrels of coal in a day. What are the odds this is state funded propaganda? Apparantly he worked as a consultant, freelance writer and a butcher (and he's vegan lmfao) ofcourse he did.

>> No.15852724
File: 100 KB, 2000x1200, boomerplz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15852797

"Oh you're not happy in your job? Follow your dreams, you only live once!"

>> No.15852810

how weird is it actually. Has a fully prepared speech that he gives in the middle of the street with a bunch of people standing around him who seem to not even know him. Like wtf, this seems so fucking fake. He even explains his background like all the people there don't know him. It even gets filmed professionally as you can see in the video at 1:54. That's not an usual household camera.

So this guy explains how he had no life for 3 years constantly working. Then who the fuck is he partying with huh? This is fake and gay.

>> No.15852833

You pretend to work one job while you actually work another.
Why don't you just work at McDonald's as a front for selling drugs while also being an on the phone customer service agent. Its literally so easy

>> No.15852839

You can’t just keep selling your blood retard. It’s really hard on your body. You can sell PLASMA 2x a week though. Not all countries provide such ways to make $ thousands

>> No.15852840

I can afford a house

>> No.15852851

Just kill yourself JIDF
>just sell drugs like a nigger to make it

>> No.15852872

Actually he seems to be financially illiterate. THis guy had 85,000 a year to spare to pay his mortgage. He made 255k to litterly spend on something. He could have invested that money instead and retired within 5-10 years. How dumb is he? What a fucking retard.
This is fake and he's gay.

>> No.15852961

What's worse is they raised their children on high living standards and then expect those kids to be happy living as peasants.

How the fuck am i supposed to lead a happy life when my standard of living was 10x better as a child when i didn't have to work at all.

>> No.15852980

What are you in your 60s?

You don't remember how much energy you had in your youth?

>> No.15852990

working 2 jobs is technically possible since I guess you really only need 6 hours of sleep. 3 jobs though? unless your two jobs are extremely fucking stingy on your work hours I really don't see the benefit of taking up a third job. you're realistically maxing out the possible hours you can work in a day with two jobs.

>> No.15852991

>He could have invested that money instead and retired within 5-10 years.

That is making lots of assumptions about return rates.

>> No.15853011

He should've invested in BTC. How suicidal do you think he's gonna be when his house price drops 60% and a bunch of neets get rich at the same time lmao.

>> No.15853024

very fucking doable if you live in the van and don't have distractions like roasties and vidya.

>> No.15853029

>He should've invested in BTC.

Oh come on...

>> No.15853046

he makes 255k in 3 years that he's free to spend. litterly 5-10 years.

>> No.15853123

Yeah, if you think traditional finance is gonna make it your running on propoganda. Pension funds are being fucked in the ass as we speak, because so many boomers are trying to withdraw its sapping huge sums of liquidity out of the economy that is not getting put back in.

>> No.15853248


Yeah, that means a load of purely speculative bullshit is the solution.

>> No.15853278

I can't legally do that.

Professional exempt salary men are basically like retainers.

>> No.15853286

imagine not leveraging debt for tax benefits and wealth creation

it's like you goyim aren't even trying

>> No.15853328

You exaggerate and market yourself to sell "secret methods", seminars, and books on how to pay off your mortgage and live debt free in 3 years. In other words, he didn't and it's a scam. At the very least it's intentionally misleading to try to get you in to sign up for a free webinar or some horse shit. I won't get into the whole thing, but as societies find themselves breaking apart and wealth inequality growing, these sort of con artists and snake oil salesman pop up to prey on them.

Someone did an analysis on the sort of "self-help" topics and themes each generation had and they find that when times are good and fair, these sort of things don't really have a lot of momentum, but when times get bad and unfair, suddenly this shit picks up and it always carries characteristics of the times. Christianity, faith, and patriotism around the Great Depression, Boot Camp/Special Forces mindset and Universal Manifestations/Laws of Attraction in modern times.

>> No.15853371

I'm an entitled little snowflake but I still own a house and can afford a couple more. I was too lazy and entitled for the school my working class dad worked hard to pay for me so I dropped out and focused on my weed smoking career. I always kept learning though because I enjoy it as long as it's not in a school environment. From that knawledge I could now make much more money than I do but I'm a lazy entitled snowflake.

>> No.15853670

No not speculative, a macro reversal into Austrian. You didn't think a large scale shift towards a heralded German focus would not come without german economics do you?

Suddenly its counter culture to like trump, its counter culture to think austrian economics are cool, its counter culture to hate on migration and say the word nigger. You may think its only this shitholes of a website, but you'd be wrong, I'm watching it spread into middle and highschools like a plauge.

It's funny because I expect everybody here to look back at how obvious this all is, how it was just as fake as the boomers hippie counter culture. But that is another discussion for another time, for the here and now crypto is not speculative it is planned.

>> No.15853837
File: 11 KB, 300x228, 35a62a1c519e802c16ce1d4ec9f338ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being debt-free isn't necessarily beneficial. Is this board really this financially-incompetent??

>> No.15853871


In my country, where rates are low, it is straight up retarded to pay back debt. instead you can invest those money. interest also has a tax benefit.

>> No.15853987
File: 34 KB, 1266x312, 0093994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is state sponsored propaganda.
It's fake.

>> No.15854009
File: 19 KB, 320x320, 4619461461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know that this can't continue forever, once the economy snaps (that is soon) the whole
system will collapse like domino pieces.
During such time of turmoil the most radical ideas come to the front.
It happened already multiple times and it will happen again.

Streets will be full with violence, people will stop following the laws.
Trash will pile up for months since there would be no one to do the job.
People will stop paying rent, gas and electricity since the jobs will be gone, but no one would want to live on the streets.
The police will only guard rich neighborhoods, the poorer places up to the slums will have no access to 911 at all.
During such societal collapse there is nothing and no one that would help you when an angry mob of poor and
morally corrupt people will try to kill you and take your property and food supply.
(All you preppers out there, you wont be able defend yourself against them)

The gov would not be able to help you since they literally don't give a single shit about anyone.
You don't even imagine how many psycho/sociopaths are out there waiting to do all this shit.

Eventually after some time a new government will be formed (just as planned) that will try to restore order.
I wouldn't even be amazed if they just straight out will begin confiscating property like they did during the:
Russian revolution, Chinese landlord purge, and the French revolution.
This will happen all over the developed word as another phase that will lead to the new world order.

Even though it's cringe, I will still say it:
>If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.15854039

>thinking debt on a liability is a good thing
neck yerself big brain

>> No.15854071

>debt on a liability
what are you talking about? debt on a liability? im talking about debt on assets. is this your first day talking about finance?

>> No.15854123

if you dont know debt is cheaper than equity, then I dont know what you're even doing here

>> No.15854135
File: 101 KB, 867x867, 15E72F8D-36E0-4578-82AA-C488646670D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s very obvious. Zoomers are eating up BAP right now and unironically forming youth RW bodybuilding squads. This will naturally progress towards RWDS. Not because that is the goal, but because the crumbling elites will force their hand out of desperation to stay on top.

>> No.15854139

Its amazing isn't it?
Read a forum like Bogleheads and its full of moderately successful people talking rationally about growing their wealth.
Come here and it a bunch of retards reeeeing about letting their parents starve to death after they get rich off dickcoins.

>> No.15854167

That's another weird thing about this. Think about it, this guy claims to have paid his college debt working a summer job. Lmfao. His house was 450k, he saved up 170k and then went on to save up an additional 255k (450-170=280k btw..) by the AGE OF 27. And guess what? Instead of investing it or buiyng more homes he could rent out. He paid of his mortgage which is a dream for many people. LIES & PROPAGANDA

As a cherry on top he worked 100h+ workweeks and still had time to socialize. If you believe this, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.15854175

I could barely wake up at 6 am to get ready for school during youth.

>> No.15854259

>No not speculative, a macro reversal into Austrian. You didn't think a large scale shift towards a heralded German focus would not come without german economics do you?

In this context of the topic, the guy is paying off debt (mortgage) to a liability (the house that generates no income).

>No not speculative, a macro reversal into Austrian. You didn't think a large scale shift towards a heralded German focus would not come without german economics do you?

Elaborate? I'm history illiterate.

>> No.15854290

Why not get the guaranteed 3% by getting the mortgage paid off. Plus he can literally neet. You will never make it.

>> No.15854327

Does this story make any sense to you? You think some guy working this hard is suddenly going to stop working and NEET? Also see >>15854167. It sounds like a load of crap to me. I don't believe it, and it has all the buzzwords and fallacies you'd expect.
>Worked a summer job to pay for college
>Proceeds to save up 170k by age 27
There's no way.

>> No.15854345

Lol three jobs to pay off one house. I paid off three houses while working ONE job. That guy is an obvious entitled snowflake who works three jibs so he has something to complain about.

>> No.15854432

He's the reason I'm unemployed


>> No.15854520

Your parents failed you

>> No.15855099

bump, math doesn't work out. fake story.

>> No.15855259

>Boot camp/special forces mentality
That's a good name for it
I've noticed a lot of self-help recently is just "deprive yourself of anything that releases dopamine, then your 80 hour a week wageslave life will be tolerable."

>> No.15855280

fuck off jewish ponzi scammer

>> No.15855729
File: 92 KB, 500x746, sad-apu-37388121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a math degree even though you stupid npcs
work ethics has nothing to do with it, your minds are too simple, you have no idea of the individual fates, what shit some people experienced in their lives, nobody has control over anything true randomness does not exist quantum mechanics are not truthful enough
fuck off