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File: 264 KB, 424x440, stefan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15849183 No.15849183 [Reply] [Original]

>is an ancap
>ancap ideology states that business models that are not feasable or financially viable in a particular climate should not be propped up by peoples money

>creates a video moaning about how hes not getting enough money since hes outdated and new viewers dont wanna watch his shit
>asks for donations once again to fund his shit that no-one likes or cares about even tho hes a multimillionaire

I cant be the only one who sees this?

>> No.15849195

you stupid tranny

>> No.15849194

video ^

>> No.15849198

>censorship doesn't affect people
>what is a subscription based service

>> No.15849200

is this the guy that makes 3 hour videos in 2k19 when attention spans are shorter than ev

>> No.15849216

he litearlly states in his video that more ppl are circling out of his shit, regardless of censorship if they really liked his shit they would be checking his yt channel everyday for new content and he also uploads his videos to freedomainradio that his subs pay for.

Still loses money because hes an old fart that hasnt gotten with the new program yet

>> No.15849275

I watched him for a bit when I was literally underage

>> No.15849317

I don't think you understand how powerful censorship is. How are people to seek him out if they don't know he exists?

>> No.15849392

This, he was ok with jews back then tho so i ditched him

>> No.15849394
File: 36 KB, 222x305, 1567670908564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cant be the only one who sees this?
No I see this too and like it.
Let the market sort it out ancap autistic shill...

>> No.15849416

Molyneux is a minarchist, not ancap. Only actual "famous" ancap I know is Bryan Caplan, rest are all minarchists to some degree.

>> No.15849435

There's no "new content" he can produce that's worth hearing. He's like a writer who's written his first great novel. He has nothing further to add.

>> No.15849470

To be fair that's just him asking for money, and people then have the choice to give it or not. If they don't give him money his business gets worse as it isn't feasible. If they do give him money it's because they saw value in what he does, so he's providing a service they are willing to provide money for. Seems like he's being consistent.

>> No.15849478

>creates a video moaning about how hes not getting enough money
doesn't he have 500+ BTC

>> No.15849480

>Molyneux is a minarchist, not ancap. Only actual "famous" ancap I know is Bryan Caplan, rest are all minarchists to some degree
You sounds as politically autistic as Michael Malice.

Once I learned about Universal Scalability Law I stopped caring about these theoretical political systems.
coordination costs become extremely expensive as networks scale.

What do you think of Libreland?

>> No.15849512

fairly sure yes, he was talking about it since 2013 and understood its value then so wouldn't surprise me , probably holds more / prob held other crypto from 2013 - 2017

>> No.15849522

imagine the tax he'd have to pay if he cahsed out lmao

>> No.15849703

>Calls me autistic, asks for my opinion.

Fuck off.

>> No.15849730
File: 16 KB, 200x304, 333252098.272891-200x304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Bryan "if you have a lot of kids, they will take care of themselves" Caplan

>> No.15849768

hitler went to jail, this guy begs for donations

>> No.15849921

imagine a dystopian future without midle aging childless men trying to brainwash the youth via cringy internet videos

>> No.15849938
File: 36 KB, 480x360, laughing pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calls me autistic, asks for my opinion.
>Fuck off.
I have autistic traits myself...
I bet it was the Malice comparison that truly hit home...

>> No.15849952

Is this the self described philosopher who doesn't know the difference between validity and soundness and who's magnum opus was just a shameless rip off of Kant with none of the sophistication?

>> No.15850020

I like how he managed to turn an analysis about the Joker into a white victim complex rant.

>> No.15850035

Making sure they don't die seems like 98% of the work.

>> No.15850037

His ethereum donation address has 307 linkies in it so he’ll be fine.

>> No.15850040
File: 3.15 MB, 203x300, bum wiggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havent watched it... just like most of his ghosting sub base


>> No.15850359

I watch his content but don't defend him for his fuck ups and things he said/says to this days.

Why is he even e-begging? I thought the guy had millions worth of bitcoin.

>> No.15850416
File: 229 KB, 456x299, taxation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's literally putting a gun to my head and making me pay for these videos.

>> No.15850534

Have watched a lot of his videos (perhaps 50-100 hours).
I gradually watched fewer and fewer videos with him, until i completely stopped a couple of years ago.
I think it has do with once you know his arguments and his broader philosophy, it becomes less interesting to watch, because you kind of know what he is going to say, even if the subject he is talking about is changing.

>> No.15850597

fascination with terminology is a strong marker of a limited mind
doubly so if you use specialized terms you know your audience isn't aware of
it's sad how you fags think you're showing intelligence precisely at the moment you're signaling the opposite

>> No.15850685

i ate cake for breakfast this morning

>> No.15850766

>"Fascination with terms" when using the terms "minarchist" and "ancap" in a Molyneux thread.

60% of all Molyneux vids are about those two terms, you absolute brainlet.

>> No.15850821

Older kids can take care of younger ones, to some degree. In theory

>> No.15850829


>> No.15850888

his business model was extremely viable and leftists running google and leftist terrorists are making business impossible for clear thinking individuals

>> No.15850950

he has jewish ancestry

>> No.15850958

>gets butthurt of bantz
fuck off girl

>> No.15850995

>>ancap ideology states that business models that are not feasable or financially viable in a particular climate should not be propped up by peoples money

This isn't muh ancap ideology. This is how actual capitalism should work. Ancap is a meme. True capitalism needs to be revived...by ending the Fed, in minecraft

>> No.15851063

If he would have managed his money properly and currently held substantial amounts of chainlink he wouldn't need to ebeg and could instead spend this valuable time with his daughter. OR even better have more children.

>> No.15851349

Stefan's ego is so big and he's had free money for so long he's incapable of working an ordinary job for money at this point. It would be too ego crushing for him to have to get a regular job.

>> No.15851619

He cashed out a shitload of his BTC at 5k

>> No.15851654

Retarded boomer cult leader

>> No.15852121

tipped him a bat lol
But seriously, did youtube nerf his recommendations?

>> No.15852272
File: 16 KB, 399x400, 1542641546693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody that runs afoul of the silicon valley thought police gets made invisible to new users, both on YouTube and other platforms. I've personally seen channels start rocketing subscribers, then they get flagged, then they flatline because the recommendations algorithm locks them out. They are very afraid of words.

>> No.15852423

Youtube is censoring stuff that doesn't fit their political narrative same as google and facebook.
Only they do it trough algorhitms to lock out any ''harmfull content'' and lock you in a bubble of propaganda.

>> No.15852508


If you don't like his services, don't support him financially. It's that simple. If only we could do this with politicians, we wouldn't have 99% of the world's problems today.

>> No.15852656

Looking at this: https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/stefbot/monthly
It does look like his subscribers/views are levelling off, looks like it begins late 2018 (look at chart "TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS & VIDEO VIEW MONTHLY GRAPHS FOR STEFBOT"). Is there any way to see total number of recommendations though? If we see a drop here it would confirm this. Not sure how to find this.

>> No.15852679

this is the ultimate argument
time is fascistic, nature is anarcho capitalistic
in due time, there will be separatist enclaves with their own laws and approaches to governance over people within their borders assembled on this understanding

>> No.15852710
File: 95 KB, 798x490, 1550229568597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show is running for 10 or so years
>he's not making any money
Pick one and then have sex with your dilator.

>> No.15852733

it's a donation based show dumb fuck. He's never run a single ad over the course of a decade of videos. Pretty fucking based imo

he's asking what he can do to improve the show. Asking for suggestions is never a bad thing. The salt is real. Pretty sure you're the same fag who makes a molymeme thread about some random bullshit like every month, Lol a bald dude lives rent free in your head

>> No.15852747

yeah this was my top internet cringe of 2019. I will never listen to him again. He has more than enough money to live forever if he invests his donations. This proves to me he’s either financially illiterate or a scammer. What a fucking boomer failure this guy turned out to be. I hope he neccs in Minecraft

>> No.15852767

Yes and op is a leftist fag that watches them because he thinks he's a leading figure in le alt right.

>> No.15852779

Molyneux is likely a compulsive liar. I bet all the abuse from his mom was invented in his head. He’s quite literally a man child. He also claims to be a software engineer and a classically trained actor which is impossible

>> No.15852800

Clearly he doesn't watch them because he's not a fucktard that can't think for himself

>> No.15852919

>more of the same is a losing game
Tell this to the Drudge report.

>> No.15853001

How is it impossible to be a software engineer and am actor?

>> No.15853019

>what is censorship

I don't think you understand what censorship is. It is precisely why youtubers like him will not get new subscribers and eventually close down. This is exactly why they are censoring.

Are you new here or just trolling?

>> No.15853126

Name one other person with that skill set

>> No.15854177

hes a fucking fraud lmao come off it dude

>> No.15854238

Woof woof little doggy! When have u learned to speak!

>> No.15854364
File: 55 KB, 320x321, Screenshot_20191008_124328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys haven't answered my question. I'm legit asking how is it impossible to be an actor and a software engineer at the same time?

>> No.15854478

He should make courses and sell them.

>> No.15854563

Anyone with sense knew that he was a huckster siphoning money off deluded right-wing rubes after he freaked out over a $1 donation.

>> No.15854565

AnCap isn't real because this is it. AnCap supposes some kind of fake alternate reality where nothing ever changes and humans have different biological drives which cause us to act in different ways.
Is this anarchy? Check.
Is this capitalism? Check.
Therefore you are living in an AnCap society. This is what anarchy looks like, in any society or system regardless of what you call it or how you try to manipulate it, power coalesces to one organization. In politics, that becomes a community, an army, a church, a monarchy, a state, a government, etc. It cannot be prevented. Not even trying to enforce and maintain a constant state of war on the most powerful entitty will prevent this from ultimately occuring, and even in that circumstance, one group will emerge as more powerful than all others and force them to live under their rule. Concressence is a law of the universe like generationality, it cannot be avoided or undermined. You say that the people would prevent it from happening, but it already happened, and nobody is overthrowing the government and nobody prevented the government from being established. That's why AnCap is either not real at all, or this is what it looks like.

>> No.15854715

If they come for the guns people will revolt

>> No.15854740

We all see this. His mother was an awful abusive person don't you realize that? Now adopt him as your new parent!

>> No.15854755

You mean a rant on how his mother was an asshole like every other rant he does

BTW hi Stephen loved your video on Elliot rodger

>> No.15854837

Objectively untrue historically, they already came for peoples weapons in china, japan, all of britain, europe, and now in australia and new zealand, and do you know what the people did? Nothing.

In fact in many cases the people gladly handed them over and believed they were doing what was best for society.

>> No.15854871

>almost a million subscribers
>'please give me money, I'm so scared I might have to end my channel!'
lol this man is a con.

>> No.15854981

Okay but in America we have the second amendment. We stand up to tyranny, not how down to it.

>> No.15855034

>waaaaah please regulate the mean corporations
corporate censorship is expected in an ancap society.