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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15842881 No.15842881 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ i might have MS. my eye started involuntarily twitching out of nowhere, and so has one of my legs. how to profit from this? i'm unironically scared. more scared than bitcoin going to zero. i'm only in my 20s.

>> No.15842949

Happens to me because of pinched nerves. Look up some neck exercises.

>> No.15842981

Most likely you just have hypochondria.

>> No.15842991

This. Can confirm stiff neck fucks everything up.

>> No.15843008

Could be a million things of which the least likely is MS. Probably tiredness, some vitamin deficiency, too much coffee, anxiety, hypochondria, too much /biz/ etc etc.

>> No.15843045

if one of my pupils doesn't follow the "normal" one, can this help too?
started to happen to me some months ago...

>> No.15843140

i had a twitching eye for 2 years after i accidentally splashed a neurotoxin in my eye while wageslaving

>> No.15843177

Selenomethionine and anything neurodegenerative is helped with fatty acids. Fish roe is unironically the food of the gods for omega 3 in phospholipid form (highest bio availability known to man) and other nutrients. I eat it every day to literally protect myself from MS ALS and any other injuries mwahaha GG no re.

>> No.15843199

FIsh roe is based. Too bad its so hard to get. where do you get it?

>> No.15843271

go to the doctor anon. there are great brand new meds for MS (if that's what you have -- probably isn't) that hault the course of the diesease in its tracks. no injections, 10 pill doses over the course of a month and no more meds for 4 years, then repeat. pretty fucking amazing. but it does not reverse damage done. catch shit early friend. catch shit early.

>> No.15843273

Op it’s probably either a lack of water, minerals, or sleep. Turn off the screens for a day and go relax

>> No.15843318

Record a Radiohead clip.

>> No.15843382
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You have the Mangekyo Sharingan? Tell us where you see Link going next

>> No.15843467

I had that kind of twitching nearly constantly, everywhere and literally for 2 years for no reason at all. Never seen a doctor and its gone now

>> No.15843487

It's always available at a local store. I thinka I buy 50% of their total product even though they run big volume for a non city. A smaller store nearby also has it. Eurochad here though, Ameriburgers may be getting essential fatty fucked.

>> No.15843592

Tension myalgia. If you're not fit or have any muscle imbalances anywhere work on addressing those. look up some fascia stretches. one called the fascia cat stretch really help my legs stop skitzing out. as you get older you have to actually try to relax. I set aside half an hour before bed for stretching / foam rolling etc. massage your face / head / jaw and see if the eye thing stops.