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15842556 No.15842556[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does this mean for the stock market?

>> No.15842580

holy shit that tweet is real, i was falling in love but thought it must be fake.

>> No.15842588

The roach industry is going to moon.

>> No.15842589
File: 69 KB, 524x534, man of peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will be remembered as the greatest president america ever had.

>> No.15842592

Stocks will pump based on this absolute Chadness

>> No.15842608

why keep ISIS fighters alive?

>> No.15842687

turkey's lira had to be reanimated by the most bad assed garlic fart magician in dürüm county!

>> No.15842705

But the stock market is still down 1 million points, oil is $5000/bbl and millions are dead from the war in Iran after the drone strike on the Saudi refinery.

>> No.15842709

They're CIA

>> No.15842712

>if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey

I think he has finally gone completely bonkers

>> No.15842713
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miga shitheads. No one gives a fuck about turkey this dumb shit lied about stopping world police.

>> No.15842714

pretty based

>> No.15842725


>> No.15842746


>> No.15842775

you say that but magacucks are eating it up. trump fucks them over again and again and they cheer it on. it's fascinating, really.

>> No.15842794


To be fair, withdrawing from Syria is actually a very good thing and if it was any other President they would have stayed.

Shit on Cheeto man when he does bad, but in this case he done good.

>> No.15842807

not even trump can trump JFK

>> No.15842816

Defense stocks will shrink with less foreign war.

>> No.15842831

sounds like a typical link holder

>> No.15842843

Go back to /pol you faggot. Trump is a brainlet and you sound fucking worse.

>> No.15842852

starting to see a connection...

>> No.15842857
File: 169 KB, 1024x768, 71548AAE-B918-4C42-8883-FDDEF923F98D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based God Emperor

>> No.15842861

i actually thought the same while reading it kek
link holders are such commie/cnn faggots

>> No.15842864
File: 111 KB, 535x523, 1557396926182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats reddit m8

>> No.15842894
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>> No.15842907

Jesus Christ the replies to this tweet are almost as pathetic as the tweet itself. Social media must be stopped.

>> No.15842948

They are truly deplorable little bootlickers. Well, let it escalate.What a timeline to be alive tho.
Getting into Syria was wrong. Getting out of Syria before cleaning up the CIA and Mossad mess is doubly wrong. Watch it explode into burgers' faces as the war escalates and spills over to the whole region.

>> No.15842986


>> No.15843143

He's just seeing how much he can trigger people. He's a master of shit posting