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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15839983 No.15839983 [Reply] [Original]

What are you going to buy when you make it Marines? Im going to buy a cozy expresso maker

>> No.15840001

Im gonna buy a fucking house

>> No.15840021
File: 156 KB, 940x627, estates_trump_national.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yed I personally want to buy one of the Estates at Trump National. Big mansions on the Pacific coast located on Trump's LA golf course. They go for between 4-5 million each.

>> No.15840022

i can't wait till my networth hits $1,500 so i can finally say i made it

i bless every day i found link before it hit $100 and put my life savings in it

>> No.15840028
File: 2.19 MB, 4010x2999, nintchdbpict000285108955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend

>> No.15840039

You won't be able to afford a fucking pack of gum if you hold link. Stupid faggots.

>> No.15840054
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please cope harder

>> No.15840061
File: 139 KB, 1385x805, made it plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having your own customized Porsche order already ready so you can have it in production the very second you made it

>> No.15840330

I've been eyeing a really nice pair of leather shoes. It's $250 so will finally buy if I make it.

>> No.15840359

200k for a fucking Porsche. If your net worth isn't over $2m then that's just a big waste of money.

>> No.15840372

Absolut basiert und rotpunktiert

>> No.15840404

I'm going to stop buying the stores own brand canned processed goods and start buying the stores mid range own brand canned processed goods!
I know, it's crazy! But that's how rich people roll!

>> No.15840408

I think I would go out and eat a fancy meal like an steak. Wishful thinking since I've only got .1 btc and 100 link. It would be nice to have a good meal though

>> No.15840433

That should have been stop buying the stores cheapest own brand canned and move to mid range
Hmm, it seems the impending wealth is affecting my judgement, maybe I should give all my link away so I don't become drunk on money.

>> No.15840455
File: 262 KB, 2250x1375, mercedes_s_class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna go on a nice vacation to Bahamas and start figuring stuff out to make absolutely sure that my wealth is preserved. After that if my net worth is over $1m(hopefully all in LINK which is staked which earns me about 8% a year) I'll try to get a low interest loan and buy some $200k apartment (I live in Eastern Europe). For a car I'll buy some used $10k Lexus or maybe lease a brand new Mercedes. It all depends really on LINK's potential staking returns.

>> No.15840488

The most important thing is to quick being a wageslave and quit my job.

After that maybe a decent house.

>> No.15840501

You know how the maint. is on those things right?

>> No.15840514

Making it is not having to worry about money

>> No.15840543

i will buy the same i buy now:
oat meal and beans and rice.
i will never stop living frugally
the only thing that really changes is that i will move from Germany to Indonesia so my costs will shrink at least 50% so I can live much longer from my staking rewards.
In Indonesia I will focus on my hobbies and make them my "work": mainly writing, blogging and coding and a bit of photography.
just so fucking sick of Germany, the women are disgusting, entitled, arrogant, tattoed, blacked, fat sluts and as long as I am living here I will never stop being a MGTOW so I hope LINK moons fast (been holding for 20 months now) so I can move to Indonesia and have some fun with a oversea chinese-indonesian christian minority tradwaifu

>> No.15840590

reminder that LINK is NOTHING like ETH.

1. ETH had a testnet with thousands of users and finished mainnet 1 year after ICO, and only raised 16mil. Chainlink had a testnet and mainnet with ZERO users after 2 years and 32mil. It has gained ZERO adoption (the partnerships aren't using it). The level of developer adoption and excitement for ETH vs LINK is absolutely incomparable, LINK has none.

2. The Ethereum tech was actually innovative. It was the first successful attempt at a smart contract platform. It was decentralized and working one year after ICO. Chainlink only has centralized oracles (Sergey is lying about decentralization) which are not new or innovative. Their "innovative" solution to sybil resistant consensus is KYC.

3. The Ethereum foundation only had 1% of the Ethereum supply after ICO. The Chainlink team has 65%. Also when Ethereum was $1, it had a market cap of less than $100,000,000. It was actually a low market cap gem. Chainlink's real marketcap (if you count the 650,000,000 tokens in Sergey's wallet, ready to sell) is currently $2,000,000,000, which makes it an incredibly overpriced top 10 coin, not a low market cap gem like Ethereum was at the time.

4. Chainlink has already had mainstream exposure. It's made the front page of crypto subreddits countless times, was covered in forbes and every news outlet imaginable. Yet, even after all this attention, it has failed to get any developer adoption. It is fair to say that every single dev in the space knows about Chainlink, and decides not to use it. There are many projects running oracles in production, none of them choose to use Chainlink.

>> No.15840603
File: 393 KB, 1333x2000, 1570464408695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true. ETH is a smart contract platform, LINK is a provider for decentralised oracles as bridges to the real world.
They complement each other.

>> No.15840666

There's different levels of making it. $1m and you can afford a really nice lifestyle with a nice enough place to live and a nice $100k car. $5m and you can buy more cars and a boat and what not. $20m and you can really have a nice big villa at a very nice place plus luxury vacations and private jet trips.

>> No.15840681

based and Malariapilled

>> No.15840826

Spending 10% of your net worth on a car?

Go read a finance book wtf.

>> No.15840836

Nintendo switch with links awakening

>> No.15840909

That's like the max amount. Preferably it would be leased as well.

>> No.15840938


>> No.15840997

That's too extreme. Even Donald trump Trump throw a billion dollars away on a car. If that's your definition of making it then only the rothschilds and kings have ever made it.

>> No.15841017

If you want people to care don't post the same thing in multiple threads