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File: 108 KB, 535x510, tmp_3058-trickle-down-economics-pissing1110320188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1583963 No.1583963 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1583979

Opinion discarded :^)

>> No.1583995


Is that a left-wing tabloid? I thought so.

Well, just ignore the source. You can find dozens of sources saying the same thing. Let's just discuss the fact that Kansas isn't doing so well under trickle down.

>> No.1584023

I live in Kansas and things are going great on my end.

>> No.1584028

>Opinion discarded :^)
Just because you disagree with their political stance doesn't mean they don't have any valid points.

>> No.1584032


>Trickle down doesn't work to improve the economy
>Government taking money from the top and distributing it down is the only way to help the economy

Liberal logic

>> No.1584052


If you distribute the money among the population, at least it works for a while before disappearing in a hedged derivatives fund, instead of going there directly with "trickle down".

>> No.1584057

The only reason Kansas is getting fucked on its budget is because it's a small state. It cut taxes, which attracted a record number of businesses to the state, and it didn't cut the budget, so it had a deficit.

Meanwhile, in Commiefornia, you raise taxes, you have businesses leaving the state, you have increasing pensions and other entitlements, but how is shit getting done? Because dumb mouth breathing investors like OP keep buying Commiefornia muni bonds for no reason other than them being issued by Commiefornia.

>> No.1584059

Do you know what hedges or derivatives are?

>> No.1584063

>derivatives don't benefit anyone
You know that the largest derivatives are interest rate derivatives, which are held by multinational firms because they're literally the only thing holding together international commerce, right?

God you leftists are so retarded sometimes. If you're going to bring up points, at least bring them up in an economically literate way. Cite Paul Krugman or Keynes not some Marxian drivel some stoner at MotherJones pushed out. When I cite right wing economics, I'm not gonna find some redneck on Fox News, I'm gonna find actually economic policy.

>> No.1584064



>> No.1584067

(source: https://www.aei.org/publication/is-the-kansas-tax-cut-experiment-working-or-not/))
"He points out, for instance, that from 1998-2012, “Kansas ranked 38th in private-sector job growth, according Bureau of Labor Statistics data crunched by the Kansas Policy Institute. In 2013—the first year after the tax reform—the state climbed to 27th place, and in 2014 it moved to 21st, placing it in the top half of states.” Also: ” In the second half of 2014, hourly wages in Kansas grew 3.5%, according to BLS data, far faster than the national average of 1.9%.”

"So in microcosm, the Kansas experiment tends to reinforce some basic notions about tax cuts: (a) they certainly can be growth positive, (b) supply-side impacts take longer to play out, and (c) they are unlikely to be self financing. So cut with caution and purpose. Watch the budget. And keep expectations modest over the near term."

Supply side economics are good, but you have to cut the budget if you cut taxes. This is just an inconsistent application of these principles. It doesn't devalue the theory, faggot.

>> No.1584083



I've been criticized - and rightfully so - for linking to a biased source. Let's all accept this criticism.

>> No.1584191


>> No.1584297

>le trickle down economics meme
nice strawman
no economic theory called trickle down economics exists
at best, it's a gross misrepresentation of supply side economics (a proven, and tested, economic theory)

if you can prove it exists, write thomas sowell and enjoy your 5k cheque

>> No.1584342

but this distribution is just a meme it actually goes to fuel corruption and ends up off-shore.

>> No.1584448

61 out of 100 U.S. households will break into the top 20% of incomes for at least 2 consecutive years.

39 out of 100 U.S. households will break into the top 10% of incomes for at least 2 consecutive years.

5 out of 100 U.S. households will break into the top 1% of incomes for at least 2 consecutive years.

Only 20 out of 100 U.S. households will fall into poverty for at least 2 consecutive years.

Don't fall for the liberal meme.

>> No.1584457

>what is the difference between a think tank and a blog


>> No.1584493

So where do you get your info senpai? Please
enlighten us.

>> No.1584533
File: 2.62 MB, 811x456, brushing teeth .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1584547
File: 56 KB, 600x331, IMG_6578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been known for a while. American economic mobility offsets the the income inequality gap. It's not "the rich" we need to worry about.

>> No.1584611

Thank you anon.

>> No.1584642


If you are a crony and STILL belong to the bottom 90% of society, you are doing something wrong :*>

>> No.1584678


>> No.1584731

some people are just not very smart. 99% of gypsies for example fit into that category.

>> No.1584733

As if niggers on welfare ever do anything right

>> No.1584838
File: 38 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too but brownback is a cocksucking faggot.

Fun fack though, i told Virgle Peck to fuckoff and suck my dick. Flipped overbmy faggot bells and tried to fight him. He gave me an offive referal and i picked up an instrument the other day for the first time in like 15 years.

Stupid fuck. We had too many drummers so ue made me play the faggot beels for a year. Wasnt terrible because i like the xylophone and planned on picking it up outside of school and drums at school. The next year he said i jave to play the bells again though so i flipped my shit. That fucking trumpet blowing faggot couldnt teach a class of 6 kids without fucking it up and now they let him run shit for the state.

And we wonder why our evonomy sucks hoursedicks. Cattles like $1.70 a pound and checking oil prices makes me fucking sick. The fuck else are we supposed to do for money around here. Kansas sucks geographical balls...


>> No.1584853
File: 68 KB, 960x932, FB_IMG_1477325232883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL. Welcome to biz. Fucking nothing but jackass left wing poorfags qhini g because they deserve free shit...

Get a fucking job hiopy. Or tske some initiative and invest.

>> No.1584861

I really really like this image. Can i have it?

>> No.1584869

I bought an $80 guitar from one on meth yesterday. Its not all bad. Fucking $400 guitar. Wonder who he stole it from... lol! I went to the bar with that dude a long time ago. I watched him get aressted for theft. Cocksucker hit on some chick, stole $100 out of her purse, and was buying her and us drinks with it. LOL. i thought we were drinking cheap. He showed up with $7.

>> No.1584882

Sorry anons. Not all liberals are as ignorant as OP.

>> No.1584894
File: 1.03 MB, 305x360, rarest-pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't download images from 4chan. They're copyrighted.

>> No.1584908

I'm curious why every economic theory which doesn't include "tax the fuck out of you and give all your money to niggers" gets labeled as "trickle down" economics?