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File: 410 KB, 1125x2436, 38AC9CBE-003B-4BAE-9BD4-A3827C448907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15835489 No.15835489 [Reply] [Original]

this was the announcement I confirmed.

>pic related.

>> No.15835498
File: 385 KB, 1125x2436, D210B27C-3F60-4956-BFB0-9923D9EE8685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hidden in plain sight, I am a high level mason.

>> No.15835513

>you didnt confirm shit faggot

>> No.15835514

can you tell me exactly what is said before?

>> No.15835537

I did :). I told you all what was going to happen before it happened.

Hyperledger is like adding to the toppings. We're almost to the cherry biz :)

>> No.15835544

You weren't in the thread. That's why trips can be important when used for something other than being a massive oldfag. Aka boomer

>> No.15835556

>I won't be posting again after this thread 404s.
What did you mean by this?

>> No.15835557


no, you didn't. faggot.

>> No.15835558

no, dipshit
what did it say on the chainlink website before this was changed

>> No.15835566
File: 87 KB, 933x470, IMG_20191004_083455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hundred zuckers for a direct link

>> No.15835567


you are a free "jewson" but don't understand what cherry on top is? it's the finishing move you faggot. we haven't even gotten to the main dish yet, let alone enough to add a fucking cherry on top

link us to your last troll thread nigger

>> No.15835583

For the first act genius, keep up.

>> No.15835589

I don't need Monopoly money.

>> No.15835590

A direct link plox

>> No.15835609

yea...idk man...

>> No.15835611
File: 3.53 MB, 2436x1125, 151BDCD1-682D-43AA-9A97-41F4BAFF4B9E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all want links but none of you have proven you're worthy of it. No I don't need monopoly or sharpies.

Explain this still from 1987s stand by rem. Let's see how woke biz is.

>> No.15835615

>doesn't know what cherry means

no thx larping faggot

>> No.15835623

Star cruiser whoosh, Star cruiser crash

>> No.15835637

>airplane arms
>into the twin towers
Is the director ex mossad?

>> No.15835663

Neizsche, the artist is the height of humanity. The artist is like the child, creating. The artist/child is living dangerously like a tight rope walker.

i need to sleep,night fren.

>> No.15835668

There is no way you are a boomer Mason with the way you conduct yourself. You’re either a nonmason Boomer, or a Zoomer Mason.

I left Freemasonry a few years ago because it teaches a false salvation and once I saw the occultist influence within the higher level of Scottish Rite, but all the guys at my blue lodge knew how to act, and you don’t. I can imagine Zoomers acting out like this, but I would never imagine a boomer who is also a Mason acting like this.

>> No.15835713

> it's because you've never seen a miracle.

>blade runner.

> are you sure Neo is the one?

>> No.15835732

I wish I was as cool as you.

>> No.15835778

this shit's been on the smartcontact.com site for literal years lmao. the absolute state of nulinkers

>> No.15835783

exactly. just check waybackmachine

>> No.15835789

Kek rekt

>> No.15835797

I can sense your high level autism

>> No.15836621

Why are they showing us 9/11 almost 20 years prior?

Think anons.

>> No.15836650

when 1000$

>> No.15836710

ok, if you know stuff. Will Link make me rich by EOY with a 10k stack?

>> No.15836737

9’11 check’em
Seriously wtf

>> No.15836738

You won't be able to handle the wealth. You're glowing.

There are some truths biz can't really handle.

>> No.15836745

Imagine being so corrupted spiritually, that you use a child actor to portray one of the worlds most tragic events. So many life's sacrificed and the whole thing was scripted on such an incredible level.

>> No.15836788

End of year tho? I don’t think so

>> No.15836791
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 7Zz5rv7y_400x400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this is legit just tigermommy learning how to do her job. everyone losing it as if it is some sort of new info.

>> No.15836796

>tripping on 4chan
>expecting to be taken serious
who stole that fags brain?

>> No.15836810
File: 14 KB, 275x275, 1566878752822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon, glad to c u again fren. hope u had a great weekend.

>> No.15836848

glad you’re a tripfag so you can continue to embarrass yourself, you retarded fuck

>> No.15836941

Luckily we can doxx tripfaggers now

>> No.15837186

Mandela effect, you guys are idiots

>> No.15837191

Priced in

>> No.15837251

I watched Oblivion last week, Ill be watching Total Recall and Elysium sometime soon. I am currently too busy with business and reading Richard Werner's literature.

I have a question for you, when Link reaches $1,000 where should I look for a power grab with my new found wealth