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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15831130 No.15831130 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe how poor people are.

My parents were small business owners, when they retired they were probably worth about 5MM in rental properties and maybe 800k in liquid assets.

They paid for my college and supported me for my first 4 years after school while I got myself started in NYC. I've since moved to Los Angeles for my job and they bought me a condo there.

I put 40k into crypto a few years ago and made almost a million dollars. Right now I'm looking for a woman to settle down with, I've had enough fun being a bachelor (I'm 33)

It's strange because I don't really have any concept of money, and when people tell me they can't afford groceries it baffles my mind. Even if I was poor I'd at least have the sense to budget groceries.

Can someone explain to me why this is? Is it genetics? Welfare plantation?

>> No.15831141
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Poor people are disgusting and stupid , don't even think about them and their sad lives

>> No.15831151

>man born with a silver spoon in his mouth wonders how anyone could possibly be less successful than he is
Nice bait faggot

>> No.15831176

Ya you're a trust fund bitch. I hope you actually have to support yourself at some point.

>> No.15831228
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I'll bite, someone who's parents were middle class, (never maid more than 100k combined household income), but has 'made it' in crypto. The middle class is being hollowed out, I don't know if it's part of agenda 21 or the jews or what. But the cost of living has more than doubled for the same exact lifestyle ever since the 2008 crisis. People are being poisoned by bad food, vaccines, flouride, glyphosate making them to tired and weak or too dub too think. People are being brainwashed by communist media (hollywood and msm) and by liberal social media (fb, twatter). Increasing levels of stress due to unchecked government power, I shouldn't have to get my asshole checked everytime I got to the airport because of some dumbasses on 911. 99% of people are asleep to all this.

>> No.15831537

no offense but you sound like a faggot.

>> No.15831622

LEL thats it?
My trust fund is so much bigger than yours. I don’t understand why your parents don’t have more money. Didn’t they love you? Are they just lazy? Why are my parents so much richer than yours, anon? Plus I’m younger than you. If I was 33 and only worth $1mm and lived in a Cuck condo instead of my manor I’d neck. You should learn to budget better pleb.

>> No.15831645

No rich person has ever said "LEL" unless quoting it from some faggot like I'm doing now.

That's how I know you're broke.

>> No.15831667

And yet here you are on a mongolian shitweaving forum with the rest of us.

>> No.15831698
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you sound like a teenager who hasn't grown up yet, i feel sorry for you