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15825304 No.15825304 [Reply] [Original]

$20k in NEO (did nothing when had ath $400k) NOW im ready to jump ship

tell me where put this $20k and i'll send 50 NEO ($350) to best post.

>> No.15825313

and YES, i have bought Diamond Kiwi ($1000) PoE supporter pack in december 2012

imagine throwing $1k on btc in december 2012.

>> No.15825318

If you liked holding Neo go all in XLM and double down on your own bullshit

>> No.15825321

You been posting this crap for the past 2 weeks. Buy some rope and neck yourself

>> No.15825338

i bet it was u who sent those 0.00001337 GAS, rofl

>> No.15825342

Why do you post this bullshit every other day? Am I supposed to feel sad for you for being a dumbass? Build a bridge and get over it faggot

>> No.15825351


>> No.15825357

not everyone had a feeling of having $400k,
but now i'm more and more convinced NEO is a scam, thus maybe last chance to jump ship.

>> No.15825379


link can moon like ONT, from $1 to $10, but maybe not.

>> No.15825453

so XML, LINK, any other options ?

>> No.15825525

all in on the next xrp fractal, some vechain too. gl brah


>> No.15825541

If you care about the future then put atleast half in eth.

>> No.15825549


i put my student loan, all my slave pay, and my birthday money ($15) and i convinced my dad to pay my car insurance so i could buy more eth

>> No.15825560

After holding neo for years I sold it all last month. Fees so good not holding it anymore.

Moving all into 1 coin is stupid.

Build a prtfolio out of eth, link, qnt , 1 ten dark node. Some atom, rlc, zrx and maybe some rsr and elastos for the lulz

Always keep in mind all the names coins will eventually moon and you will get back your 200k

>> No.15825592

Go 50/50 in ETH & XRP. Look at the ETHBTC & XRPBTC CHARTS. Shits about to take off


>> No.15825596

I bought two (2) Diamond supporter packs back when PoE was starting out. Also got myself an Enternal supporter pack later on. I'll consider getting another if they ever bring back custom unique.

>> No.15825642

40% in ETH, 40% in LINK for something (relatively) blue chip. Remaining 10% in Fantom and 10% in Quant for some moonshots

>> No.15825651

Buy some chainlink, RSR and BNB

>> No.15825674


have u sold your two Diamond packs ?
i am considering selling it, but for how much ?
also i still have a power to design one item (if its still possible for diamond supporters)

but i'd like to sell my diamond kiwi (and option to design an item) for at least $4k maybe $5k or more

but where to sell this shit, on ebay ?

>> No.15825681

imo holding one coin is BOLD,
when it moons your profits are MAXED out

>> No.15825861

Unironically BSV

>> No.15825864

not touching this shit, better just buy BTC

>> No.15825866

i still can not belive i did not swap into 31BTC at NEO/BTC ATH. fck

>> No.15825870



>> No.15825904

Split it into RSR and VIDT.

>> No.15826023

OR i should wait until 3.0 relase ?
3.0 will hit at my 3-year-hodl mark, so maybe that's the best option ?
i'm not seeing NEO tanking below $1 anyway, idk.

>> No.15826216

You only need 100k XRP to make it. You're halfway there.

>> No.15826266

43,121,735,112 XRP / 99,991,336,298 XRP / 100,000,000,000 XRP

too shitty shitcoin imo

>> No.15826271

TOMO is a better version of neo

>> No.15826278

i want to buy now some coin which will do what antshares did for me, like 50x minimum. becasue this time i'll be more clever to sell and cash out at 50x roi.

link may do like 5-10x roi, good but not enough,
ETH, idk..

rest of mentioned idk, they are all tanking and will tank more,

and i need to buy some "2016 antshares", not some dying shits

>> No.15826290

been hearing about TOMO for last 2 years or so,
but idk.
just looked at its team, i see "Nguyen" so it's a NO NO , no more investing in gooks, omiseGO killed all gooks' crypto projects. let them just fuck off and leave crypto scene.

>> No.15826334
File: 187 KB, 839x839, not great not terrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a feeling the best i can do is just DO NOTHING,
im top 14xx neo holder, not great, not terrible

>> No.15826362

MITX. One of the best opportunities in crypto right now. Don't be fooled by the Bitmax exchange manipulating the price. Very solid project and team. Announcement by the Malaysian government with Medini City later this month, and talks of a Binance CEX listing in a month or two. Project only officially launched this year and has already achieved a lot. Extremely good entry right now with the current market price. DYOR

>> No.15826431


ez 5-10x+ from this price

>> No.15826506


>> No.15826996

if this, then WHY not posting:
wait until 3.0 and then buy rope if 3.0 fails,
buying rope BEFORE 3.0 is like fapping before sex

>> No.15827012

unironicly all in link, you can still get 10k link what’s plenty in the coming year you won’t be able to buy anymore and neo will just drop more.


Thx for the neo

>> No.15827053
File: 7 KB, 232x250, 1557230173757s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending on what you want to do OP there is lots of options.
>Option 1
If you want a stable coin that is crabbing along despite btc dumping then you go into chain link and wait for it to dump to $1.90 then sell when it hits $2 as its been doing for the last couple of weeks...or hold it in link and wait for it explode.
>Option 2
straight into BTC after its dump then resell to USD after it crawls back up...same as before hold and wait for 16k.
>Option 3
Shit coin of the month, Howdoo or RSR or whatever you feel like at this point really, 20k worth buy order is enough to cause a mega spike triggering the bots to move their buys and sells. This can be exploited for insta pump and dumps.

If you were me and the GAS isn't doing it for you just jump into LINK it has stood the test of time for every dump.
>coincidentally BTC dumping when LINK is about to pump.
This is a noticeable trend that you should watch out for if you want to day trade.

Finally you can just buy quant when it breaks past 6.25 then pumps back to 6.40 for some nice swings.

Thanks if you send it to me, do as you will with this advice.

>> No.15827074

Just read this post, 50x is going to be hard in this market, if NKN wins the binance vote expect a jump to 5-10cents which might get you close to the return you want. HOT if they fucken send their stupid ports might actually generate jump back to 20sats which will be most delicious.

>> No.15827093

>If you want a stable coin that is crabbing along despite btc dumping then you go into chain link and wait for it to dump to $1.90 then sell when it hits $2 as its been doing for the last couple of weeks...or hold it in link and wait for it explode.


you're playing a dangerous game.

>> No.15827442

No just link retard

>> No.15827475


BTC is a no brainer in case of market volatility.
ETH is making a comeback and BAT browser is exceeding expectations.

These are my biggest holds right now. I don't recommend shitcoins.

>> No.15827490 [DELETED] 

So what? You had no risk management on the way up and no risk management on the way down. You would never have gotten to 400k ATH if you had played it smart/ safe. It’s literally like a degenerate gambler who turns his 10k into 400k and then loses almost all of it.

>> No.15827517

Split it between RSR, polkadot, LINK, RLC and Lition. One of them is bound to have obscene pumps, maybe not quite Antshares though.


Can't wait to use this cash to get my latop out of the pawn shop, i miss playing civ and hoi so much..

>> No.15827669

NKN will pump more. Cz will pump it + NKN wall + Fomo...Expect at least last who was ATH $0.5

>> No.15827714

Ignore all these noobs, buy bitcoin and hold it until after halving 20k is enough to make it
This is only safe and viable option

>> No.15827880
File: 670 KB, 771x419, uultra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to hold NEO aswell, free money with GAS but it seems all to be over now.
Currently in UOS because

>Gaming, billion dollar industry
>mainnet and open beta launch soon
>huge partnerships coming
>next competittor for steam and G2A

>> No.15827926

High caps: BTC ETH
mid caps: LINK XMR MKR
low caps: RVN QNT

>> No.15827929

None of those are a good reason and those 4 weak points apply to literally any random shitcoin you can think of. Does UOS do anything or it is just empty shilling?
Why not Bitcoin?
>gaming, billion dollar indutry, healthcare, billion dollar industry
>literal animal shit, billion dollar industry
>mainnet, lightning network, many exchange listing
>my friend is getting married in December
>ice is hard but plasma is weird

>> No.15827969

fucking hell buy link before its too late to even double your money

>> No.15827975

LINK you fucking retard

>> No.15828109

Op if your not larping the answer is unironically link.
I jumped off neo from 7 - 37. It went alot higher afterwards but atleast I went positive. You still have a chance with link.