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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15822154 No.15822154[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15822166
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Honestly, based

>> No.15822179


>> No.15822199

Fuck unicorns and lepricorns while you're at it.

>> No.15822214

You fucking racist mysonigstic pieces of shit, this is whh you will never have sex. Reddit warned me about this kind of thing but you are just terrible human beings. Fucking Incels.

>> No.15822237

>y-you'll never get MUH VAGINA!

Stay mad roastie

>> No.15822245

I wish desu

>> No.15822249

What percent of biz do you think is female? I'm thinking under 5% for sure.

>> No.15822278

I think it's 50/50. After all, either someone is male or female, so basic statistics say it must be 50/50.
Trust me, I'm an engineer

>> No.15822284

I'm all this and i hold 100k link

>> No.15822292

cunts are useless shits only interested in anything related to fucking and still, some people here dont get laid at all

>> No.15822303

KYS, incel. Your cancer isn't welcome even here.

>> No.15822308


>> No.15822309

There’s no fucking females in here kek
You ever tried talking investment to females in the real world . It’s instant vagina repellent

>> No.15822310

kek stay mad devil. Little girls are pure angels but sometime during puberty they turn into devils like you

>> No.15822342


>> No.15822378

women don't care about making money, they only care about spending it or whoring themselves out, look at how many women traders there are.

>> No.15822380
File: 71 KB, 552x524, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was bait niggers

>> No.15822416

Socialize until you build up social skills incel
Interact with women you are interested in incel
Use your newfound social skills to pursue them incel
When you find one who reciprocates your interest then have sex incel

>> No.15822583


>> No.15822701

fuck betas

>> No.15822804

Jesus since when did 4chan stop being able to take a joke except this guy >>15822284

>> No.15823073

I've found that the more mysoginistic I acted the more I got laid.

>> No.15823090

Fuck trannies as well!!!

>> No.15823244

If you hate females they've won. Hate is just like love emotional attachment and controlling you through emotion is what they can do best. It's the only thing they can do because they're either too weak, too dumb or lack the character for anything else. If your cat shits on your carpet, what do you do? Yell at the cat? The cat will surely knows what's going on and why you're making such a weird face. It doesn't know what a carpet is. It also has no concept of a living room or even a house. It's just a cat and does cat things. Is it a bad cat for shitting on your carpet? No. It's a perfectly fine cat like any other but if you view the cat as human then it would obviously be a shit human. What's the solution here? Would you view the cat as human you would probably yell at it or threaten to call the police or send this fucker the bill for cleaning the carpet. If you do it correctly you would simply not let the fucking cat in your house in the first place because you know that it's a cat and it does cat things. It's the same thing with females. They are good for what they were made. Sticking your dick inside and shitting out children, maybe even cleaning the cat shit off the carpet. If you view them this way most things work out pretty well, if you view them as an equal though shit gets fucky because you're simply not interfacing with them correctly. They don't understand logic and reasoning and don't have any ambition. If you have a firm voice and a sturdy face you can make them do and believe almost anything.

>> No.15823292

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