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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15820362 No.15820362 [Reply] [Original]

This scam has completely dried up.

The price is held afloat by exchanges and whales but is steadily falling down as they exit the market. Pajeet shills are moving on to browner pastures.
There are no greater fools left to buy your bags.

Real investors aren't stupid enough touch it, normies got burned, OGs either made it and cashed out or are living in hardcore cope and denial or killed themselves.
Big money laughs "Remember when the peasantry thought they could escape their chains?"

Crypto is dead.

>> No.15820374

Nice demoralization attempt, but if crypto is dead then there will never be an escape from these chains as you said. If that's the case, why NOT invest in crypto? If I'm fucked either way I might as well throw my caution to the wind.

>> No.15820376

What's next? How do I get in early for once? Should I invest in AI robo waifus?

>> No.15820379

The truth /biz/ doesn't want to hear

>> No.15820401
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The same applies to chainlink; if you didnt sell the top you're a fool

>> No.15820438

Oh look another demoralizing thread by the Jews.

>> No.15820453

stop being such drama queens. BTC will drop to 7700 and a new bull market will begin in January.

>> No.15820465

buy when things seem the worst, sell when all is wonderful

>> No.15820477

Based and hopiumpilled

You guys have to realize that if crypto doesn't win we will have a dystopian cashless society which will make things even shitter than they currently are.

>> No.15820511

>Crypto is dead.
Bye newfag! shame you can't see whats happening.

>> No.15820877

how hard is it to just park your money in cash and wait if that's what you think

>> No.15821094

truth, crypto was a once in a lifetime tulip mania type bubble where almost anyone could have gotten in early, the next bubble will probably be in something that has a high barrier to entry like rare cars or batman collectibles.
Face it, the crypto mania isn't coming back and if you didn't make it in 2017 then you probably aren't going to make it.

>> No.15821159

im too cucked to see opportunities, too dumb to research and too retarded to short: the post

>> No.15821171

Imagine telling that proudly and feeling smart at the end of the Tulip Mania
Or blockbuster shares, AOL or a million other examples

>> No.15821196

FUD like this is exactly why it's a good time to reaccumulate

>> No.15821210

But who will buy your bags?