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15818829 No.15818829 [Reply] [Original]

Long story short, I became a crypto millionaire in 2017, quit my job, and spent the past 2 years improving myself and traveling the world. Before you ask, I bought digibytes, RDD, ant shares, neo, etc. I didn't sell at the peak but I walked away with 1.1MM after taxes for 17/18.

I'm 30 years old, and I came from a middle class family that was kind of fucked up. I did well in school, but I could never really get my life together after college. It was really hard to motivate myself without an authority figure (boss teacher) screaming at me, basically I was only motivated by the stick, not the carrot.

I always wondered why the carrot didn't motivate me, I wondered all these things about why my life was the way it was, and why I never *really* seemed in control.

It took two years of self-study, but I realized why- trauma induced adhd.

Trauma doesn't only come from being raped or violently beaten. It can come in MANY forms and it's probably the reason you retarded faggots gravitate to 4chan... because there's some kind of trauma in your life that makes you a weirdo.

For me, it was feelings of abandonment and a mentally ill sister. I was a latch key kid because both my parents were working all the time, and my sister is an intolerable violent retard, so I basically learned to disengage, it was the only way I knew how to cope as a child.

Unfortunately, disengagement is not a way to go through life. It's not about carrots or sticks, it's about engagement with what you want to do in life. It's about recognizing patterns in your mind and correcting them to the way you want to think. This is incredibly difficult and it took me two years of concentrated self-study to begin to fix myself.

>> No.15818831
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Most people never have the opportunity because they don't know or are too tried from working their cog job to care to know. The reason you suck is probably because you have trauma induced ADHD which causes you to disengage from life and removes your ability to focus on important tasks, which is why you can't turn your life around.

Since I've realized this, and really tried to change my life, I've successfully learned how to play piano very well (which is important because it takes a lot of focus, which I never had before), but more importantly I started my own business and found joy in my life through meaningful work.

I made a lot of money off you gay incels so I'm trying to return the favor. Good luck

>> No.15818841

just fuck off now. how many times are you going to spam this shit? literally nothing you wrote is profound or interesting. you're just a cunt who got in at the right time. judging by your posts i'd say your iq is around 80-90

>> No.15818848

Kys you actual retard

>> No.15818852

>you're just a cunt who got in at the right time
Its a larp, he didn't even do that
>nothing you wrote is profound or interesting

>> No.15819119

Who is she?

>> No.15819175

>doesn't know how to use google image search

never going to make it

>> No.15820083

Thanks anon. Its a webm, I didn't realize google image search works with a screen cap of a video.

>> No.15820969

you're welcome

>> No.15820981

Take not of this fucking post anons.
It could have been me writing this. Every word written is true and it might be the most important shit you'll read in a while.
Most of the tragedy in the world can be attributed to trauma.
OP, respect to you for this post.

>> No.15821027 [DELETED] 

Thanks to Mr Stanley he helped me recovered my stolen cryptocurrency and track my cheating husband phone... you can contact him at hackforreal@gmail.com

>> No.15821035
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kek, OP is a low IQ faggot boomer who doesn't have shit to teach cause he doesn't know shit, even at his age, which isn't based at all.
It's not a fucking ''trauma'' problem lmao, it's just modern life that causes ADHD. If you don't have an active life, your brain will cope and you will get adhd. Just get out there, talk to people, play sports, talk to girls, train, study and be active. I don't need a faggot boomer telling me I have some sort of ''trauma'' causing my demise. Fucking pussy faggot lmao.

>> No.15821036

the truth is you have no control over anything that happens ever, never had, and never will
cincerely yours,
Fuck Off Normie

>> No.15821078

The only one sounding like a low iq moron is you.
Hurr Durr adhd. Hurrr
It's about people needing to distract themselves every fucking nanosecond in order not the feel the pain and emptiness of their existence caused by the trauma in their youth by empty, oblivious and downright emotionally neglectfull parenting.
Blaming adhd as if that's the cause and not the effect of something deeper is incredibly short sighted.
People like you that refuse to acknowledge this probably because you too are trying deny how empty of love your childhood really was is just fucking sad.

>> No.15821105

get a job nigger. stop trying to scam others.

>> No.15821574

stop posting this idiot. we dont need your shit advice. we need money.

>> No.15821689

ITT: like, two legit posters and a dozen salty faggots who get triggered by nothing

>> No.15821860


my parents had an happy marriage. I have 2 siblings, many friends.
Almost everyone in my social circle had succesful parents. We did all the sports, we did well at school. Almost everyone is either at university now or winning 30+ an hour and everyone has fucking adhd. That's plain normal in our current living environnement in the years 2000. technology changes us. The dopamine is easy now. No more delayed gratification. Only insta gratification. That's it fucking retard.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH KYS FAGGOT. You think you know shit, but you don't know shit.
>a implies b
>childhood trauma cause your ADHD
The world is way more complicated than a or b.
I used to be a binary thinker when I was 12 years old. Expand faggot

>> No.15821977

Mentioning playing sports and how much money you make as the first things you write says more about the state of your mind and worldview than you realize. I hope you'll be truly happy and fulfilled today.
But as long as you blame society instead of your own conditioning and psyche that sadly won't be the case I'm afraid.
I'm happy some people get it at least like OP. So there's hope luckily.
All the best anon.

>> No.15822124

Why do I need a job when I can just hire peasants like you to do jobs for me?

>> No.15822184

>For me, it was feelings of abandonment and a mentally ill sister. I was a latch key kid because both my parents were working all the time, and my sister is an intolerable violent retard, so I basically learned to disengage, it was the only way I knew how to cope as a child.
For me it's abandonment by my mother and sister, and my father being a mentally ill abusive retard.

But yeah, I learned the same coping mechanism. If I detached myself from my emotions, the emotions couldn't hurt me. If I never let myself get close to people, they can never abandon me in the first place.

I see it, but I don't know what to do about it.

>> No.15822225

Your post strikes a chord with me.

"Unfortunately, disengagement is not a way to go through life."

If someone is stuck at disengagement then what is the path to living an engage life? You write about two years of self-study. How did you approach this? What would your advice now be to someone in the situation you were in back then?

>> No.15822514
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you completely missed the point. Your body is in constant symbiosis with the environment you live in. You are not one or the other. You are both constantly. If you want to feel great and have a present mind, you need to be active and you need to be winning. That's pretty much all there is to it. Blaming your current condition on singular past event is limiting. Just open up and see the bigger picture.
I agree that childhood is an important part of development, and it can fuck you up for life if you were really ill-treated, but for most, it has not much to do with their current conditions, especially if we speak of something narrow like having adhd.
OP is just dumb boomer. Reality is that no one really has their life in control and everyone is just guessing and bullshitting their way through life. It's the only way.
And you are just as dumb as OP.
All the faggots in this thread need to stop being faggot, man up and not be afraid to ''déplacer de l'air '' which is a french expression meaning that you should not be afraid to act upon the world, risk being judged, risk failure, etc. Or else you are gonna end like most faggot on this board; low-energy faggots who cope with self-pity because of ''childhood trauma'', or anything else just as retarded.
All the best anons.
Long chainlink

>> No.15822554

>sitting on 1M
>hiring peasants to do stuff for him instead of being careful and spending less money possible
how do i know you will lose it all?

>> No.15822610

I don't understand, what are you returning? I have ADHD too, and this seems like some sort-of humblebrag.

>> No.15822642

>and this seems like some sort-of humblebrag.
you are correct. He keeps posting it too which is even more cringe. Like he has some sort of deep insight lmao.


>> No.15822876

Prove it

>> No.15822958
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>> No.15823040

This actually isn't terrible advice but it's shallow and unsustainable unless you're low IQ. Only dumb people are motivated long term by shit like "stop being a faggot".

It takes a thoughtful, diligent, and intelligent mind to look deeply into one's self. If you think "playing sports" makes you not an ultra mega turbo faggot then you're none of those descriptors.

>> No.15823205


I've seen this exact thread few days ago, but I'll bite

I was bullied in last years of school, and because of that, I became a social outcast autist. Before being bullied, I was a social kid, with many friends, and everyone liked me.

Now, I don't have friends, I have no social life and skills, and it fucking sucks. I'm sure that bullying caused this trauma that ruined my life.

How can I leave this trauma behind?

>> No.15823213

Another demoralizing thread by the Jews. Sage and move on. Do not entertain these weirdos.

>> No.15823241
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t. 147 IQ

>> No.15823278

OPs post is so not Jewish it’s not even funny

>> No.15823547

The fact is you will never stop being a faggot. Everyone is a faggot. All you can do is recognize this fact and direct your faggotry towards productive ends.

>> No.15823854
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If you want real advice don't use your trauma as a crutch to stop yourself from living life. Live in spite of it. Things aren't suddenly going to become fair because you've had this realization, it just means you know what you need to do now to fix it, so get to it bud.

>> No.15824436

So what is the solution then? Appreciate the post but you don't exactly get to how to fix yourself. Meditation?

>> No.15824993

>Jewish tricks

>> No.15825330

fuck you im not jewish

>> No.15825348


It's called ACEs. Adverse childhood experiences. It's the hot new topic in peds and child psych

>> No.15825412

For me it was my narcissistic and manipulative psychopath father, sister and grandmothers. I had no one to help me or protect me from this, and was an outcast in school too because I was too smart compared to other people there, and would prefer to talk to older people instead. I tried out trading 2 years ago in the hope of fixing my inability to make decisions after I understood that my family was toxic. I now understand that I lived 30 years as an empty shell without an ego because my inner self was too afraid to exist, and was just observing life. I am now slowly starting to learn to live for myself, have a 100k stack of link and started to learn how to trade/invest. But I have no clue what I want to do in my life in the case that I make it and don't need to work anymore. The only things I can think of is reading, watching more anime and playing the games that I never had the time to play until now. I hate manipulation and don't want to have a relationship with a women because of this.
What am I supposed to do with my life ? How do I get bigger life goals ? Did somebody experience something similar ?

>> No.15825518

I do reg meditation. Dunno if it helps abandonment issues but it keeps me lvl headed

>> No.15825621
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For me reading the Toxic parents book by Susan Forward helped me a lot.
It describes the different bad treatment a child can get from his parents in the first part and then it describes a therapy in the second part where for example you imagine telling a small children who had a similar experience that what he experienced during his childhood was abnormal and that he deserves better. Accepting that your childhood was bad and that you deserve better is the key to recovering. But for it to work you have to get into contact with your inner child through your subconscious and it may resist this attempt if it is still fearful by making you do something else, in which case you have to force yourself to do it. But if you do this you will feel extremely powerful primitive emotions (initially sadness and fear and then extreme happiness).

>> No.15826089

best post

>> No.15826376
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>> No.15826494

Good shit anon, Godspeed to all your future endeavors. Thanks for sharing your piece of the puzzle

>> No.15826606

healing the shame that binds you by john bradshaw will change any shame-binded person's life. You might not even realize that you are. Its not an easy read by any means. He calls it out so explicitly that you'll probably withdraw in some way while reading, in order to avoid the raw truth of it. I know i did. I had to read it like 12 times to force my self to accept and internalize it. check it out if you agree with what retard op says

>> No.15826970

Thanks fellas. I agree meditation is fucking legit too

>> No.15826986

whats your opinion on chain LINK