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15817349 No.15817349 [Reply] [Original]

just saw the movie for the first time.
I was a little uncomfortable with which how much of it resonated with me. I thought Bateman was hilarious and relatable. He seemed like an excellent caricature of whhat I believe in my own head of how I think I seem when I act. And also with murdering so many and getting away with it, and defeating cops. It was the ultimate powerfantasy couple with an intrusive thought stretched too far. But if someone suspects that they truly are better than those around them, that's how they subconciously presume. that situation would go - how it would escalate.
The two lesbians on the bed making out while you recited some pretentious and slightly profound bullshit polished with a mind that is legitimately quick and yet also thinks hilariously highly of itself at the same time.
The fact that this fantasy seemed just like mine. Does that make highlight of my poor mental state, or is it actually a common fantasy, and in that case, part of the common male Id. And the blueprint in all of us ala Jung.
Was American Psycho the perfect male fantasy, or my cringe fantasy?

>> No.15817657

Type more concisely. Your entire post was word diarrhea.

>> No.15817689
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I related with basically everything but the murdering but at the same time you could probably replace anything you do and get away with with the murder. I used to steal quite a bit from the grocery store. I was always surprised what i could get away with..wine, beer, an electric shaver... The list goes on. But it always made me feel good when I'd get away with it especially when it was so obvious as the beer which I sat down next to the self checkout drone, said I forgot something, came back minutes later, picked it up and walked out. Well I probably rambled too much.. Maybe we're both psychopaths. Who knows.

>> No.15818150

Read the book.

>> No.15818660

It was directed by a woman and while Christian Bale was able singlehandedly carry the movie until about 3 quarters in the director fucked up the ending and cut out some of the best parts. Admittedly some parts of the book would never be allowed in movie theaters but there were parts cut for no reason.
Read the book. The movie is a great adaption of the first half of the book which pisses me off far more than if the film was unremarkable

>> No.15818693

his character would be a lot more sympathetic in the current day and age. as a reaction to the world of the 1980s though I found it slightly over the top

>> No.15819086

youre probably just a nigger

>> No.15819124

The other day I realized what the "I have to return some videotapes" line means. That sex scene with the blondes, he was taping over pornos and returning them to the video store. That's why he was so specific about their hair color. I looked it up and no one else seems to understand this.