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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15817172 No.15817172 [Reply] [Original]

have you taken the bikepill yet, /biz/?
>doesnt immediately lose all value when used
>dont pay huge jew price
>dont pay jew insurance
>don't pay for jew fuel
>no longer slave to traffic laws
>actually fun to use
>just as fast as cars in the only places worth living (urban areas)
>95% of repairs done easily by yourself
>again, fun
Buy your lambo if you want, but see how much you enjoy it when you still have to stop at the same red lights and go the same speed limit as before
And when you're sitting in gridlock contemplating suicide i may just weave past and out of sight, on the way to your gfs place

>> No.15817176

how about you go ask your stupid questions somewhere else

>> No.15817184

Enjoy slipping on a puddle

>> No.15817185

>i may just weave past and out of sight, on the way to your gfs place
Or you may just get run over by a truck

>> No.15817186
File: 65 KB, 460x617, chad_faggot_bike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if the catalog were anything worth preserving right now
This at least relates to finance

>> No.15817191

Or being hit by a truck

>> No.15817193

doesn't matter, you are part of the cancer and should fuck off. Better a non moving catalog than one with retarded questions like yours. Op you are a fag, you will always be a fag and you should go be a fag somewhere else

>> No.15817197

I have indeed taken the bikepill anon; I still drive my car in bad weather, long journeys, and when I'm transporting people and things but otherwise I ride my bike around.

This. The Linkies/shitcoin flavour of the week and Justed posts make this place very redundant.

>> No.15817198

Mountain bike master race here. Just spent 7 bills on one, mostly ride on the road. Fun, something to do, and good for health. Bike Chad's cannot lose

>> No.15817211


>> No.15817225
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>> No.15817421

Bikings nice until you realize how much pollutant you're sucking into your lungs riding in the city

>> No.15817449

>all these rage cagers
>"making it" and still willfully living in Mad Max America
>not moving to New Zealand, Japan, Denmark, or any other first world Utopia with good cycling infrastructure and public transit
Whew lads.
Gaining financial free is not freedom if you have to still suck up to the petrol Jew.

>> No.15817471

the boomers at my company put the office out in the middle of fucking nowhere so im forced to be a car cuck, getting raped by insurance, gas and depreciation.

Thank you boomers

>> No.15817472

try fucking biking everyday for 25 km in rain and wind and you'll change your fucking mind you cocksucker

>> No.15817482

clearly you've never been to NZ lmfao

>> No.15817600

I ride 28kms every work day in any weather, even in storms that killed people elsewhere and temperature down to -20°C. You'll stop being a little bitch, as it makes you a lot tougher and after a while you stop caring. Riding through empty forest with fresh snow is one of the best feelings ever. Every depressed faggot here should do it. It will heal you.