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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 165x70, Ignorethefud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15809744 No.15809744 [Reply] [Original]

Ignore the FUD. Precious FUDers are trying to take our ownies at 1.5 cents. With recent developments, new partners, and stock exchange developments.... this will be the best performer of late 2019 and all of 2020. Mark my words.

>> No.15809770

I sold everything yesterday and I've never felt better
This shit is going to 0 and Sascha and his Ambassadors keep promising bullshit until they exitscam

>> No.15809918

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.15809923

1.5cents? oof. wasn't this like 50 cents not that long ago?

>> No.15810266

yes it kept on dumping from like 25cents and the only people holding now are the desperate hopium inflated bagholders in telegram

>> No.15810291

It was 1.5 cents this time last year. So if you bought a year ago, you are still up 100%. Anyone who buys the epic pumps and who does not sell in profit, is complete retard. This is the base and bottom, and if you aren't buying here, you are also retarded.

>> No.15810300

There are no developments, new listings, new partnerships, new STOs. There is nothing going on with any stock market as far as I'm aware. There is one shit sto and the price is being tanked by devs who are paid in he token. Sacha has made promises almost six months ago which have not come close to being fulfilled.

>> No.15810357

This sounds like a bagholding faggot who bought at 20-30 cents and who is coping by lashing out.

400 banks will use the blockchain and chx. Stock Exchange partners coming soon.

>> No.15810381

This is unbelievable bullshit. Kek I bought well before then, but the writing's on the wall. If you didn't sell, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.15810454

All I hear is crying and emotional outbursts. If you were a true Chad and played these swings... you'd be buying now for the next run.

>> No.15810544


>> No.15810566

Buy more now and you'll make more on the way up

>> No.15810609

Facts is facts. No good news, after months of promises. You'd have to be retarded to buy in. I'm right in thinking the token has no use either.

Lel, What is tokenize?

>> No.15810626
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>> No.15810634
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>> No.15810646

>buying CHX
>being in the US

Pick one and only one (and don't even start typing "just VPN to Bitmax and ignore their TOS" with your poo-covered fingers, you fucking curry toolbox).

>> No.15810682

Down 70% on this. Should of took profits when everyone was saying this was a scam

>> No.15810873

This shitcoin really dropped to 2 cent? I almost felt smug after buying in at 10 cent and watching it rise to 16 a few weeks later. What the actual fuck. I can't believe that I have been pajeeted.

>> No.15811469


Imagine being this retarded. The next cycle will make you crying Pajeets shit yourself and your concerns irrelevant.

>> No.15811575
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>400 banks will use the blockchain and chx. Stock Exchange partners coming soon.

>> No.15811586
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>> No.15811608
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300 businesses. All will buy CHX. "No delays ever". Handpicked highly-respected companies. Project Crowd. Ten businesses already confirmed to join OWN as of November of last year, yet less than 10 STOs for May 21st (editor's note: still no STOs as of October 4th). What happened? Didn't get any new businesses interested in over six months? Did previous companies bail? Does the process to get approved take that long? Or by occam's razor Sascha was lying this whole time.

Project Crowd's female CEO also runs Blockchain Fox: https://www.blockchain-fox.com/
On her site states she has launched 120 projects and has 22 years of experience. Except she cannot code at all and uses Crowd Machine: https://www.crowdmachine.com/kathrin-hauck/

Project Crowd has been in business for over a year, has no working product, clients, or freelancers on their platform. Blockchain Fox acts as a consultant for other businesses on using blockchains. Again, she cannot code. She is an affiliate marketer for Crowd Machine, which pays a % for resellers and referrals. She states she has developed Artificial Intelligence on Blockchains in the above link. She cannot code.
>Kathrin was drawn in by Crowd Academy’s “professional, yet spacy cool look,” and was ready to jump into the future with both feet.
>Envisioned an A.I. and blockchain enabled application that could empower the growing ranks of freelancers. Up to that point in her life, Kathrin had no development experience, and in fact, had steered clear of anything close to coding. To make this vision come true, Kathrin decided to join Crowd Academy.

>> No.15811620 [DELETED] 

I actually welcome it. I hope Link moons before chx so I can get up to a million or more...

>> No.15811629

I actually welcome it. I hope Link moons before chx so I can get up to a million or more...
>inb4 bagholderbingo.jpg

>> No.15811737
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Decided to have a nostalgia trip and look into the archives to see some CHX cope. I still like this post:
>The more CHX utility tokens you buy before the swap, the higher the chances you will win the lottery frens! Sascha is not leaving us in the rain after all and this is definitely not a ploy to increase the price of CHX in the immediate short-term so the contractors can dump their 90,000 CHX on IDEX. Act quick so you can get in on the top of the pyramid, I mean, the top of the ladder.
>Sascha is giving away 2 POINT 5 MILLION CHX FOR FREE to all Telegram trannies. That's right. 2,500,000 CHX which is almost ONE MILLION DOLLARS with the ATH price. Can you think of another more honest and generous CEO in the crypto world? I can't! BUY BUY BUY
Spoiler: He left bagholders in the rain. Americans still cannot buy CHX without a VPN.

>> No.15811780

I don't even understand why people say VPN. How are you supposed to do your taxes, like a good burger, when you are VPN'ing to an exchange that won't even allow US buyers? Not to mention you could get your account locked if they catch you larping as a Europoor.

>> No.15811834

>I don't even understand why people say VPN. Not to mention you could get your account locked if they catch you larping as a Europoor.
That's just what bagholders want. For your tokens to be locked so you cannot sell, therefore take it out of circulation. They don't care about you losing money.

>> No.15812209

Thanks a lot to the anons that warned us about the exit scam

>> No.15812992

Yeah sell now so you can miss the next pump. I only shill this before the pumps at cheap prices to try everyone on board early... you whining about the small stuff and "fundamentals", just don't bitch next month because you ignored my heads up and bought the top, and once again..m. hold all the way down...

>> No.15813002

The next pump will be going to $.85 - $3.5... will start this quarter and end around the end of Q1 2020

>> No.15813306

It's going to be very difficult to shill when their reputation is shot, lied to everyone for over a year, and their token is a security. 85 cents is hilarious. 8.5 cents in your wildest dreams and only because BTC doubled.

>> No.15813484

Oh hush, cucked little sheep, go back to your flock.

>> No.15813519
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Still holding those tokens since February, eh?

>> No.15814166

Since this time last year and just bought some more. Comfy af