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15808461 No.15808461 [Reply] [Original]

when data is onchain who needs oracle? i dont see how chainlink incentive modelnis fair

>> No.15808474

opcodes smart contract ide http://scrypt.studio/ on bsv

>> No.15808513

There has always been an 'oracle' on the BitCoin blockchain. Some have died and failed, some have observed in the shadows to grow in strength and itelligence - to become superior and 'kill' all the other competition in it's universe. It just needs uncapped blocks with a link to Genesis incurring the past 10 years of transaction history having roots from the very first transaction.

>> No.15808515
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All these second layer node services need to be paid for otherwise it's a meme. The solution seems simple though, every action needs to have a micropayment to monetize the service this was the whole idea with metanet.

>> No.15808516
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>> No.15808518

Fuck linkies

>> No.15808539

the poster boy for bsv is an obvious fraud.
if you want to scale it HAS to happen on layer 2, not on chain.
if BSV will be adopted beyond a weather app it will be completely centralized.

unlimited blocksize doesnt work and is exactly what the bsv payjeet army says about core, it's crippling the idea of bitcoin rendering it useless.

TLTR, bsv is a shitcoin created to scam people

>> No.15808549

and these early metanet business should be setting every action to the smallest cost possible. Then as protocols and apps compete markets will develop and the price of a twetch, api call etc will be optimised
it should be profitable to run an unwriter node by receiving money from microtransactions everytime your node services something

>> No.15808562

is this still happening? what he talks abt is beyond me... maybe technobable? eli5

>> No.15808570

because it's a shitcoin anon

>> No.15808573

100% tech
satoshi craig not ITT

>> No.15808581

not relevant
nxt has value

>> No.15808603

am I fucking retarded or is monetized bsv service nodes gonna be like cpu mining in 2010 all over again?

>> No.15808635

BSV can be simply DDoSed. Well, not literally. All these retarded community services like Bico.Media that have to run expensive nodes for free just to let others download the full MLP archive and other garbage on chain won't handle the real server load and/or will run out of money. It's just a matter of time before they shut down.

>> No.15808659

exactly that's why if you use it you should have to pay it. I unironically thought unwriter had set it up like that but he's just made all this shit free which is never going to be sustainable. That was the whole idea of metanet. When there's cost there's no ddos because massive demand just means massive potential profit to run a node

a business would add margin to cost of using one of the nodes

>> No.15808666

>when there'S cost there's no ddos
i think you don't know what ddos is and how it works

>> No.15808668
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>> No.15808694

ddos is when you overwhelm a server with traffic.
it should be to call a server it costs an amount of bsv that is profitable for the server that means it's not possible to overwhelm the network because for every call it is profitable to serve it. Ie the higher the traffic the more people turn on nodes

>> No.15808696

"its more profitable to follow the rules then attacking the chain"

read the whitepaper

>> No.15808713
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he's probably charge for it
whoever he is he's from NY

>> No.15808723

a blockchain is a distributed network maintaining a database. you can DDos any computer connected to the internet by sending requests which the server has to take care of, valid or invalid. there is no BSV involved at all at this stage, all you need is a bot army.

>"its more profitable to follow the rules then attacking the chain"
attacking the chain in the sense of altering it

>> No.15808735

If the content owner has to make regular payments to make his content accessible, this is not different from regular web hosting (even worse, in fact, because you have no benefits of cashing and server-side scripting)

Which means, "websites on chain" like CSW envisioned are a completely gibberish idea: the end user still connects to a web server, not the blockchain, and web servers have a cost, they're never free.

This has nothing to do with the whitepaper, it's about the clumsy second-layer web shit. Web sites can be DDoSed and do fall under the load all the time. BSV is obviously an outdated tech since users can't connect to a mining node through, say, websockets, they have to use unwriter's centralized second layer node (oh, and the mining farms are centralized themselves, what an irony). In this respect, I see concepts like Nimiq as an inherently superior solution.

>> No.15808757

it's just like aws then
the value proposition in metanet is in integrating economics into the code
You should not be able to a use unwriters services without paying the cost of the service (unwriter doesn't have to make a profit but he needs to charge per call to at least break even)

we are not talking about mining nodes we are talking about unwriters nodes which are second layer

>you can DDos any computer connected to the internet by sending requests which the server has to take care of, valid or invalid.
I know, if unwriter makes requests cost bsv paid to the owner of the node the unwriter network can not be ddos because valid or invalid requests are profitable to fulfill and anyone can run a node.

he doesn't make regular payments each request costs money. If it is a business using unwriter requests this cost has a margin added to it and then that cost is paid by the user of the business. Then there is a market for protocols and apps and service on the packet level which is what metanet is about

>> No.15808764

obviously the requests are like microcents, it doesn't matter, only that it is an amount that the node owner makes a profit serving the request

>> No.15808794

thanks valid point

>> No.15808805

Its promoted by a know scammer

>> No.15808817

go away
not relevant
vitalik is a bigger scammer for the record

>> No.15808821

If you think all or even most data will be on chain, then you dont understand how slow blockchain is, and how fast data is accessed now.

Look at apache arrow, dremio and the such

>> No.15808833

ok thxs

>> No.15808836

So, CSW said, "let's put the whole internet on chain!" Let's ignore for a moment the obvious fact that you can only upload static sites (i.e. no PHP, Python, mySQL etc). Now that the website is on chain, does the user access it directly from the blockchain? NO, he uses a service like bico.media run by a janny working for free. What is someone sends a MASSIVE amount of traffic to his clickbait porn landing page? What if every sóyboy rushes to download the full MLP archive stored on BSV? The janny's service will simply run out of resources, considering that it's even more cucked than a regular web server because it has to process potentially unlimited web requests and synchronize the blockchain with potentially unlimited blocks at the same time.

In other words, BSV assumes that there must be some volunteer jannies syncing their 8-core nodes for free, otherwise "the internet on chain" won't work at all.

>> No.15808840

it's very frustrating to realise the perceived progress of what has been built on unwritters services is just subsidy not at all in the spirit of metanet.
If I knew how to code I'd go and copy everything he's done but put a microtransaction on every action payable to the person running the node

>> No.15808867

haven't heard from the BSV roaches in weeks but suddenly they came back
I wonder why

>> No.15808869

you're completely correct if unwriter doesn't integrate economics into his system or some makes his system with micropayments
the whole point of metanet is integrating micropayments into the internet protocol
running a bico media node will be profitable as making requests of it will cost a micro transaction. ANyone would be able to download and run a node to make money

>> No.15808873

then economies of scale would develop as we saw with sha256 mining where home mining is no longer profitable

>> No.15808880

you bugs are more deluded than stinky linkies

>> No.15808887

hello greg, how are the lemmings

>> No.15808890

>if i know how to code
fucking learn faggot

>> No.15808895

go away
>digital gold makes me buttcoin

>> No.15808896

>bsv shill
>learning to code

>> No.15808900

because its a scam and the guy isnt satoshi and it has been proven on ALL occasions

>> No.15808902

nice arguments corecuck.

>> No.15808914
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>bugs gets them triggered
I see
how's China this time of year

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.15808926
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what do you think of incentivizing bitcoin apis with micropayments?

>> No.15808930

>not relevant
>vitalik is a bigger scammer for the record
no he is a richer scammer, don't recall any judgers calling him a liar

>> No.15808942

not tech related fuck off

>> No.15808948

its a scam even on tech level.
literally a useless fork

>> No.15808951

fuck off ethereum cant scale
he nodded on the record
here we discuss why bsv is a scam technically

>> No.15808961

Web micropayments can be EASILY implemented using any chain with fast/zero-conf payments (NANO, BCH, DASH etc.). As long as the browser wallet app supports on-page payments (i.e. when you hover over a valid address, a "pay" button pops up) and the website makes a simple http request in javascript to a blockchain explorer to confirm the payment, this can be done without using centralized services like MoneyButton.

>> No.15808964

>2nd layer service nodes
>"incentivizing bitcoin APIs"
you retards need to stop talking, you're making yourself look dumber with every post

>> No.15808967

>weather app
it just wont die im looking into it seriously

>> No.15808981

>weather app
how is it any better than other weather apps, and I dont even need a weather app to predict the fucking weather when I can just look outside and predict with more accuracy from the cloud patterns than any goddamn meteorologist

>> No.15808982

no competitor

>> No.15808984
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>weather app
>not useless

>> No.15808986

I didn't ask about micropayments, I said using them to incentivise apis

>> No.15808988

t. own btc and bsv fuck off

>> No.15808994

oracle dumbass its on post #1

>> No.15809002

stop responding to them they are trying to derail your thread

>> No.15809003

nigger there is zero use for weather apps.

>> No.15809006


>> No.15809015

agree not yet
weather app + oracle + futures
why not

>> No.15809017

>weather futures

>> No.15809025


>> No.15809029

>smart contract + insurance

>> No.15809031

weather sv at 6hour 18min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfHgMDhISGw&t=27966s

>> No.15809046
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>weather app

>> No.15809059

watch the presentation he says it delivers weather better than the bureau can and is useful in agricultural supply chain and insurance

>> No.15809926

BSVtards BTFO once again