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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15807844 No.15807844 [Reply] [Original]

I've been pondering on something but I'm still not sure how possible it would be.

I've got around 100k available on my credit cards, I wanted to just fill them up and maybe get a personal loan or two. Buy gold, solar panels, guns and other useful things. After I get everything I can off the banks, I would just default and go for bankruptcy.

Is there a way i should be going about this? If I decided to just not pay up any of the banks, what could they do to me?

>> No.15807869

It’s Nazis like you who fuck things up for decent regular folks

>> No.15807885
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Banks got plenty of money, no one will really lose anything considering they'd just be printing my credit card debt out of thin air.

>> No.15807888

>After I get everything I can off the banks, I would just default and go for bankruptcy.
This is the step where the banks take everything they can off you in return? Are you going to bury the gold and guns? They'll take the solar panels off your house, and the house with it. Can't tell if troll or retard.

>> No.15807897

Get punched

I saw the same /pol/ meme you’re larping about you piece of shit

>> No.15807898

Also if you try hiding the gold/guns and it ever gets out enjoy felony fraud charges.

>> No.15807901

I think the bank can repossess most of those assets. Find assets they cannot legally take back. I imagine you could buy a freeze dryer and freeze dry hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of prime rib and they couldnt seize it.

>> No.15807929
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I could bury the gold and stash the guns elsewhere. Where I live they cannot take your main residence on a bankruptcy so I'd have a safe place.

Shouldn't a bankruptcy keep the banks from being able to take my things?

>> No.15807940

>Credit Card gamble
t. Mutt
I didn't bother reading the rest, It sounded very non white/non first world

>> No.15807944

>they'd just be printing my credit card debt out of thin air.
Retard who doesn't understand fiat detected

>> No.15807957

>I’m gonna hate on brown folks because I have no accomplishments of my own

Fascist, just get the fuck out

>> No.15807976

What am I missing?
They're not giving me credit with the money people have deposited, they literally create the debt.

>> No.15807988

do that OP, seething anons here are just jelly they don't have your balls.
I basically did the same thing
>be eurocuck
>apply to best french engineering school (polytechnique)
>get accepted
>went there, got a thing simular to a credit card, basically debit cars but you can go below 0
>bought link every week until i reached -7000€
>they blocked my cards
>i drove back to my home country
>french debtors have been contacting me since then kek but I doubt they can do anything about it
>my 55k stack is now worth 100k$
you can outjew the jew if you're based enough

>> No.15807998

For that much, the companies will def sue your ass.

>> No.15808001

you need a partner in crime for this, if no homo then you'll need a wife. one of you take the hit on the credit and live off of the other's credit

>> No.15808014

>Shouldn't a bankruptcy keep the banks from being able to take my things?

certain things are exempt
you will have to inventory all your possessions and anything valuable will get sold off

>> No.15808104

Please be real

>> No.15808113

Thats another option I was thinking, buying crypto and fuck them when they try to get anything.

>> No.15808162

kys you fucking leech

>> No.15808174
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I was thinking:

20k in gold purchases.
15k solar setup
15k in guns and ammo
10k in long lasting food supplies
Then maybe spend the rest traveling around for a while and buying whatever I might need.

Start bailing on payments next year and eventually file for bankruptcy