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File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1200, shutterstock_781384285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15806821 No.15806821 [Reply] [Original]

you can send any amount of btc to any address anywhere.
what else do we need?
the guy didn't know whether digital cash would be viable when he wrote the white paper.
he was just dreaming up use cases.
and now you want me to believe that blockstream "took over" and "ruined" bitcoin.
literally whatever. who cares.

>> No.15806861


People are fucking stupid who bring up the “muh can’t even buy a coffee” argument... RETARD YOU CAN SEND ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL WITHOUT ANY ODY BEING ABLE TO STOP YOU!

This is literally all that bitcoin needs to do and it does it just fine.

>> No.15806881

It cant survive when there are competing sha256 coins that can do everything btc does and more for cheaper and have potentially limitless blockrewards

>> No.15806897

>gold wont work because shale and copper exists

>> No.15806918

Gold doesn't need proof of work to remain useful. People won't mine btc if it is less profitable than a competing sha256 chain

>> No.15806968
File: 87 KB, 720x540, blue-diamond (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but if you are choosing a payment method, and you receive $5,000,000 worth of a single coin as payment, wouldn't you want to use the coin with the most trade volume??

>> No.15806993

Greg go sleep. BSV is coming.

>> No.15807017

there is no use case everybody just uses paypal and venmo nobody cares about muh privacy meme

>> No.15807138

the prevalence of that narrative is an unfortunate side effect of marketeers discovering the bitcoin network in its early stages. It was so hard to convince normies that bitcoin wasn't only hitman drug money back then, that they had to bust out every positive edgecase they could think of. They overcompensated so people would take it seriously. The "replacing fiat" concept wasn't juicy enough, they wanted to replace Visa too because that was more relatable to Joe Shmo. Most people that actually understand bitcoin snapped out of that, but it's a hard pill to swallow when you've been parroting the same line for so long.

>> No.15807162

Hash power is more critical than exchange volume. Usage creates more transaction volume anyway btc has a usage limit 144mb per day

>> No.15807174

The title of the white paper is literally bitcoin: a peer to peer electronic CASH system

>> No.15807192
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why is hash power important? wouldn't it just depend on how long you waited for confirmation?

And most trade volume is off chain, and off-chain trade volume (real, healthy volume) would prevent slippage when you sold your btc, making larger transactions more appealing to the receiver.

>> No.15807206


Uneducated delusional degenerate.

You can give any amount of tulips to any person anywhere.


>> No.15807214
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>> No.15807238

If there is no hashpower, there are no blocks. If there are no blocks it has no use, if it has no use it has no value, if it has no value it has no exchange volume. If btc is limited, slower and or more expensive to transact with than a competing sha256 of otherwise same characteristics coin it will die.

Every increase in value btc receives from off chain demand further incentivises dishonest miners as the cost of continuing to invest in proof of work becomes less profitable than exit scamming.

>> No.15807299

>the guy
are you seriously implying Satoshi was a man? get punched!

>> No.15807430

this makes sense.
except you're talking about zero hash, which isn't realistic.
the more hashrate = the larger amounts of btc you can safely transact

>> No.15807463

and? do you not understand what cash means in that context?

>> No.15807495
File: 194 KB, 640x325, hPb2XtKwBGj5qwA16eR5fgWwvZNxPLLcajaYkbd5QQXxfRiEMic78Efv45ZFeVbNuARPERbtSKv9TihL4xDDu3o46HMPNKchMDKh6oQ4zsUNK5bybQwRYZTxahSMWinWXVNVq9oFabTRxSrUrzvb3F6giUv8YhSHvWoqaisobLDALBpXc56koLGWUxeWZE19rKe3Lo2JuHzkFf8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15807501

when bsv removes its daa btc will begin its decline to zero hash

>> No.15807516

this screenshot is obsolete.
we have coins that scale
and no one uses them.
we are not yet at the stage in which we need high tx

>> No.15807518

you're pointing to a screenshot posted by a guy who said bitcoin was a "failed experiment" in 2016. If you can't formulate an argument for yourself get out of this fucking thread. Mike Hearn is hated by literally everyone in the bitcoin community.

>> No.15807526

Name a proof of work coin that scales besides bsv
Maybe you didn't see I posted a highlighted quote from satoshi nakamoto

>> No.15807542

satoshi's quote doesn't relate to what Mike Hearn is saying at all. This is why he is hated. And I saw you're shilling BSV now. Buy as much of that coin as possible, please, and stay out of Bitcoin.

>> No.15807558
File: 145 KB, 530x203, scale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't post it because of mike hearn I posted it to show you what satoshi meant by cash.

>> No.15807597

I use my credit card for buying shit most of the time because anonymity isn't a concern and I'm not a nigger who commits chargeback fraud
Coffee also isn't a high fraud risk transaction

However, when selling shit online there are lots of niggers who commit chargeback fraud, so I only accept crypto for my goods

How do I know those tulips exist? How would I prove the authenticity of those tulips to anyone I wanted to transact them with? How would I even cheaply get those tulips to the fucking buyer?

>> No.15807656
File: 71 KB, 904x1378, 0xbtcwhitepaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


0xBitcoin. The Bitcoin whitepaper, but built in Solidity on Ethereum. So if Ethereum upgrades, then 0xBitcoin upgrades. Now Bitcoin doesn't need miners to secure it, but to distribute the coins. You have to attack Ethereum before you can attack 0xBTC.

>> No.15807666

out of curiosity, which currency pair do you use to measure whether BSV's unique propositions have any importance?

>> No.15807709

Hashpower is directly related to how long you wait for a confirmation.
By design, the average network hashrate is used to change the difficulty of finding a block every two weeks... So if hashrate is higher than the last two for the next two weeks.. difficulty increases.
If a large portion of miners went offline at some point.. for up to two weeks you would find transactions took way longer, potentially not even making it to their destination.
A stable and well distributed hashpower is essential for bitcoin network.

>> No.15807743

Bsv/btc in the context of this conversation.
I think nothing will outperform it for the next 5 years. Obviously could be completely wrong

>> No.15807765

i was just trying to make the point that you wouldn't send $1 billion worth of coin on a network with small hash.

and what I am really trying to argue is that BTC does not have the ability to process millions of on chain tx per second. . . . but it DOES have the ability to safely transact HUGE individual transactions without much risk to the sender or receiver, because of the high hash rate.

so BTC is used for big transactions.

>> No.15807776

The creator doesn't get to decide what the use case is, the market does. We are on a business forum and this is business 101 anon

>> No.15807778

so the lowest BSV price is .0075 btc correct?
i guess we'll see if that remains the ATL. . .

>> No.15808507

you didn't get the point, normalfag brainlet

>> No.15808538

>a woman is capable of creating something of greater meaning or utter something that matters

>> No.15808803

you can buy a coffee with ln and yes you can risk a few weeks allowance on ln while keeping your savings mainchain

>> No.15809537

but its an fpga miner scam token THAT DOESN'T EVEN PUMP WITH LEGACY BITCOIN

>> No.15809553


>> No.15809578

nobody cares if you believe blockstream ruined bitcoin or not
nobody gives a damn about your opinion on anything
you can hodl!!1 to your heart's content
it's on you to convince the rest of us to use king shitcoin if you want it to gain value besides tether manipulation

>> No.15809641

Unconsfiscatable wealth and uncensorable value transfers are pretty amazing and ground breaking things.

>> No.15809680

Yeah it beats the fuck out of wire transfers and western union.
Can you believe boomers actually had to go through that?

>> No.15809782
File: 133 KB, 1000x665, cup'o'link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, you guys are still talking about the coffee?

buy link.
it gonna go 10x halloween.

>> No.15810085

Bitcoin encourages you to stop being a pussy and not need coffee so instead you can accumulate capital and buy a skyscraper.

>> No.15810116


>> No.15810424

based and skyscraper pilled

>> No.15810556

>holy shit, you guys are still talking about the coffee?