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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15806426 No.15806426 [Reply] [Original]

It's obviously just low IQ shills left now. Anyone that wanted to develop on the network gave up and dumped, trading is pointless because there is only a few K volume.

I guess we just wait for them to quit developing and announce the failure?

Can anyone defend this CZ/China scam at all now?

>> No.15806455
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>project is 4 months old
>Welp pack it up it's over

>> No.15806484


This one was bad. CZ and the team all knew this product is not currently ready to launch, and may never launch at all.
Just another China Hu$tle, but this one has so much Binanace involvment and shady shilling.
They did this in the US and really should be made to refund all money they took for this fake ass garbage, or be convicted for fraud.

>> No.15806519

The tech is unproven

>> No.15806567

Hello again Rajesh! I see you made another thread about your failures. In this thread Rajesh will cry about his crypto losses and blame everyone else for his shortcomings.

>> No.15806592

I am blame the developers and CZ for lying about a working network!

>> No.15806615

Look your id is even curry yellow just like you! Stay poor little pajeet and learn not to gamble with more than you can afford to lose, which by the look of it is less than nothing....