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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15806342 No.15806342 [Reply] [Original]

So fucking justed by these thieves.
When is the token swap?
When does mainnet actually launch?

>> No.15806347

Good now neck yourself because you suck at crypto

>> No.15806357

but muh BBQ and Gizem

>> No.15806358

I bought ONE.. so yes I am completely fucking terrible at crypto and so is anyone else holding this garbage.

>> No.15806360

Q2 2020 according to CFO

Something with issues keeping nodes synced lel

>> No.15806363

Whatever you say you pajeet street shitting fuck

>> No.15806398

That's all they have to say now. It's obviously just low IQ shills left now. Anyone that wanted to develop on the network gave up and dumped, trading is pointless because there is only a few K volume. I guess we just wait for them to quit developing and announce the failure?

>> No.15806422

>token swap
>mainnet launch
how new are you?

>> No.15806526

I'm old school bro. I bought ripple in 2017 so fuck you fag. You don't want mainnet and token swap?

>> No.15806533

Holy shit. No wonder why you lose money.

>> No.15806538

You smell like curry and shit in streets = pajeet. It's ok Rajesh, not every pajeet is cut out for FUDding.

>> No.15806548

All these ONE thread all at once.

Mmmh, just added to my watchlist, just in case, you know...

>> No.15806550
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>> No.15806552

its an eth wannabe with a terrible name to market as a crypto currency. Just imagine telling someone you wan to trade harmony for their product.

>> No.15806602

well you can't because it's never going to launch

>> No.15806827


>> No.15806853

This. I hate that there are people on here who unironically think coins with shit names like banyan network, turtle coin, and harmony are solid investments

>> No.15807354

Without fail I see some shitcoin shilled here and 3 months later it turns out that it was a scam and you all lose money. Don't you guys ever learn?

>> No.15807378

That's why I like Monero.

>> No.15807529
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