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15806210 No.15806210 [Reply] [Original]

Another day, another job rejection letter.
> X city is gonna be a techhub like San Francisco because they are moving their companies here!
>You have a degree and experience, any entry level job will want you!
>Ageism doesnt exist! You ll be fine!
How do i profit from my daily job rejection responses?
Should i start investing in kneepads?

>> No.15806231

how old are you and what's your field?

>> No.15806253

27 and soft eng. Did android and web dev. 3 years exp and then got a college degree. Also i am in a “tech hub” city

>> No.15806277

The more experienced and qualified, the longer it can take. Some job searches can take up to a year. When did you start looking and have you applied to gubmint jobs yet?

>> No.15806317

What the fuck? Should i just say i am a fuckin noob? Even some fucking college seem to have done interesting stuff. I only have time.

Also i started a month ago. Had to rewrite my resume. And a fucking year? I might have to become a neet and move with my parents.

Also i dont wanna work with the gobbimint no more. GS 9 gets paid like 40000?

>> No.15806369

>i started a month ago

Yeah, how many apps?

>> No.15806391

Average of 3 a day i could say. None of them requiered a cover letter tho

>> No.15806406

dude I'm in the same boat. 33 year old boomer software dev here with over 5 years experience building out complex web apps and I can't get a fucking offer. been grinding hard for 6 months, hundreds of applications, dozens of interviews. the hiring process for tech is completely broken. everyone is looking for something to reject you on. if you don't fit their tech stack 100% they don't even want to talk to you. same companies I applied to 6 months ago are still hiring for the same positions.its fucking weird.

>> No.15806418
File: 140 KB, 450x399, pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>android and webdev
There's your problem. Webshit is oversaturated. The barrier of entry is too low because it's so easy to learn and there's millions of unemployed webshitters and javashitters all across the country competing for the same non-existent jobs. On a monthly basis hundreds of thousands of bootcampers get churned out and hundreds of thousands of pajeets flood into the country.

Learn actual computer science and git gud if you want to irreplaceable. If anybody is interested I can point them in the right direction.

>> No.15806423
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>people thought the '20s were bad

>> No.15806441

part of the problem is you have to go through HR first, who know nothing about how to evaluate a good dev.
>oh, your resume doesn't mention SSRS but we have that in the listed as a nice to have in the summary.
once you get past HR its a 50-50 that you'll get to a disgruntled engineer who just want to make applicants feel like they aren't as smart as he is.
>you have 10 minutes to white board an algorithm to guarantee the fasted route between point A and point B navigating three lanes of traffic.
so sick of this bullshit. went in for a 3 fucking hour interview last week and was rejected without any feedback by a middle aged tech manager with no coding experience. situation is all fucked up.

>> No.15806457

everything is webdev now. absolutely everything is programmed for the web. we're not talking about shitty wordpress sites anymore.

>> No.15806466

There are actually lots of jobs that want Java and Javascript, the problem is the companies that need these jobs have become jaded as fuck by hiring cheap bootcampers and the like and so they pad the skill requirements on their job listings to a ridiculous degree to ensure they only get really qualified people. However people who actually fill those requirements don't work for less than six figures.

>> No.15806492


>> No.15806498

A lot of times the job will go to someone they know personally. They have a friend at the company, mutual connections at past companies, etc. It's the unfortunate truth for most places. Social proof. It's a bit like dating. A lot easier when a girl's friend introduces you than if you're texting a random person off Tinder.

>> No.15806503

you're only ever irreplaceable to your current employer. it doesn't help at all when you're looking for work.
t. irreplaceable

>> No.15806563

At least most of you can apply to dozens of openings and have no trouble going wherever. I inherited a house and am pretty settled in, with no desire to live in the typical burger shithole city. Hence, in a year I have applied to exactly 2 positions in the Upstate NY/Vermont region, with the obvious results.

I'm also much, much older than OP and got my BS partly just to collect the extra student loan money after deciding just a philosophy BA was too easy. So the ageism would probably make finding a first position in CS impossible anyways.

Plan to do a PhD with the slim prospect of getting tenure at a community college or shit in the end.

>> No.15806575

Hiring is fucked right now because many companies don't seem to understand that software devs are good at learning and picking up new skills. Even if you don't know the entire tech stack you can learn the parts you don't know. The vendor I work for has sales people whose job it is to bullshit to clients that we are "experts" in whatever technology. Truth is we know random shit based on what clients we've worked for, we ramp up a few weeks in whatever language / framework before we start working for the client and 9 times out of 10 they can't tell that our devs are new to the technology because, surprise surprise, they didn't actually need experts, they just needed regular old competent developers!

>> No.15806606

A lot of engineers see new hires as competition so they do their best to find reasons not to hire them.

>> No.15806614

I've never had problems like this in any other industry. if I could do something else that pays as good as what I can expect as a software dev, I would at this point.

>> No.15806633


How much money are you guys asking for?

If you are willing to take $70,000 and can actually do senior developer work, you should be able to get jobs.

I am not saying you won't have to grind interview problems though.

>> No.15806647


You guys are so fucking delusional if you think software devs have it bad.

It was normal to send 100 resumes out in finance and not get a single reply.

Also, if you think tech interviews are bad, you have never interviewed in another industry.

>> No.15806677
File: 150 KB, 580x382, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, get a standard calculus text and dive in. You should also get linear algebra and discrete math books as well; make sure the discrete text is proof based.

Once you're a couple chapters in to your discrete book (you will want to have covered basic proposition and higher order logic, and basic proofs), you may begin learning programming and computer architecture. As a litmus test, if you don't know what this statement is


you aren't ready to take the reins of a computer.

Now, forget what you do know about computer programming:

First, you learn boolean logic operations
then, you learn transistor logic
then, you learn how to build functional units from logic gates
then, you learn CPU design
then, and only then, you learn assembly language
then, after you have mastered assembly language (not dabbled, but mastered it), you learn C
then, after you have mastered C, you may learn the higher-level languages of your choice, but you will always use C and assembly as your primary languages because everything else is unnecessary bloat.

By this time you should be finished with your first wave of math and ready for the next: abstract algebra, analysis, multivariate and vector calculus, and, after you have progressed a way in those, topology.

Finally, you become familiar with topoi, and study the internal logic of categories then familiarize yourself with (general) type theory, and its applications to programming. I also recommend studying how to reformulate mathematics in terms of globular categories for use in automatic theorem proving, because there is an inherent programming-like 'feel' to it.

>> No.15806706


This is a joke, right?

Either you have a phd, a 140IQ, work in a bleeding edge company or 99% of that isn't applicable.

>> No.15806717

That’s about right. Keep going, this is why people don’t quit there job. Finding a new job does indeed suck balls.

Consider paying someone to write your resume.

>> No.15806731

found the indy fag
i feel the same way btw

>> No.15806732

Looks gibberish imo

>> No.15806749

>>15806677 is better than the plebs typical of /g/
Though obviously tongue in cheek, it's sad how stupid the typical "coder" is academically. After that level of ascetic discipline, one may ascend to a truly irreplaceable status creating real algorithms an shit, rather than being a Pajeet galley slave going to the stack for everything.

>> No.15806790


The only places these things matter short of research and the very, very few hardware design jobs is high frequency trading (and game dev which doesn't pay shit). Other than that, you will never need to know the Big O of an algo, or use an actual algorithm.

Math comes in during machine learning and AR dev, but most people just use libraries.

In short, you are either a pleb or you are elite, and there is a huge empty gap in between that's almost impossible to breach for plebs. I am def a pleb.

>> No.15807614


>> No.15807630

Should i learn all this by myself or get a grad degree that has all this?
Also what kind of jobs can i get with this knowledge? Sorry if i sound like i wanna be spoon fed

>> No.15807866

Funny thing is, living in rural redneck America I have neighbors with no education (HS/GED at best) who, for example with one woman, have a desk job at the local school district ordering fucking supplies. $65k salary + all the benefits, while someone with a CS PhD is on Skid Row panhandling all too often. That's real nepotism and small town life.

>> No.15807887

Just buy 50K Zuckbucks and wait 6 months. Literally all you have to do.

>> No.15807913

Are you an american citizen and not a degenerate? If so, try applying to defense contractors. They were the only ones who responded to my white ass after graduating

>> No.15808092

What city, and what enter level position

>> No.15808141

I already worked with the DoD. I am done with that. I wanna be w degenerate now.
But then again beggars cant be choosers.
I am not begging yet tho

>> No.15808216

Skills don't mean jack shit.
90% of the time the person who is hiring you is looking for "are you cool enough to hang around but also know your place to suck my dick? Do you have low expectations? Can we control you? Do I owe any favors to a friend before I hire you?"

>> No.15809355

says the finance guy whose never sat through a tech interview.

>> No.15809359


>> No.15809372


We can get 3.5 Rajeets for that price, no way

>> No.15809870

>tfw interview next thursday for IT support specialist

It's kind of like being on Tinder anon: just close your eyes and swipe right on everything until you get a match.