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15803052 No.15803052[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I did nofap for 5 months, I was going to have sex with an escort, I am not a virgin, however i haven't had sex in like years, and some shit happened, i started trembling like fuck, shakiness and all, i got an erection but i was so fucking shaken that i just couldn't fuck holy shit nofap is a COMPLETE fucking meme, i basically cummed twice in like 5 minutes and i had to stop because i was trembling so much i felt physically sick

Im depressed as fuck now, i basically accepted that i wasn't going to get laid like EVER after being in nofap so long without being able to attract anybody, and now i realize im even more fucked up i imagined and i couldn't even fuck this escort holy shit kill me please

How can i cope with this, it's money related because the only cope i see is hoarding money and then dying

>> No.15803083

That's because you're not supposed to do nofap for more than 7 days, and even that can be too much if you don't have wetdreams.

>> No.15803110

dudebro, nofap is a meme. porn is what *can* fuck you up. people have been rubbing their nut out since the beginning of forever. don't let your life be defined by busting one (or anything else) and you'll be fine.

>> No.15803118

I'm on some 2 week nofap streak, cuz I've been busy and tired all the time that I just don't have time to even think about fapping. Now when I get more free time I want to do other stuff than fap since holy shit how the time has just gone by so fast these past weeks with uni and family related stuff, plus going out with friends since they left for military now.

>> No.15803170

shitposting on biz but "no time" to go after your primal urges. yeah right. sounds pretty asexual to me.

>> No.15803195

that's not because of no fap you were over excited for sex, since you didn't have in years don't worry dude next time you won't feel the same way

>> No.15803207
File: 25 KB, 679x679, 51ikrQ3aR0L._UX679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally seen this copypasted thread multiple times this week.

All of these negative threads are literally the JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense League) astroturfing all of social media pretending to be "fellow whites" talking about how they're giving up. They come in bunches. Look at the board right now. Mutiple demoralization threads made in the last few hours. The point is that they repeat this shit so much and so often that they think it will catch on and normal happy people will be infected by it.

If you think I am joking or that this is just a "conspiracy theory" take a look around the board right now. Any time you see a thread like this, take a look at the other threads on the board, and you will likely see several.

This shit is real and people are not paying attention to the fact that they are in a literal war with racists who are using real organized psychological warfare to harm them.

>> No.15803208 [DELETED] 
File: 622 KB, 800x1101, 56049264_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you do nofap or visit a prostitute when there are pure, loyal and cute (2d) princesses who, too, want to experience bodily warmth and sensual touches, Anon? There's no shame wanting to make an emotionally and physically sensitive girl feel good and give her a (loving) first experience. What are you waiting for? (Don't forget that you /will/ have to marry her, be it monogamous or polygamous, after taking her v-card.)

Also: Nice copypasta

>> No.15803219

Nofap extremists are retarded, every few days is the key and trying to fap to as extreme shit

>> No.15803231

Fapping to 2d is basically making sure you'll forever be a virgin fuck that

>> No.15803250

>jew demoralization thread spotted

>> No.15803270

thank you

>> No.15803345
File: 17 KB, 200x200, 233927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally seen this copypasted thread multiple times this week.

All of these negative threads are literally the JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense League) astroturfing all of social media pretending to be "fellow whites" talking about how they're giving up. They come in bunches. Look at the board right now. Mutiple demoralization threads made in the last few hours. The point is that they repeat this shit so much and so often that they think it will catch on and normal happy people will be infected by it.

If you think I am joking or that this is just a "conspiracy theory" take a look around the board right now. Any time you see a thread like this, take a look at the other threads on the board, and you will likely see several.

This shit is real and people are not paying attention to the fact that they are in a literal war with racists who are using real organized psychological warfare to harm them.

>> No.15803355

Get oit chink. No one is buying it anymore. Go post on asain masculinity

>> No.15803367

Take ur lithium schizos. Have sex incels.
Discuss business and finance related things, idiots.

>> No.15803403

what does jdif has to do with nofap?
aside from both being retarded...

>> No.15803444
File: 397 KB, 599x800, 1564328607976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repeat pasta thread
please proceed to promptly kys (metaphorically)


>> No.15803512

you literally posted this fucking thread like 2 days ago. gonna have to call out jewish shilling here. there is some glow in the dark CIA niggardry going on here.