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15802948 No.15802948[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you live in the present? Do you enjoy every moment of the present without caring about the past and the future? Are you in peace right at this very moment? I am not and never was. I always reflect on the past and always imagine a better me, a better life, a better everything in the future since a child and my life is basically racing away without me truly have living it. Why is that?

>> No.15802988

because you and me and 90% of the world population aren't rich fags or in a good company or state position. the mahority of men live off of paid labor, which means they are slaves.

>> No.15803004
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All of these negative threads are literally the JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense League) astroturfing all of social media pretending to be "fellow whites" talking about how they're giving up. They come in bunches. Look at the board right now. Mutiple demoralization threads made in the last few hours. The point is that they repeat this shit so much and so often that they think it will catch on and normal happy people will be infected by it.

If you think I am joking or that this is just a "conspiracy theory" take a look around the board right now. Any time you see a thread like this, take a look at the other threads on the board, and you will likely see several.

This shit is real and people are not paying attention to the fact that they are in a literal war with racists who are using real organized psychological warfare to harm them.

>> No.15803031

Funny thing is i even reached every goal i set myself including finances but the calmness and piece didnt last. Instead of enjoying what i have and start living i want more and more and i start living again in the future. I realised im mentally ill at this point. Its not even greed but its somewhat an instict deep inside of me to not kill myself i think. Life cant be this. There must be something greater out there to achieve because if i dont tell myself this then i get suicidal for whatever reason. Its an ego problem.

>> No.15803040

Imagine believing this. Ignorace must be bliss. I wish i could spend my time on shizo topics for the rest of my life

>> No.15803042

there's probably something about your physical appearance that bothers you. if that's the case, fix that and this way of thinking should go away

>> No.15803054

I'm 100% at peace when playing video games. I was born and will die a gamer.

>> No.15803072

Based schizo

>> No.15803081

>there's probably something about your physical appearance that bothers you.
Funny that you mention that, how did you know? I am not ugly but i suffer from fitness related body dysmorphia. Its similar to money. Its never enough. I strive to reach level of leanness which are simply not maintanable without steroids and i suffer mentally from the effects of this. >trying to maintain perfect conditions. I wanna break free from this cycle.

>> No.15803200

Try having severe scoliosis. No matter how much I work out I'll always be deformed

>> No.15803226
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>> No.15803242

> it's not even greed
it's definitely greed, my fren. read the bible and talk to priest/pastor. the seven sins are wide spread mental illnesses every man can get they come and go and it's normal they try to aquire your heart and soul. it's a constant fight to ban them. when was the last time you did something not for yourself but entirely for others? a dollar for the homeless guy at the train station, talking with old and lonely folks in the local retirement castle, a smile for the depressed cashier at wal mart, ... the deadly sins are very dangerous (even if you're atheist) because they are 1) hard to spot, 2) hard to fight and 3) can infect you again and again - the cure is always temporary. cont.

>> No.15803264

Stupid cock sucking Jewish manlet faggots!!