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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15797445 No.15797445 [Reply] [Original]

I see all those NPC buying stocks now after 11 years of bull market, they will get WIPED OUT

protect yourself and don't be an ADHD idiot because you sit on cash for 48h.

I don't get it, why people never learn and prefer to be wiped out ?



>> No.15797464


>> No.15797468


only the beginning

>> No.15797473


>> No.15797477


>> No.15797500


>> No.15797533

yes please fuck boomers

>> No.15797537


>> No.15797551

Sorry freind, but bumping your own thread does nothing

>> No.15797563

I don't see any normies rushing to buy stocks. Where do you see normies rushing to buy stocks?

>> No.15797574
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This is good for linkies.

>> No.15798101

I am seeing and hearing rumbles too, houses not selling, companies laying off staff

>> No.15798122
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Lack of liquidity due to usd monetary base shrinking.

>> No.15798132

Remember the age old lesson. BUY HIGH SELL LOW

>> No.15798142


>> No.15798155
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I'm ready.

>> No.15798172

What effect do you think fresh rounds of Currency wars are going to have?

>> No.15798204
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It's gonna take everything down with it. Even at low leverage we're in for a shitstorm. Btc and gold everything will drop 50% or more

>> No.15798263

The monetary base is expanding quicker than ever, it's because we are constantly getting poorer due to inflation

>> No.15798333

I've had an inkling that we're long overdue for a recession... good times don't last forever. So should I pull my money out of stocks right now and wait for the fall

>> No.15798363

It’s always so refreshing to reaffirm the notion we do live in a constant dystopia

>> No.15798365

So what’re you saying?
I should sell my McDonald’s and Pepsi stocks, I shoul sell my MasterCard and Merck? I should take my losses, pay my taxes, and just settle for being poor?

>> No.15798666

>Btc and gold everything will drop 50% or more
What is there that is save if EVERYTHING drops 50%?

>> No.15798702
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Not at all


The monetary base started collapsed the same week than bitcoin ath was reached.
Satoshi stopped qe infinity & cashless society for the moment.

Now we are in the calm before the storm the qe wave is going back to the ocean and some companies are naked with their privates exposed.

>Btc and gold everything will drop 50% or more

BTC only , look in the bogged chart above of the fed and look at btc rallies , the fact that btc collapsed on the same week liquidity started dropping shows that gold price is being supressed with paper gold.

BTC usage as wire system means it can't be supressed and won't be and this year we did 4x already with a shrinking monetary base.

BTC won't moon but will defend a stable 8k-13k until quantitative easing is restarted due to unrest.
Then having a lower inflation than all fiat currencies it will be pumped outside of the solar system due to the momentum that qe will give it.

>> No.15798735

you dumb fuck there is always money to be made if you can predict the market change. if you're so sure of a Financial crisis why not short the fucking banks. want a good advice start shorting french companies that's what the big boys are doing.

>> No.15798952

This is the horror of a deflationary collapse, just the opposite of what we’ve had for 11 years where everything went up. What goes up now is usd bonds. Yes they go up further, way further.

>> No.15798969


>> No.15798978

I agree but it's gonna happen in 8 months

>> No.15799042

tell me why french compagnies are fucked ?

>> No.15799227

Gold isn't going up like it should because most people have been indoctrinated by the fiat system. Once fiat shits the bed like it always has is when gold prices will soar.

>> No.15800254
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>> No.15800512
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>> No.15800571

>Media Reports on Financial Doom & Gloom
>Everybody takes the bait and looses their minds

Yawn. 6 Months later and everything has stabilised.

>> No.15800756
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My man. How many oz. U have in silver and yellow?

>> No.15801142

Ok dumb question.

I just moved 20K out of equities and have it sitting as cash. Why is this a bad idea? I keep hearing that having cash is bad when going into a recession but logically, isn't this the best play? With cash on the sidelines I can buy that fucken dip.

Is the way I see it.

>> No.15801167

I have a good amount of cash that I think I will invest in real estate during the next crash, been watching foreclosure acutions for good deals.

>> No.15801510

Why even look now? We are at peak prices. Nowhere to go but down, even in San Francisco.

>> No.15801525
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What are you trying to tell us lucifer?

>> No.15801553
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That your soul belongs to God.

>> No.15801561
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How many bonds to make it?

>> No.15801582

I know this. I want my family to be safe dammit. We still owe a lot of money on our house.

>> No.15801627
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The US will be the last man standing. Global capital flight will all end up in US markets. US Treasuries will be safe for another two years. Stay away from all other bonds. An inflationary cycle will begin in January.

Stocks and gold are both going to rise simultaneously.

Don't get out of the market until the DOW is at 33,000. Crypto might also begin another climb as global capital flight intensifies next year. Expect further deflation and volatility until the end of this year. It is a buying opportunity.

OP is right...the wheels are going to come off the bus, but it is going to be a sovereign debt and bond crisis....expect another emergency bretton woods type meeting within the next 4 years.

There is going to be a flight to safety into US equities.

>> No.15801692

is the fed still pumping the repo market with bailouts?

>> No.15801712
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The most Jewish trick in the book besides usury is inflation. By saving your money your literally losing money. FUCK.

>> No.15801761

your virgin US markets, stocks, crypto get left out in the rain
only chad gold and chad silver will make it

>> No.15801777

did interrupt our doomsday circle jerk

>> No.15801783

I trade on adderall and weed all the time, its the biz way

>> No.15802389

During a recession inflation goes up so any cash you have sitting and not invested will lose a lot of value, but same if it's invested. Is a lose-lose situation unless your the elite and can buy and sell children as their price is relatively stable and fixed.