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15793063 No.15793063 [Reply] [Original]

I just received word from one of my higher ups to prepare for a rollout of a country-wide digital Rand. Apparently the goal is to have the digital Rand used by most if not all the banks here, as a way to transact quicker and with less cost.
This digital Rand will be issued on a public blockchain and all transactions will be traceable on a public ledger.
I researched a bit and there is no breaking news about this yet, but I did see that there were some articles from months ago hinting that this was coming.
Ask me anything and I'll try to answer without revealing too much before the news comes out officially.

>> No.15793135

how do i profit from this OP

>> No.15793140


Are you a Boer?

>> No.15793209

Wait for the official announcement, I have a feeling it will change the cryptosphere as a whole. A central bank issuing digital currency on a public ledger will finally give some legitimacy to the utility of blockchain as a whole.

Nope, I live in a very urban place.

>> No.15793273

Zar network. Powered by Fantom.

This happened thanks to Andre's connections to the South African financial sector.

>> No.15793291

Isn't this literally what fantom is doing

>> No.15793330

I am a great white shark living off the coast of south Africa. Can confirm this is fantom

>> No.15793360

Is it Fantom then OP? Also, what's a Rand?

>> No.15793418

Not sure who Andre is haha.

I won't confirm or deny any names, but the digital Rand will be issued on a public blockchain and not a private instance of blockchain.

Rand is the currency we use here in South Africa.

>> No.15793435

Also I'd like to clarify that I just found out about this today, so I don't have all the info yet on rollout time.
I also am a little new to crypto and the idea of it, so the idea that SA is open to adopting it is intriguing to me.

>> No.15793454


>> No.15793509

He’s not asking If you’re a farmer
He’s asking you if you’re white or not

>> No.15793538

Aren't you all being genocided by niggers?
They have no need for crypto, just your white women.

>> No.15793589

Sounds like some ftm shit lol. What info CAN you give/share?

>> No.15793606
File: 63 KB, 748x749, nathan kirsch funding EFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell is about the racial situation where you are.

Isn't the EFF getting ready to genocide the Whites there? Aren't they funded by (((the chosen)))

>> No.15793638

I always consider the term for farmers specifically. You can be white and an Afrikaner.

It's been in testing for a while. the idea is not new and has been in concept for years. Initial tests were done on a private instance of a blockchain called Ethereum but there were latency and tps issues, so this year the big guys were looking for something better and now found one.
It'll also be a slow rollout with some banks first to make sure everything goes smoothly.

>> No.15793651

Well fantom is a public blockchain and the banking mainnets are also open access where the public can validate transactions for rewards. Sounds like this could be fantom

>> No.15793689

You seem genuine and not a LARP but I’ll explain why this won’t work and unlikely to happen in SA.
1. corrupt massively indebted government that wants a currency it can produce unlimited amounts of.
2. Instability , inflation and speculation would make pricing of goods and services a literal nightmare
3. The cost of mining a “limited supply” crypto as a sovereign legal tender would be overwhelming and prohibitably costly in a country were electricity supply is unreliable and has black outs.
4. How would banks even be able to create crypto for loans as they do with fiat now, what happens to existing loans and debt.
Absolutely ZERO chance.

>> No.15793692

racism is still very prevalent here, for both sides. I don't think the topic is covered enough on the news globally and locally but it's not at the point where any genocide will happen anytime soon. it's like an unspoken thing where everyone knows it exists but rarely acknowledges it.

>> No.15793745

You are very mistaken about what a digital Rand actually entails... it is not creating something out of thin air. Every digital Rand will be backed 1 for 1 with a Rand that is in a treasury and cannot be circulated unless a digital Rand is redeemed and vice versa.

All a digital Rand is doing is simplifying transactions for businesses and banks by reducing time and cost. It is not meant to replace the Rand.

>> No.15793798

Yeah so buy fantom to stop white genocide is what you're saying good sir?

>> No.15793801

>This digital Rand will be issued on a public blockchain and all transactions will be traceable on a public ledger.
who mines the coin/token?
you realize that if it's not using proof of work to mint coins it's a clear scam

>> No.15793844

there is no need to mine this coin.
How it works is, a set amount of Rand is placed in an account in reserves, and the same amount of said coin is minted in an instant.
The amount of coin that is minted and corresponds to the locked away Rand is circulatory, while the Rand is not circulatory in the treasury. But the coin can be redeemed 1 for 1 with the Rand and has the same value. If a coin is redeemed for Rand, the coin will then be taken out of circulation and the Rand will be circulatory again.
Does this help explain it?

>> No.15793858

Isn't this how it used to work with the gold standard? What's stopping them suspending the requirement for the "locked away" hard currency at some point in the future and instantly minting however much eRand they choose?

>> No.15793868

so they're making a security
doesn't really change much, other than creates an extra fee if you're converting between the ledger traced coin and the actual money
Tether is only good because you can hide a billion dollars inside your metamask and the IRS can NEVER trace it to you

>> No.15793880

that's what happens with tether
they only have 80% of the circulating supply

>> No.15793887

>be government
>say that the digital rand is backed 1:1
>decide to not actuallly back it 1:1

>> No.15793899

All in Fantom. We are going to the moons of Vahalla.

>> No.15793905

this is why having gold certificates and not the actual physical gold is fucking retarded
>be government
>say you have 1:1 gold to certificate
>sell a ton of certificates
>only have 80% of the 'gold' you sold
then down the line this number can just change on a fucking whim
>we only have 50% on our reserve... don't worry, people are not going to withdraw all at once !

>> No.15793910

Finally accumulated one million on this latest dip, feels comfy man.

What's with the 500kUSD buy orders? Order books look crazy

>> No.15793916

S. Africa is in top 5 Nations in terms of bitcoin search interest and has been so for a year

>> No.15793962

There will be periodical audits to ensure that the "locked away" Rand matches up to the digital Rand.
Also if the central bank decides to lie about the reserves you can consider this country dead.

A digital Rand will actually simplify a lot of things here. From paying goods to sending money between banks. The transaction fees for sending a digital Rand will be very small, pretty much negligible from what I'm told. Think cents per transaction, which would be a 100-1000x decrease in cost.

I don't know everything about Tether but I heard it was shady with the reporting/audits.
Audits for the digital Rand will show 100% backing and no fishy business. It's supposed to be professional and endorsed by the central bank, so no mistakes.

>> No.15793974

Sounds exactly like the thing our head of marketing at FTM has been saying desu

>> No.15793979

G..g...g...guys, could it be AlgoRAND? don't know much about it or if this is the type of thing they could be doing....

>> No.15793989

>You seem genuine and not a LARP but I’ll explain why this won’t work and unlikely to happen in SA.
>1. corrupt massively indebted government that wants a currency it can produce unlimited amounts of.

This applies to America too fren.

>> No.15793991

FTM at what maximum value could this come with?
It is one of the few projects where I have an eye on its future price.
Personally I think that FTM has the ability to enter the top 30 and I even dare to say that I could reach the top 20

>> No.15794032

It works in America because our gov has the power to keep the charade going

>> No.15794079

Yeah right until it doesn't.

>> No.15794113

Sure, until it doesn’t. I don’t doubt that it will happen one day. But the USA is going to keep on truckin for the foreseeable future despite all its issues

>> No.15794234

Yeah top twenty. A national currency on a blockchain is a huge deal. It might be the biggest partnership in crypto.

>> No.15794249

would this kill xrp?

>> No.15794274

Not sure XRP is working with US banks like PNC. It’s a big move by Fantom I think there’s room for plenty of movers.

>> No.15794309
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Any word about it being tied to a social currency system like china uses for its social media etc?
Any news on plans to phase out physical currencies yet? Probably one step at a time.

>> No.15794348

Nope, no info about it being tied to social media stuff. It's solely a complement to the physical Rand.
In the future who knows if the physical Rand is phased out, but as of now it seems it would be far away if it were to even happen. A digital currency is still very new.

Also to anyone talking about specific crypto coins, I will not confirm or deny any names.
I'd rather discuss the implications of this happening (i.e. how it would affect the economy of SA, or even other countries if they were to also adopt a digital currency).

I'm excited about the concept because it's showing that SA is open to tech innovation and moving forward.

>> No.15794363
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>> No.15794407

Ftm will minimum 10x off this. Here you go you shit birds here more proof.


>> No.15794440

Will foreign currencies (ie USD) be able to be exchanged internationally for this digital rand or will it be kept quarantined to SA area only during initial widespread testing?
The first stock exchange that begins using digital currency will change the game in a blink of the eye.
The potential for laundering, digitilizing, transfers etc could cause an economic boom seeing as how the rand is a widely accepted currency if everywhere that accepts normal rands will accept digital then either other digital currencies will be rolled out to keep pace and/or the rand will once more become a global mainstay currency just due to being digital.

It seems like the main bet the central SA banks are taking here is that while the option is present to trade digiRand for physical rands, theyre betting the majority wont bother or want to.

>> No.15794534

SA used to have a renowned military industrial complex, its too bad.

>> No.15794538

Sold because of Binance Ban where can burgers get this shit now?

>> No.15794588


>> No.15794671

Aweeee bru

Ok, so how’s it? Is it!
i need a bancaccount to put the money i make there and spent. Now i pay These crazy 50$ transfer to european bank wtf. Where do i go?

>> No.15794710

>wants to discuss future implications of concept
>jets out of thread

>> No.15794768

Is is all an elaborate Fantom shill fuck off

>> No.15794771

I chilled my Uber driver chainlink haha, hope that guy bought and hold!

How many story’s came about taxi drivers going multimilionaire

>> No.15794862

Njgger cant even grasp currency of ANY kind.
White people in large still dont get crypto.
This will be fun to watch

>> No.15794878

>so this year the big guys were looking for something better and now found one.
Do you know which public chain the big boys have settled upon using for the digital rand?

>> No.15795024


>> No.15795040

Is it going to be an ERC-20 token? using an existing blockchain? or something completely new?

>> No.15795065

>A central bank issuing digital currency on a public ledger
There have been lots of attempted projects like this, they all (((mysteriously))) get shutdown moments before release.

>> No.15795197

Whites aren't racist. Racism is a crime and crime is for black people.

>> No.15795477

Initially it will be kept strictly to SA area, it was mentioned that later on there could be cross-country transactions on the same platform if everything goes smoothly during the initial public tests.

Just woke up from a nap. Long day at work, been up since 6am and it's almost 3am now here.

Yep but not naming any names, just letting everyone know it's coming very soon.

From what I understand the blockchain will have different variants of token. So it will have interchangeable variants of the token.
But the technology is using one blockchain that is new, if that makes sense.

>> No.15795524


If you are white, have kids

>> No.15795586

I'm gonna try to steer away from race in this thread, but I personally don't see myself having kids anytime soon. Tried babysitting my niece and nephew one time and it made me so damn tired after an hour.

>> No.15795624
File: 1.98 MB, 192x192, 1F56649F-7BCF-4042-B580-10F0493F63C3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is true how the FUCK is fantom only a 20 mil market cap? Absolutely fucking nuts

>> No.15795652

Just took a look at the team.

No women. No blacks. Just ugly and serious looking white and Asian men.

This coin is no bullshit. I’m gonna start accumulating.

>> No.15795655

Has Fantom mainnet even launched?

>> No.15795696

There will be many fantom mainnets built for different entities and purposes and each if those mainnets will use native FTM from the same total supply for validatitor nodes, staking and paying tx fees (gas)

>> No.15795780


>> No.15795794

Couple weeks anon

>> No.15795811

OP needs to prove he is a risk analyst amd not some incel with ftm bags. Post part of a leyyer head or a book related to risk analyst. You got to have something in the office to prove it.

>> No.15795887

Can't you just tell us a litttttle bit what one it is? Come on bro. I'm stupid.
This is very interesting though. I sincerely hope it happens. You think there's much chance of them suddenly backing out?

>> No.15795900

still miles better than any bank

>> No.15795904

Fantom fags. Why definitely FTM and not this?
Please help a retard out. How many open public ledger blockchains are out there? I thought FTM is built on ethereum any way?

>> No.15795906
File: 309 KB, 1536x2048, EFY0l3tXkAAIVqC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic is from a few weeks ago when I attended a conference with the Central Bank of Eswatini (not related to what this thread is about).
Redacted some personal info just for privacy reasons.

>> No.15795914

Was trying to link to anon who said algorand. Can't even link properly. Guise pls. I'm drowning in my own saliva here

>> No.15795920

Literally Tether which is great for bitcoin

>> No.15795925

Because sooner or later it will collapse with no survivors as people escape to pow coins with low inflation

>> No.15795958

It's been ready for a while but they don't want to release until a couple of other features are ready to release along with it. Unlike some projects which rushed to release mainnet that sits as a ghost town

>> No.15796011

It will happen 100%. When I say it will happen I am talking about the issuance of a state-backed digital Rand.
Private trials have been going on for a year at least, and the results were good. Now that the central bank found a better blockchain than Ethereum, they are confident that public testing can start.

>> No.15796077

Well thanks for the best thread in a long while OP.
I have heard a few people talk about moving to SA lately. Maybe things are looking up for you guys.
I was convinced all the landowners there were going to get murdered like a year ago.

>> No.15796081

If you guys would like to do more research, this article was posted just now.

"In a letter sent to Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, Rep. French Hill (R-Ark.) and Rep. Bill Foster (D-Ill.) outline concerns they have about risks to the U.S. dollar if another country or private company creates a widely used cryptocurrency, and ask whether the central bank is looking into creating its own version."

Looks like the US got the memo. :-)
My personal feeling is that once the news is official about SA's digital Rand, it may be worldwide news due to the implications it has on the future of the country, as well as cryptocurrency.

>> No.15796112

you're pretty cool risk-analyst bro. i'm going to believe your larp and dig deeper into this.

>> No.15796122

In the 1980s South Africa was a nuclear power.

>> No.15796129

That's a shill web site that was shilled here a few weeks ago. Probably by you.

>> No.15796146

Dumb cunt

>> No.15796152
File: 44 KB, 480x338, 1538049691799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's chinese and Russians. Sounds pretty based desu.

>> No.15796221

Fantom is going to explode like an incel cock faping to trap porn. $1 EOY

>> No.15796369

for sure

>> No.15796391

If the audits are public and transparent, sure they can be legit
but don't just automatically think central banks make it professional and trustworthy, let's not forget that the current system of just printing whatever the fuck they want is not professional or coherent or based on any real mathematic principle/ protocol, they literally just YOLO it

>> No.15796411

So will there be an API developed for this? If so...

>> No.15796418

doesn't matter man. it's all a scam anyways. fiat isn't going anywhere, they'll just adopt the next system. what's important is who is facilitating that system and what can you do to profit off it.

>> No.15796428

Dude that a photo off a website. You need to post something around you on paper that proves you are a risk analyst. Obviously you would have a manual of codes etc in your office if you were. If you cant post the front cover of one with a biz marked todays date then sorry you are larping.

>> No.15796447

Its just another way to represent ownership you fucking dumbass. Its a coin instead of paper. Paper money also does not get mined.

>> No.15796466

You people need to get the Chinks out and fast.
They will tank your economy and rob you blind.
This digital roll out will be just to track the money and shit. Exactly how the CCP does it in China.

>> No.15796568

I just read this whole thread again. It was a whole elaborate shill this guy played us.

>> No.15796579

I get that.
But yeah there will be audits so the public can verify that the gov isn't just printing money out of thin air. Also that's the beauty of blockchain and having a public ledger.

Can you direct me to where I got that photo from?

It's 5:30 in the morning here. I'm off to bed as I have a long day ahead of me in a few hours. If this thread is still up later on in the day I will be glad to have more discussion.

>> No.15797111

Mining is just a gimmick. There's absolutely no reason for this feature except arbitrarily slowing down the creation of the currency.

>> No.15797148

I live in Cape Town and this is all pretty exciting if true. How long a time frame are we looking at here OP?

>> No.15797204


>> No.15797650


but only a white can actually produce food on a farm.

>> No.15797703

Why the heck would you be excited about a fully traceable currency ledger with the capacity for unlimited instantaneous inflation being in the hands of the south african government? You want all your savings inflated into dust, all transactions blocked because you posted on this racist white supremacist anime website, your investments and property confiscated with a button click?

>> No.15797901


Fake larp.

Any south afrikaner knows boers are dutch ancestry, not just "farmers". You either boer or anglo


Fuck niggers

>> No.15797980

Aren't the current South African government a Communist one that try to take away people's private lands?

>> No.15798064


so it’s basically just like USDT aka Tether

>> No.15798199

That's interesting and further fuels the fantom idea as the zar coin specifically focusses across other countries as well such as Botswana, Namibia etc...

>> No.15798276

>Audits for the digital Rand will show 100% backing and no fishy business. It's supposed to be professional and endorsed by the central bank, so no mistakes.

>Trusting ZA government

>> No.15798682

Fokoff poes

Boere have several ancestral heritages. Dutch is most prominent but theres also French, germanic and some slav.

Youre borderline retarded if you think it was just one single group of whites who came down here to civilize the chimps

>> No.15798719

>new to the idea of crypto
>posts on /biz/
sage this larp

>> No.15798746

ITT: people falling for algorand larp shill

>> No.15798895

All good, naps build suspense lol

Hmm this seems like something you keep and do trial runs of on private controls to keep a low profile prior to launch. If a central bank is putting its chips in on such a thing like this you know damn well security above all else was priority number 1.

SA is still a global agricultural powerhouse, not to mention a petridish of sorts for testing various social and economic ideas, plans, and agendas. Always has been especially macrosocial engineering experiments. Not many decades ago did the rand rival the usd and pound so the potential boom behind being the first central bank backed cryptocurrency in addition to the implications of a digital currency makes sense itd have the US closely monitoring. Without mentioning the recent large influx of chinese presence within all parts of SA.

Fuck, I think it just clicked for me.
The idea is to elevate the value of the digi version of a currency higher than that of the physical version by having a set limited amount of the digi, so in time as the digi becomes more useful with there being only a set amount of digi partitioned off from the oversaturated physical that its based/backed of the digi's value will slowly rise above its foundation currency while never dipping below the physical foundations base value.
As the physical currency amount in circulation continues to increase as long as the digi's doesnt increase at the same rate the digi should stay above the physi.
Its a global debt solution via exploit combined with the desired switch from physical to digital currencies.
The type of shit we in the US would false flag ourselves to go to war over.

>> No.15798939
File: 81 KB, 600x600, south-african-krugerrand-gold-coin-20140407105440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prevents counterfitting.
Big issue for anything thats not usd with its autistic holographix.

Theyre making a newage digital Krugerrand basically.
Its an economic systems test.
South America will implement a version of this system next probably much more shitty version but nevertheless.

>> No.15799268

How long before they outlaw physical cash? I imagine lots of people rely on physical cash in SA still but that didn't stop India recently. I do believe something like this is inevitably the future of currency since it ticks all the right boxes for the government. Any government would love to have a permanent record of every transaction ever, no way to hide from the tax man.

>> No.15799328
File: 1.63 MB, 2354x772, centbee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sirs, imagine not knowing

>> No.15799474

Unironically Fantom is getting where Ethereum failed.
First government backed stablecoin, the writings are on the wall.
I'll eat my own dick if Fantom is not in the top 20 in a year's time.

>> No.15799580


>> No.15799971

Algorand having a similar name doesn't have anything to do with the ZAR. If you look up the few most recent Fantom medium articles there's a direct mention of a South African bank using a fantom statheros stablecoin mainnet coming soon. This was kept quiet until regulatory approval was given and everything is now on track, assumably the bank is now doing internal testing on a private network and as soon as they and the fantom team are sure things are working 100% perfectly we'll see more information with regard to how the fantom coin will be used on this network and if staking will be available to the public and so forth. Once the public fantom mainnet with the new stairdag consensus goes live, we should see dapps being developed or ported from Ethereum. There is still a long way to go in terms of developing a huge fantom powered ecosystem, but having a financial institution with a vested interest could be fucking huge.
These markets are irrational and manipulated so this could dump hard in the coming months especially if BTC shits the bed. I'm committed to DCAing into this twice a week and have buy orders set in case of sudden drops.
I don't have a final amount of money I want to have in FTM, I just want to stack as much of it as I can so I can sell decent amounts when it inevitably starts to rise again.
I know people larp a lot here, believe me if you want, doesn't matter. I made most of my crypto money from mined BTC in the GPU days and trying to find good undervalued projects like this. I hit big with ETH and NEO and now I'm treating this as a fun hobby to replace my gambling addiction.
I could lose every single cent I have in FTM and I wouldn't flinch, so if you're risk averse, nobody should force-feed you the thousandth shitcoin shill pasta of the week just for asking questions.

>> No.15800068

What's the timeline for the roll out?

>> No.15800129

What a fucking joke like your going to trust a bank to back crypto lol
Let alone a fucking African bank ! Best part kek
Zimbabwe and Somalia will be next I guess
Let me go all in on the rand right fucking now sir!
You and your crony bankster safa chums need to back off the blow my man

>> No.15800159

Kek over 40 central banks currently have plans to roll out crypto fiat stable coins.

SA is only the first. It will be a domino effect.


>> No.15800605

Interesting. Also made money on ethereum. The only time I ever did off crypto.
Am I not right in thinking that FTM runs off the ethereum network itself though? And if it does shouldn't it have the same problems the bank apparently found with Ethereum?

>> No.15800705

>Its a global debt solution via exploit combined with the desired switch from physical to digital currencies.
Ĩ think you are onto something here.

>> No.15800727

When the banks start backing crypto, that's when all the pre established Cryptos will either:
Pump to the heavens
Dump to oblivion

>> No.15800755

Plans are nice. But Fantom is first.

>> No.15800767

Fantom doesnt run off of ethereum it's it's own thing. New from- scratch blog DAG architecture with aBFT (Lachesis) consensus which permits all different nodes to work on different operations at the same time vs eth where all nodes must work on same problem at once.

Consensus and finality is achieved with the highest degree in 0.7seconds.

The thing that had you confused is probably that Fantom is EVM compatible so that any dapp coded with solidity or developped for ethereum can run on Fantom without any modification

>> No.15800777

Never claimed otherwise. I'm all in fantom.

>> No.15800803

Highest degree of security*

>> No.15801131

>Fantom doesnt run off of ethereum it's it's own thing.

Or at least...it wants to be

>literally still an ERC20 token
Uh huh. There are 2 possibilities based on everything the OP has said in this thread:
>1. It’s something other than FTM, which still only yet exists as an ERC20 shittoken
>2. OP is a big fucking larping nigger
How much would you like to bet that it’s not the latter, and that This Time It’s Different:registered: ?

>> No.15801216

I thought about this all night it was just a larp to covertly shill Fantom.

>> No.15801224

Well it worked. I fucking sold LINK for this.

>> No.15801247

Are you a moron?

Any number of bespoke FTM mainnets can be launched. Interoperability smart contracts manage the supply between erc20-Native-bep2.

You are literally too dumb to figure out that what OP is describing is real and about to happen and that FTM is actually the platform it's launching on.

>> No.15801322

So when are you fags gonna buy in? My bags are heavy af

>> No.15801527

Trying to bump until larp anon comes back from his nap

>> No.15801589

Congrats you're retarded

>> No.15801661

Larp anon is still sleeping. He’s not in Africa he’s in Ohio in his moms basement. I own FTM it doesn’t need larp shills like this.

>> No.15801711

To be honest his insider news has already been said by Chen in Telegram.

>> No.15802184

Has the LARP awoken yet?

>> No.15802278

Surprised this thread is still up. Thought it'd be dead by the time I got back home.

Timeline I was given was that it would be officially announced within 2 months but the aim is by end of October.

I believe Tether is not endorsed by the US Gov, but rather issued by a private entity who claims that everything is fully-backed.

I said I was a "little new". Not actually knew. I have dabbled in crypto for a few months just for expanding my knowledge. Crypto has always intrigued me.

Exactly. Not only does a blockchain-based digital Rand lower transaction costs and speeds, it does reduce counterfeiting issues. Each digital Rand can be checked that it's legitimate by verifying the token contract address character by character.

It's a beautiful idea really and I'm stoked that it's coming.

Not anytime soon, but if a digital Rand does become successful, I can see physical cash being fazed out within 20 years.

It may sound insane but it's real and happening as we speak. Many banks and govs across the world are opening up to a blockchain-based digital currency.

>> No.15802644

Anyone not all in Fantom right now leave biz and come back when it's a dollar and whine "why I didn't know this before" and buy the top.
Literally happened with Ethereum, Antshares and plenty others.

>> No.15802669

Its a major plan backed by multiple govts and global powerplayer groups to shift from physical currency to digital in the coming years.
Its to put tech on the same pedestal religion currently is viewed upon but more so to make it so that people are unable to hold what theyve earned in their hands. It has a massive psychological impact over people that very few are aware of actually, its meant to devalue their sense of selfworth, make the masses more controllable. Well thats some of the darker flipside of this whole thing anyways not to discount the benefits though.

>> No.15802686

I bet that FTM reaches 4 dollars

>> No.15802709

If such a system is successful in SA then first world countries will take it more seriously and see it as a viable option then.
Americans arent going to give a shit if such a system of digital currency is implemented in places like south america, india, or china because itd be a confusing unrelatable shitshow to the average american trying to understand it.
But south africa is still seen as a relatable country, the nicer parts anyway.

>> No.15802769

What other cryptos fit the bill here?
Before I buy FTM I want to know what the odds of it being something else are...

>> No.15802871

Fantom literally released a medium article last week saying that they were launching a mainnet for 2 of the largest south african banks with the regulatory backing of the South African Reserve Bank. Before editing the article to something a lot more vague.

The CMO then came to the telegram and said: don't worry guys, everything from the first article is still valid but the compliance department asked me to make these changes.

>> No.15803201

Many countries are looking into somethings similar as we speak, but aren't publicly disclosing it due to the implications of working with crypto can have.

As for Americans not caring about South America, India, China... you may be right about American citizens not caring, however the US gov is deeply rooted in keeping close eyes on all other countries and their technological developments.

South Africa taking the lead in this department is only good for the economy here IMO.

>> No.15803616

I thought I was devoid of emotion due to my reinforced steel hands and shell shocked wallet but this thread has awakened a weak flutter in my heart.. dare I call it, FOMO?

>> No.15803750
File: 194 KB, 1200x900, centbee_retail_southafrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better blockchain than ethereum

I think I know which one it might be...

>> No.15803976

Just going to say that I have never heard of this blockchain before...

>> No.15803983

I think they are shilling bsv

>> No.15804106

Why is it necessary for the central bank to back the crypto with Fiat 1:1, when the Fiat is well, Fiat that they control the supply and issuance of? If South Africa is anything like the US, then the currency is issued without any backing already, and way more of it is digital in bank legers as ones and zeros than actual paper. Also this 1:1 banking would limit the ability of banks to do fractional reserve banking, which would negatively affect the profitability of banking, and the economy through reduced lending and unprofitable finance companies that are now unable to invest. Also auditing the backing of the crypto would just add a layer of complexity and cost, why wouldn't they just control the total supply of Rand and crypto and Rand in banks legers since the currency is already arbitrary? There are a few things here that don't add up to me OP. Please explain.

>> No.15804129

Centbee is not a blockchain, it's a wallet company building products and retail infrastructure in South Africa on the most scalable blockchain in the world, Bitcoin SV.


>> No.15804160

Simple. In current systems, paper money is costly to move and transact with. A few dollars fee for a transaction may not seem like a lot, but it adds up when transacting millions and millions.
By issuing 1:1 parity digital money, it simplifies the whole process, from physically moving money, to the fees associated with moving said money.

>> No.15804186

I live in Cape Town, South Africa.

Stay far away from this country. Our leaders are one a mission to get our economy to do a free fall.


Ask me cape town things for proof

>> No.15804257

Is that the state of the art in South Africa? In the US banks don't typically physically ship containers of paper to each other, they credit each other digitally with money that was never physically printed as paper.

>> No.15804336

Per Wikipedia, only $915.7 billion physical coins and paper were in circulation, vs total supply of $8853 billion USD in total supply in 2010. About 10 percent was coins or paper.

>> No.15804358

Not sure what you mean; I know for a fact that in the US and all around the world, money is sent to and from banks constantly (usually via a third party as well), for example.

>> No.15804423

What I'm saying is that money is sent bank to bank, but it's not physical money, it's digital, but it's not cryptographic. So if South Africa is like the US, only 10 percent of the total circulating supply of Rand could be converted to crypto Rand under 1:1 backing with paper Rand. And this would remove all paper and coins from the circulating supply, 90 percent of the circulating supply would be non physical non crypto.

>> No.15804504

Have you given your land to them yet, you know its the right thing to do.

Wanneer gaan julle fokken wakker word en opstaan vir julleself? Ekt gewaai, fok die ANC daar is nie hoop nie.

>> No.15804522

Ex saffer here - genocide will systematically, not overnight like rhodesia.

In your lifetime, afrikaners will no longer have a culture, a language or any history. There will be very few traces that they ever existed. Just like rhodesians today.

>> No.15804536

EFF is actually mostly funded by China, not like it matters because both sides will kill white people for profit, Chinese just don't make up moral justifications for it.

>> No.15804541

They won't get murdered or slaughtered. It will not happen like rhodesia, everyone knows that. It will be like a cancer that eats away at the body little by little until there's nothing left.

>> No.15804545

I see what you mean now.
This digital Rand rollout is not creating a 1:1 for a lot initially. It's more of a "public trial" to ensure feasibility for everyday use.

>> No.15804736

And then they made this thread.
Great scam with a lot of deniability.
It wasthe same with their partnership with "the Dubai government"

>> No.15804747
File: 205 KB, 1080x1080, robo marty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came down here to civilize the chimps
kek, how'd that work out for ya...

>> No.15804779

They are listed on SEED groups website as partners... that's the sheik's own company.

>> No.15805194

This sounds like the RAND will likely see a value increase aswell...

>> No.15805230
File: 437 KB, 2730x1316, 7162AADD-6E04-45FD-9989-235AD5337887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Peg the fucking thing to anything, make it stop before we go to fucking zero arghhhhhhhhhh!!

>> No.15805732

It may due to the fact that the gov. is willing to innovate and that's a good sign.
Not saying it will, but it may.

>> No.15805749
File: 175 KB, 2564x1755, 1555566763909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invest in rand
>wait for it to become relevant again in global economy
Just go old school globalist with it instead of trying to pick which of these tease coins to dick.

>> No.15805791

>the us govt is using SA as the stress test for rolling out widespread digital currency
Not to be a dick but the biggest issue theyre testing here is to see if the masses are too stupid or not to be able to use it like they do the systems currently in place.
You know which masses I mean dont play stupid, every country has the same hurdle just in its own unique regional stereotype.

Americas digital hurdle will be our massive street drug problem and I dont really see anyway a tracked currency is going to make its way into that market except for where it already has.

>> No.15806875

I can’t believe this thread is still going. So many feels. Have 150k should I add to my stack? Will it drop sub .01 ? This South Africa thing is such a curve ball all the hype was focused on Dubai and this is maybe bigger. Wew

>> No.15807173

We feel your pain and see it happening beyond SA.

>> No.15808207

Michael Chen from fantom is slowly leaving and launching his own shitcoin.

>> No.15809181

Is the central bank going to be the sole responsible for updating the ledger?
Are banks going to play a role in the digital rand?

>> No.15809203

Its kinda a good thing when it comes to Afrikaans culture though. There is very little Afrikaans "culture" worth preserving.

>> No.15809969

Good attempt, try again