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15785842 No.15785842 [Reply] [Original]

i dont feel like if i picked something, a specific job or business endeavour - i would go all in and manage pretty well.
but like.... i have no interests apart from videogames and music. all i do is play videogames and listen to music and nothing else interests me in life outside of that...
I have 86 linkies and am dirt poor, but that doesn't bother me.
but like, aren't i supposed to do something with my life? im ok with being poor and having no job but i don't know how much longer this can go on.
>inb4 neet

>> No.15785854

so you are aware link is going to the moon and you only have accumulated 86 links? smelly larp or just a complete dumb faggot

>> No.15785858

> 86 link
Third worlder confirmed. Kys might be the best option

>> No.15785909
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You have to just stop playing video games and throw yourself into something. That could be a new job a new bussiness idea or anything that you have to work at everyday. You might not make any money at first and it will probably be overwhelming and shitty. Your brain is used to the dopamine rush of video games. Its going to take time and it's going to suck but in a couple years you will be glad you did it. Even if you dont become successful at what you do you can use that experience in your next endeavour.

>> No.15785916

i live in australia
wait it was 99, but that was about $400 (AUD) i paid over the times
how much money (USD) have you poured into link?
also yeah i need to be buying more if I don't really know what to do with my life

>> No.15785989

i understand the idea of taking responsibility, but my whole idea of life is I don't like wasting time doing things I don't want to do.
If I were to get a job, I'd probably work for the military - knowing full well its a hard job, but because I want to challenge myself.
But one condition of the military is you have to be drug free, so every time I think about it that's always a factor in my decision.
I'm not addicted to anything nor is anything I take dangerous for my health - but it's one of the cool things in life I live for, the experiences I get.
I've never taken something 2 days in a row, nor do I do anything that is directly harmful to my health / gonna fuck me up.
I just like to indulge in some chemicals every now and then.
But yeah, I'm not sure if theres any ways to money I could get in a martial art, but thats another thing that I would like to do. Something challenging that actually matters in some way. I'm sick of the money system and a job's importance or challenge being based on how much money it makes.
Also, don't get me wrong - I could drop the videogames and the drugs in one instant and throw myself straight into the military, but it would take time to make that decision to jump off the deep end.

>> No.15786017

Start cleaning pools and open up your own biz.

>> No.15786846

I have a high prestige job and girlfriend
It has caused me more stress than when I was NEET gamer

I'm more suicidal now and surrounded by normalfags whos conversations I have to awkwardly listen to for 12 hours a day

I don't know if I made the right decision to try and live the normalfags lifestyle. Maybe autists and depressed people should just play vidya and chill.

Lifes a scam anyway

>> No.15787155

the secret is realising that it all doesnt matter, and thats a good thing.
do what you want.
>learn about the ego death
>work towards ego death without drugs (unless you wanna take them, up to you)

>> No.15787928

I will watch when I get home from work. I have been meditating and studying reality a lot lately

in the past 10 years I think the happiest I have ever been is when I took acid and reality seemed to be perfect for a few moments

I can't do drugs now thanks to my job so it's like a massively fun part of existence is now closed off to me

>> No.15788074

OP review video games on YouTube

>> No.15788177

These demoralization threads are posted by foreign actors to make young men feel weak and depressed. Don't listen to them and notice how there are several other demoralization threads being posted at once. Once you are aware of them, they cannot hurt you anymore.